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Pipeline Template Design


At present, our Pipeline template includes two pre-defined templates and one user-defined template. The two pre-defined templates are defined by the console and can hardly be changed. The user-defined template is equivalent to re-editing an empty Pipeline template, completely losing the function of template - REUSE. Even though we now have the function of copying Pipeline, but we still can't solve the problem of Pipeline template:

  • The Pipeline template should be managed, like adding, modifying and deleting.
  • The Pipeline template shall have flexible input parameters, and system can generate the corresponding Pipeline execution definition, Jenkinsfile or others, according to the input and template.

Use cases

  • Official pre-defined template

    Users can easily use the official pre-defined templates, such as build of Maven project, to easily build their own projects without having to configure and debug from scratch. Of course, we need to provide enough flexible parameters to meet customized requirements, such as the URL of source code.

  • User-defined template

    Each company has its own unique Pipelines, but the Pipeline configuration of projects within the company may be similar. Users can customize their own Pipeline template to improve the efficiency of the team.


  • Template CRD is provided to allow users to add, modify and delete Pipeline templates by themselves.
  • Implement admission webhook to validate Template CRs.
  • Improve Pipeline CRD and provide template associated fields.
  • Improve Pipeline reconciler and automatically generate Jenkinsfile defined in PipelineSpec.
  • Provide rich official pre-defined templates.


  • Provide Cluster wide Pipeline template. We could implement this feature in the future.
  • Provide Template version management. Version management is too complex and difficult to implement currently. Do we really need it?
  • Use CEL to validate Template parameters. Due to the need to introduce new dependencies, simple validation can be realized.


We are going to implement Pipeline template by creating a CRD. The kind of CRD is Template, and the version of CRD is The following is an example of the corresponding CR:

kind: Template # Or ClusterTemplate
  name: my-template
  namespace: my-devops-project # ignored if kind is ClusterTemplate
  annotations: Gradle Project deploy backend, gradle, java, docker Gradle Test, Build and Deploy
    - name: gitCloneURL
      description: What is your repository URL you want to clone?
      type: string # ignorable
        expression: "matches()"
        message: "Please input a correct URL."
    - name: revision
      description: Which revision do you want to clone from?
      default: "main" # Valid JSON value
    - name: buildOnly
      description: Do we really need build stage only?
      default: false # Valid JSON value
      type: bool
    - name: matrix
      description: Matrix versions of gradle
      type: string-array
      default: [ "6.9.1-jdk11", "7.0.0-jdk11", "7.3.3-jdk11" ]

  template: | # Written in Go template
    pipeline {
        agent {
            kubernetes {
            inheritFrom 'gradle'
                containerTemplate {
                    name 'gradle'
                    image 'gradle:7.3.3-jdk11'
        stages {
            stage('Checkout') {
                steps {
                    checkout poll: false, scm: [$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], extensions: [[$class: 'CloneOption', depth: 1, noTags: true, reference: '', shallow: true], [$class: 'SubmoduleOption', depth: 1, disableSubmodules: false, parentCredentials: false, recursiveSubmodules: true, reference: '', shallow: true, trackingSubmodules: false]], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: '{{ .params.gitCloneURL }}']]]
            {{if not .buildOnly}}

            stage('Gradle Check') {
                steps {
                    container('gradle') {
                        sh 'gradle check'

            stage('Gradle Build') {
                steps {
                    container('gradle') {
                        sh 'gradle build -x test'

            stage('Archive Assets') {
                steps {
                    archiveArtifacts '**/build/libs/*.jar'

Parameter Definition

Field Type Description Default Value
name string Name of parameter. The name needs to conform to the go template specification -
description string Description of the parameter ""
default json.Value Default value of the parameter. If the default value is set, this parameter is optional; otherwise, the parameter is required nil
type string Type of the parameter. We look forwad to supporting more types in the future string
validation Validation The validation configuration of the parameter includes validation expression and message nil

Validation Definition

Field Type Description Default Value
expression string The expression of the validation. Expect to follow CEL spec -
message string Message given after validation failure. -

Pipeline CRD Improvement

kind: Pipeline
  name: my-pipeline
  namespace: my-devops-project
      kind: Template # Available kind: Template(ignorable), ClusterTemplate
      name: "my-template"
      # Default namespace is equal to the Pipeline
      - name: gitCloneURL
        value: ""
      - name: revision
        value: release
      - name: buildOnly
        value: true
      - name: matrix
        value: [ "7.3.3-jdk11" ]
        # Or value: 7.3.3-jdk11
    jenkinsfile: |
      pipeline {}


  • We cannot edit Pipeline template in the graphical interface directly.

    But we can render the template and show it in the graphical interface. Just like Markdown preview.

  • Once a template is associated, it cannot be modified or deleted.

    But a template can be modified or deleted if no Pipeline associated.

  • We can only edit Pipeline template using Go template specification.