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OLM (Operator Lifecycle Management) CDI (Containerized Data Importer) integration

Table of Contents

OLM Overview

Basic Concepts

Term Description Documentation
OperatorSource Is used to define the external datastore we are using to store operator bundles
CatalogSourceConfig Is used to enable an operator present in the OperatorSource to your cluster. Behind the scenes, it will configure an OLM CatalogSource so that the operator can then be managed by OLM.
operator-registry Operator Registry runs in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster to provide operator catalog data to Operator Lifecycle Manager.
Subscription Monitors CatalogSource for updates
OperatorGroup An OperatorGroup is an OLM resource that provides rudimentary multitenant configuration to OLM installed operators.

CDI OLM manifests

  1. Generate OLM manifests
DOCKER_PREFIX=<repo> DOCKER_TAG=<docker tag> PULL_POLICY=<pull policy> VERBOSITY=<verbosity> CSV_VERSION=<CSV version> QUAY_NAMESPACE=<namespace> QUAY_REPOSITORY=<application name> make manifests

The generated final olm manifests will be located in out/manifests/release/olm/bundle/ directory

Note: there is a structure of operator related manifest

  • manifests/release - contains operator manifests that can be deployed without olm
  • manifests/olm - contains additional auxilary manifests that are required when deploying with olm and with olm marketplace
  • manifests/olm/bundle - contains olm bundle that is to be pushed to and consumed by marketplace operator
  1. Verify generated manifests
make olm-verify
  1. Push the generated verified manifests to
CSV_VERSION=<CSV version>  QUAY_USERNAME=<quay account username> QUAY_PASSWORD=<quay account password> QUAY_NAMESPACE=<namespace> QUAY_REPOSITORY=<application name> make olm-push

CDI installation via OLM


Build OLM manifests and push them to quay

  • Build OLM manifests and push to quay. Specify your DOCKER_PREFIX, DOCKER_TAG, QUAY_NAMESPACE, QUAY_REPOSITORY, CSV_VERSION.
DOCKER_PREFIX=<repo> DOCKER_TAG=<docker tag> PULL_POLICY=<pull policy> VERBOSITY=<verbosity> CSV_VERSION=<CSV version> QUAY_NAMESPACE=<namespace> QUAY_REPOSITORY=<application name> make manifests
QUAY_NAMESPACE=<quay namespace> QUAY_REPOSITORY=<quay repo> QUAY_USERNAME=<quay username> QUAY_PASSWORD=<quay password> CSV_VERSION=<csv version > make olm-push

Install OLM and marketplace operators on cluster

This setup is required when installing on k8s cluster. On OKD4.x cluster OLM and marketplace operators are present and there is no need to install them.

  • Install OLM operator and wait until all pods are Running and Ready.
curl -L -o
chmod +x
./ 0.10.0 
  • Install marketplace operator from cloned operator-marketplace repo and wait until all pods are Running and Ready.
kubectl apply -f $GOPATH/src/ --validate=false
  • Wait till marketplace-operator is Running and Ready.
kubectl get pods -n marketplace 
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cdi-7c7fc4f774-bdbsh                   1/1     Running   0          37s
marketplace-operator-d8cc985d4-mv7xp   1/1     Running   0          2m40s

CDI installation via OLM and marketplace operators

OKD4.x cluster

  • Install CDI operatorsource manifest that specifies the location of CDI OLM bundle in quay
kubectl apply -f _out/manifests/release/olm/os/cdi-operatorsource.yaml
  • Create CDI namespace
kubectl create ns cdi 
  • Configure namespace to be allowed to create operators there
kubectl apply -f _out/manifests/release/olm/operatorgroup.yaml
  • Install catalogsourceconfig resource
kubectl apply -f _out/manifests/release/olm/os/cdi-subscription.yaml
  • Install subscription that will point from which channel the app is downloaded
kubectl apply -f  _out/manifests/release/olm/os/cdi-subscription.yaml
  • Verify CDI installation plan was created
kubectl get operatorsource,catalogsourceconfig,catalogsource,subscription,installplan -n cdi
NAME                                    PACKAGE   SOURCE   CHANNEL   cdi       cdi      beta

NAME                                             CSV                 SOURCE   APPROVAL    APPROVED   cdioperator.0.0.0            Automatic   true
  • Now cdi-operator starts running but in order to install CDI we need to deploy cdi cr
cluster/ apply -f  _out/manifests/release/cdi-cr.yaml

Now CDI deployment should finish its deployment successfully

k8s cluster

  • Install CDI operatorsource manifest that specifies the location of CDI OLM bundle in quay. Vocabulary: OperatorSource is used to define the external datastore we are using to store operator bundles
kubectl apply -f _out/manifests/release/olm/k8s/cdi-operatorsource.yaml
  • Create CDI namespace
kubectl create ns cdi 
  • Configure namespace to be allowed to create operators there
kubectl apply -f _out/manifests/release/olm/operatorgroup.yaml
  • Install CatalogSourceConfig resource. Vocabulary: CatalogSourceConfig is used to enable an operator present in the OperatorSource to your cluster. Behind the scenes, it will configure an OLM CatalogSource so that the operator can then be managed by OLM.
kubectl create --save-config -f _out/manifests/release/olm/k8s/cdi-catalogsource.yaml
  • Install subscription that will point from which channel the app is downloaded
kubectl apply -f  _out/manifests/release/olm/k8s/cdi-subscription.yaml
  • Verify CDI installation plan was created
kubectl get operatorsource,catalogsourceconfig,catalogsource,subscription,installplan -n cdi
NAME                                    PACKAGE   SOURCE   CHANNEL   cdi       cdi      beta

NAME                                             CSV                 SOURCE   APPROVAL    APPROVED   cdioperator.0.0.0            Automatic   true
  • Now cdi-operator starts running but in order for it to succeed we need to deploy cdi cr
cluster/ apply -f  _out/manifests/release/cdi-cr.yaml

Now the operator should finish its deployment successfully

CDI Installation via OLM with operator-registry

It is possible to deploy operator via OLM without marketplace operator. Marketplace operator is required in order to fetch OLM bundle from the specified quay repo. Operator framework provides a way to create CatalogSource with manifests without hosting them in quay. This functionlaity is introduced in operator-registry

In order to deploy operator-registry a CatalogSource manifest has to reference a container image that is based on and has operator OLM manifests under /registry directory.

#####Example of Dockerfile

> cat Dockerfile

COPY olm-catalog /registry

# Initialize the database
RUN initializer --manifests /registry --output bundles.db

# There are multiple binaries in the origin-operator-registry
# We want the registry-server
ENTRYPOINT ["registry-server"]
CMD ["--database", "bundles.db"]

#####Example of CatalogSource

kind: CatalogSource
  name: cdi-operatorhub
  namespace: cdi
  sourceType: grpc
  displayName: KubeVirt CDI
  publisher: Red Hat

Once such CatalogSource is deployed, it provides operartor's OLM manifests via grpc interface and can be consumed by OLM subscription mechanism.

OKD4.x cluster

  • Generate CDI OLM manifests
  • Create operator-registry container image
CSV_VERSION=<version> DOCKER_REPO=<repo> DOCKER_TAG=<tag> make docker-olm-catalog
  • Push operator-registry container image to dockerhub
docker push DOCKER_REPO/cdi-olm-catalog:DOCKER_TAG
  • Create CDI namespace
kubectl create ns cdi 
  • Configure namespace to be allowed to create operators there
kubectl apply -f _out/manifests/release/olm/operatorgroup.yaml
  • Install catalogsourceconfig that refers to the created operator-registry container image
kubectl apply -f _out/manifests/release/olm/os/cdi-catalogsource-registry.yaml
  • Install subscription that will point from which channel the app is downloaded
kubectl apply -f  _out/manifests/release/olm/os/cdi-subscription.yaml
  • Verify CDI installation plan was created
kubectl get operatorsource,catalogsourceconfig,catalogsource,subscription,installplan -n cdi
NAME                                    PACKAGE   SOURCE   CHANNEL   cdi       cdi      beta

NAME                                             CSV                 SOURCE   APPROVAL    APPROVED   cdioperator.0.0.0            Automatic   true
  • Now cdi-operator starts running but in to install CDI we need to deploy cdi cr
cluster/ apply -f  _out/manifests/release/cdi-cr.yaml

Now CDI deployment should finish its deployment successfully

k8s cluster

  • Generate CDI OLM manifests
  • Create operator-registry container image
CSV_VERSION=<version> DOCKER_REPO=<repo> DOCKER_TAG=<tag> make docker-olm-catalog
  • Push operator-registry container image to dockerhub
docker push DOCKER_REPO/cdi-olm-catalog:DOCKER_TAG
  • Create CDI namespace
kubectl create ns cdi 
  • Configure namespace to be allowed to create operators there
kubectl apply -f _out/manifests/release/olm/operatorgroup.yaml
  • Install CatalogSource that refers to the created operator-registry container image
kubectl apply -f _out/manifests/release/olm/k8s/cdi-catalogsource-registry.yaml
  • Install subscription that will point from which channel the app is downloaded
kubectl apply -f  _out/manifests/release/olm/k8s/cdi-subscription.yaml
  • Verify CDI installation plan was created
kubectl get operatorsource,catalogsourceconfig,catalogsource,subscription,installplan -n cdi
NAME                                    PACKAGE   SOURCE   CHANNEL   cdi       cdi      beta

NAME                                             CSV                 SOURCE   APPROVAL    APPROVED   cdioperator.0.0.0            Automatic   true
  • Now cdi-operator starts running but in order for it to succeed we need to deploy cdi cr
cluster/ apply -f  _out/manifests/release/cdi-cr.yaml

Now the operator should finish its deployment successfully

CDI OLM update

OLM mechanism supports operator update via subscription mechanism. Once subscription manifest is installed on cluster, it monitors the catalog source. CatalogSource in its turn monitors the location in quay and when new OLM bundle appears, OLM can trigger update of the operator.

Note: Currently quay polling is once in 60 minutes. It is hardcoded in marketplace operator. There are plans to add configuration to OperatorSource that will set polling interval per OperatorSource. Currently, it is not configurable. To trigger update manually one can remove status of OperatorSource cr.

Note: Currently CDI operator does not support upgrades of the CDI installation, but it can be updated via OLM. In such case OLM update will effectivley terminate current cdi-operator instance and install the new one - specified in the new CSV bundle.

Generate OLM bundle

Command make manifests fetches previous CSV_VERSION of CDI from QUAY_REPOSITORY in QUAY_NAMESPACE in order to set it in ReplacesVersion field in new CSV manifest.

DOCKER_REPO=<repo> DOCKER_TAG=<docker tag> PULL_POLICY=<pull policy> VERBOSITY=<verbosity> CSV_VERSION=<CSV version> QUAY_NAMESPACE=<namespace> QUAY_REPOSITORY=<application name> make manifests

Push OLM bundle to marketplace

QUAY_NAMESPACE=<quay namespace> QUAY_REPOSITORY=<quay repo> QUAY_USERNAME=<quay username> QUAY_PASSWORD=<quay password> CSV_VERSION=<csv version > make olm-push


  • Grant cluster-admin permissions to kube-system:default
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: kube-system-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: default
  namespace: kube-system
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
  apiGroup: ""
  • Start OKD UI
cd $GOPATH/src/