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File metadata and controls

92 lines (67 loc) · 2.93 KB

Technical documentation

The website is built with Gatsby.js and is hosted on This setup delivers an improved web presence based on the so called JAMstack.

Better performance, security, accessiblity and easiness to maintain infrastructure of tools.

Getting started

We are grateful you are interested into the technical details of the project. Probably you are here in order to figure out how to contribute and that's great!


  • Node.js (8.10.x or higher)
  • yarn >= 1.x

We recommend you to use Node Version Manager.

# Install a specific version.
nvm install

# Use a specific version.
nvm use

Get dependencies

Either run:

npm install

Or if you have yarn:


Start project locally

This is the command:

yarn start

This will start a GraphQL server and a watch task for changes in HMR mode provided by Gatsby.js.

Changing your code, you will see changes reflect on the website immediately without page reload.

Build project

This is the command:

yarn build

When the process is ready, there will be a folder public which you can upload on any hosting which can work with static assets.

Structure overview

├── config.js                 <--- Central configuration file
├── docs                      <--- Specific documentation
├── gatsby-config.js          <--- The place to manage plugins
├── gatsby-node.js            <--- The place to create Gatsby.js pages programatically
├── migrate                   <--- Content from previous Drupal 6 site
├── netlify.toml              <--- Netlify hosting configurations
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── public                    <--- The folder to deploy to static site hosting
├──                 <--- The read-me-first.
├── scripts                   <--- Utility scripts
├── src                       <--- Where you usually write code the most
│   ├── assets                <--- Assets which webpack optimises
│   ├── cms                   <--- Scripting for NetlifyCMS
│   ├── components            <--- React components
│   ├── html.js               <--- Specifics for rendering, rarely used.
│   ├── pages                 <--- 🔥🔥🔥 CONTENT 🔥🔥🔥
│   └── templates             <--- Templates, re-used by NetlifyCMS
├── static                    <--- Assets which webpack does not optimise
│   ├── admin                 <--- NetlifyCMS configuration
│   ├── files                 <--- That's site/default/files
│   ├── _headers
│   ├── icons
│   ├── img                   <--- That's also site/default/files ;)
│   └── robots.txt
└── yarn.lock