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File metadata and controls

75 lines (62 loc) · 5.87 KB
Built-in validation rules

Built-in validation rules

Required validators

  1. Required: value should not be null or an empty string
  2. RequiredWith: value is required when another item is present in the context. Rule options: item
  3. RequiredWithout: value is required when another item is not present in the context. Rule options: item
  4. RequiredWhen: value is required when another item matches another rule. Rule options: item, rule (class name of a validator), options (options for the rule)

String validators

  1. Alpha: values must contain only letters and spaces
  2. AlphaNumeric: values must contain letters, numbers and spaces
  3. AlphaNumHyphen: values must contain letters, numbers, dashes, underscores and spaces
  4. Length: value, which should be a string, must a length which is between specified limits. Rule options: min and max
  5. MinLength: string's length should be greater than a specified value. Rule options: min
  6. MaxLength: string's length should be shorter than a specified value. Rule options: max
  7. FullName: a string should represent a full name (at least 6 characters, at least 2 word, each word at least 2 characters long)

Array validators

  1. ArrayLength: values which are arrays must contain a specific number of items. Rule options: min and max
  2. ArrayMinlength: array must contain at least a specific number of items: Rule options: min
  3. ArrayMaxlength: array must contain at most a specific number of items: Rule options: max
  4. InList: the value must be in a list of acceptable values. Rule options: list
  5. NotInList: the value must not be in a list of forbidden values: Rule options: list

Number validators

  1. Number: value must be a valid number
  2. Integer: value must be a valid integer
  3. LessThan: value must be less than a number. Rule options: max and inclusive (to determine if the comparator is < or <=, defaults to TRUE)
  4. GreaterThan: value must be greater than a number. Rule options: min and inclusive (to determine if the comparator is > or >=, defaults to TRUE)
  5. Between: value must be a number between 2 limits: Rule options: min and max. The same as GreaterThan and LessThan, both inclusive.

Email/URLs validators

  1. Email: value must be an email address. Uses a regular expression for validation
  2. EmailDomain: the value, which should be an email address, must belong to a valid domain. Uses checkdnsrr
  3. Url: value must be a valid URL address (http, https, ftp etc)
  4. Website: value must be a valid website address (http or https)

Date/Time validators

  1. Date: checks if a value in a date. Rule options: format (a PHP date format like Y-m-d).
  2. DateTime: extends Date but the default format is Y-m-d H:i:s
  3. Time: extends Date but the default format is H:i:s

Other validators

  1. Regex: value must match a regular expression pattern. Rule options: pattern
  2. NotRegex: value must NOT match a regular expression pattern. Rule options: pattern
  3. Callback: checks if a value is valid using a custom callback (a function, an object's method, a class' static method). Rule options: callback and arguments (additional paramters for the callback)
  4. Match: the value must match the value of another item in the context. Rule options: item (eg: if auth[password_confirm] must match auth[password] the item is auth[password]
  5. Equal: the value must be the same as predefined value. Rule options: value

File validators

File validators work only with local files and they fail if the file does not exist

  1. File\Extension. Checks if the file has a certain extension. Rule options: allowed which can be an array or a comma separated string.
  2. File\Image. Checks if the file is an image of a certain type. Rule options: allowed which can be an array or a comma separated string (default: jpg,png,gif)
  3. File\ImageRatio. Checks if the image has a certain ratio. Rule options: ratio which can be a number or a string like 4:3, error_margin - how much the file's ratio can deviate from the target (default: 0)
  4. File\ImageWidth. Checks if the image's width is between certain limits. Rule options: min (default: 0) and max (default: 1 million)
  5. File\ImageHeight. Checks if the image's height is between certain limits. Rule options: min (default: 0) and max (default: 1 million)
  6. File\Size. Checks if the file' size is bellow a certain limit. Rule options: size which can be a number or a string like '10K', '0.5M' or '1.3G` (default: 2M)

Upload validators

Upload validators work only uploaded files (each file is an upload-like array) and they fail if the temporary file does not exist.

  1. Upload\Required. Checks if the uploaded file was uploaded and there are no errors.
  2. Upload\Extension. Checks if the uploaded file has a certain extension. Rule options: allowed which can be an array or a comma separated string.
  3. Upload\Image. Checks if the uploaded file is an image of a certain type. Rule options: allowed which can be an array or a comma separated string (default: jpg,png,gif)
  4. Upload\ImageRatio. Checks if the uploaded image has a certain ratio. Rule options: ratio which can be a number or a string like 4:3, error_margin - how much the file's ratio can deviate from the target (default: 0)
  5. Upload\ImageWidth. Checks if the uploaded image's width is between certain limits. Rule options: min (default: 0) and max (default: 1 million)
  6. Upload\ImageHeight. Checks if the uploaded image's height is between certain limits. Rule options: min (default: 0) and max (default: 1 million)
  7. Upload\Size. Checks if the uploaded file' size is bellow a certain limit. Rule options: size which can be a number or a string like '10K', '0.5M' or '1.3G` (default: 2M)

Note! The upload validators use only the tmp_name and name values to perform the validation