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Quick Deploy

Deploy with Vercel

This is a Next.js app that demonstrates how you can do the following:

  • Setup Schema for External Content Sources in Optimizely Graph
  • Ingest Data from External Content Sources into Optimizely Graph
  • Setup WordPress to automatically push posts into Optimizely Graph

Environment Variables

The following variables have to be configured in a .env file when running locally or under vercel when you deploy this application

Variable Name Purpose
OG_APP_KEY The AppKey from Optimizely Graph
OG_APP_SECRET The Secret from Optimizely Graph
NEXT_PUBLIC_OG_SINGLE_KEY The single key from Optimizely Graph
WP_WEBHOOK_SECRET The secret passed to the /api/wordpress?secret={value} to authorize sync to Optimizely Graph calls

Setup Schema for External Content Sources in Optimizely Graph

Note: make sure you have executed the yarn command in the root directory to install the relevant packages

run yarn schema:push command to do the following:

  • Create an External Source with id wp and with a content schema called WordpressPosts
  • Ingest Hello World post for the newly defined schema
  • Execute a graphql query to retrieve the newly ingested post

You can also verify this in your browser by going to{NEXT_PUBLIC_OG_SINGLE_KEY} and executing the following graphql query:

query PostsFromWordpress {
  WordpressPosts {
    items {

Ingest Data from External Content Sources into Optimizely Graph

This is done with the help of Route Handlers in Next.js

The wordpress route handler can be found under: src/app/api/wordpress/route.js

The data flow looks like this:

    External Data Source->>Next.js Middleware: Content Published/Unpublished
    Next.js Middleware->>Optimizely Graph: Synchronize Changes
    Frontend App-->>Optimizely Graph: Fetch and Display new data

When there's any change in the external data source, the changes are pushed to the Next.js middleware allowing it to perform ELT operations on the wordpress data and ingest it into Optimizely Graph

Setup WordPress to automatically push posts into Optimizely Graph

This makes use of the WP Webhooks plugin to notify the Next.js middleware about the changes that occur in WordPress.

By default, the Next.js middleware is only handling the Post type in WordPress so after you install the WordPress plugin you can enable the following webhooks:

  • Post Created
  • Post Updated
  • Post Trashed

When registering the webhook url in WordPress make sure you include the value of WP_WEBHOOK_SECRET Example Webhook Url to use:

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.