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143 lines (97 loc) · 3.63 KB

File metadata and controls

143 lines (97 loc) · 3.63 KB


This is the most basic trait, and it provides the following methods to your class:


public static function fromIterable(iterable $data): self|static;

This method tries to create an instance of your collection class with data from a source that is an iterable (e.g. an array).

Internally it is iterating the items in the data source and calling the append method of your class (or the ArrayIterator one if you don't rewrite it in your class).

With a concrete implementation on your class of the append method you can define on how to transform each iterable element into an instance of a valid object your collection will accept and handle.


public function empty(): bool;

Just a shortcut to see if your collection has a count of elements greater than zero.


public function add($value): self|static;

A fluent version of append. To do stuff like:



public function unique(): self|static;

This method will produce a collection with distinct elements of your collection.


public function reverse(): self|static;

This method will produce a collection with elements of your collection in the reverse order.


public function diff(self $other): self|static;

This method will produce a collection with the difference between your collection and another instance.


public function each(callable $function, bool $rewind = true): self|static;

This method will iterate through each item of a collection, optionally rewind it at the end of the iteration, calling an anonymous function where you can do whatever you need with each item.

Callable signature:

function(mixed $element, string|float|int|bool|null $elementKey): void;


public function map(callable $function, bool $rewind = true): array;

This method will map your collection to an array, optionally rewind it at the end of the iteration, calling an anonymous function where you can do whatever you need with each item.

Callable signature:

function(mixed $element, string|float|int|bool|null $elementKey): mixed;


public function reduce(callable $function, mixed $initial = null, bool $rewind = true): mixed;

This method will reduce your collection to a single value, optionally rewind it at the end of the iteration, calling an anonymous function where you can do whatever you need with each item.

Callable signature:

function(mixed $carry, mixed $element, string|float|int|bool|null $elementKey): mixed;


public function toArray(): array;

This method will convert your collection to a representation of it as an array.

To take full use of this method also take a look at the Kununu\Collection\Convertible interfaces.

If the members of your collection properly implement the ToArray, ToInt and ToString interfaces, this method will then recursively convert each field to a basic PHP representation. This applies also to collections that are defined inside a class that is an item in a top level collection.



final class MyTopCollection implements ToArray
    use CollectionTrait;    

final class MySubCollection implements ToArray
    use CollectionTrait;

final class MyTopItem implements ToArray
    public string $name;
    public MySubCollection $subCollection;

    public function toArray(): array
        return [
            'name' => $this->name,
            'subCollection' => $this->subCollection->toArray()