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This directory contains the instructions to use SymTuner. For technical details, see our paper below:

  • SymTuner: Maximizing the Power of Symbolic Execution by Adaptively Tuning External Parameters

Install SymTuner

We offer SymTuner compatabile to KLEE 2.2.


SymTuner needs python>=3.6 and pip.

In Ubuntu 20.04, you can install requirements with the following commands:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip


You can easily install it with your pip.

For example, in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, use the following commands:

# Move to dd-klee/symtuner
$ sudo pip3 install .
# You can find symtuner executable in your system.
$ symtuner --help

Test With SymTuner

Note that, the target program must be compiled with GCov features and LLVM. Please see benchmarks to see how to compile project with required features. We also privide a build script to build klee-testable projects.

You can test perform KLEE+SymTuner on the program grep-3.4 (which is built with the provided script) with the following command:

$ symtuner -t 3600 -s examples/spaces.json -d KLEE_SymTuner ../benchmarks/grep-3.4/obj-llvm/src/grep.bc ../benchmarks/grep-3.4/obj-gcov/src/grep 

Then, you will see the testing progress as follows:

2022-06-23 06:52:04 symtuner [INFO] All configuration loaded. Start testing.
2022-06-23 06:52:39 symtuner [INFO] Iteration: 1 Time budget: 30 Time elapsed: 34 Coverage: 1209 Bugs: 0
2022-06-23 06:53:14 symtuner [INFO] Iteration: 2 Time budget: 30 Time elapsed: 70 Coverage: 1548 Bugs: 0
2022-06-23 06:54:03 symtuner [INFO] Iteration: 3 Time budget: 30 Time elapsed: 118 Coverage: 1578 Bugs: 0

When SymTuner successfully terminates, you can see the following output:

2022-06-23 07:52:13 symtuner [INFO] SymTuner done. Achieve 3105 coverage and found 0 bugs.


You can check the options of SymTuner and see the meaning of each option with the following command:

$ symtuner -h
usage: symtuner [-h] [--klee KLEE] [--klee-replay KLEE_REPLAY] [--gcov GCOV]
                [-s JSON] [--exploit-portion FLOAT] [--step INT]
                [--minimum-time-portion FLOAT] [--increase-ratio FLOAT]
                [--minimum-time-budget INT] [--exploration-steps INT]
                [-d OUTPUT_DIR] [--generate-search-space-json] [--debug]
                [--gcov-depth GCOV_DEPTH] [-t INT]
                [llvm_bc] [gcov_obj]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit                    

Three mandatory options

Three options are mandatory to run SymTuner: llvm_bc, gcov_obj and time budget. llvm_bc indicates a location of an LLVM bitcode file to run KLEE, and gcov_obj is a location of an executable file with Gcov instrumentation for coverage calculation. The option -t or --budget denotes the total testing time budget.

Option Description
--budget Total time budget in seconds
llvm_bc LLVM bitcode file
gcov_obj executable with Gcov support


The hyperparameter --search-space is very important in our tool. You can check all the hyperparameters by passing --help option to SymTuner.

Option Description
--search-space Path to json file that defines parameter spaces

If you do not specify search space, SymTuner will use the parameter spaces predefined in our paper. You can give your own parameter space with --search-space option. --generate-search-space-json option will generate an example json that defines search spaces:

$ symtuner --generate-search-space-json
# See example-space.json

In the json file, there are two entries; space for parameters to be tuned by SymTuner, and defaults for parameters to use directly without tuning.

    "space": {
        "-max-memory": [[500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500], 1],
        "-sym-stdout": [["on", "off"], 1],
    "defaults": {
        "-watchdog": null,

Each tuning space is defined by its candidate values, and the maximum number of times to be repeated.

You can find some examples of json files that defines search space in examples.


You may carefully pass the depth of parent directory to collect auxiliary files for Gcov. You can set the level as the depth to the root of the target object.

Option Description
--gcov-depth The parent depth to find gcov auxiliary files, such as *.gcda and *.gcov files

For example, you should set --gcov-depth to 0 (which is 1 by default) to test gawk-5.1.0:

$ symtuner -t 3600 --search-space examples/no-optimize.json --gcov-depth 0 ../benchmarks/gawk-5.1.0/obj-llvm/gawk.bc ../benchmarks/gawk-5.1.0/obj-gcov/gawk