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44 lines (30 loc) · 4.08 KB






  • 梦笔生花:题目为单字或二字词,玩家轮流说出带有该字或词的诗句。
  • 走马观花:题目为一句诗句(可选择 5—9 的字数),其中的字按顺序依次作为关键字,玩家轮流各自说出包含当前关键字的诗句。
  • 天女散花:题目为一组固定字词与一组可消去字词(可选择“1 词 + 10 词”或“3 词 + 16 词”),玩家轮流从两组字词中各选择一个,说出同时含有两者的诗句。每个消去词只能被选择一次。
  • 雾里看花:题目为两组字词(可选择每组 5—10 词)。玩家轮流从两组字词中各选择一个,说出同时含有两者的诗句。所有词都只能被选择一次。



  • dataset/:文库
    • 由数个诗词数据库合并、去重获得(文件 2b-dedup.txt)。
    • 数据处理程序由 JavaScript 和 Rust 语言实现。
    • 目前所用的此文件 SHA-2-256 摘要值为 3bbd22542f9288f9d20c3e38a490bb404a79a9b5bbce0c0b98c6f574a8b25ec0
  • backend/:服务端
    • 服务端由 Go 语言实现。
    • 服务端与客户端之间主要通过 WebSocket 通信(另有少量 HTTP),详见交互协议文档
    • 服务端初次运行时会对文库数据作预处理(文件 2c-precal.bin)。
    • 关于自动出题、相似句查找等算法详情,参见源码文件 logic.go
  • frontend/:客户端
    • 客户端在 uni-app 框架下实现,同时适配微信小程序(已暂停运营)与网页端。
    • 使用的程序包较旧,近期的 Node.js 可能需要稍作调整才能成功构建。(具体而言,针对此文档撰写时的 LTS 版本 Node v20,需设置环境变量 NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider⚠️注:由于本项目中 Node 只用于构建步骤,在此选择这一做法;在其他项目中采取类似操作时,仍应谨慎考虑安全问题。)


源码在木兰公共许可证下分发,许可证文本见。其余资源在 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可证下分发。

International Introduction

Fei Hua Xiao Ling (飞花小令) is a game based on an ancient Chinese drinking game of poetry, with added innovations.

Fei Hua Ling (飞花令) is a game where players recite or compose poetry given a theme, which is usually a Chinese character (it was originally fixed to be “花”, “flower”; but variations existed). The verses should contain the theme character/word, while also adhering to metrical rules. Inspired by the Chinese Poetry Congress television programme, a set of new gameplay rules were implemented in the game, including themes of two-syllable words, characters in verses, and pools of words.

We merged several poetry collections on the Internet and added emendations, obtaining a library of hundreds of thousands of works. We curated a set of frequent words and phrases as well as well-known verses for automatic theme generation and carefully tuned the difficulties, trying our best to deliver interesting and enjoyable games.

Program sources are distributed under the Mulan Public License; please refer to Other assets are distributed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 permit.