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Repository files navigation


  • modify src/css/custom.css to use tailwind theme or a custom theme
  • create a global data.ts file and move src/pages.index.tsx (title, description info to that)
  • add blog/authors.yml to data.ts
  • in docusaurus.config.ts, move the following to data.ts
    • title, url, tagline
    • blogtitle, blogdescription
    • feedOptions.title, feedOptions.description, feedOptions.copyright
  • add headTags in docusaurus.config.ts based on html head options
  • generate favicon (other things that you would have done for picpulse project)
  • modify and page
  • add support for plugin-pwa
  • Verify all links in footer are working
  • in docusaurus.config.ts themeConfig
    • image: tfor og:image, twitter:image
    • metadata
    • add navbar fields to data.ts
    • add all socials
    • move socials to data.ts
    • organize duplication in footer links, and move copyright to data.ts


  • Create in src/pages. It is recommended to create a directory for each page, to keep all the styles, components in the same place. Like src/pages/support/index.tsx.

  • Import styles using import styles from './styles.module.css';.

  • Files prefixed with underscore, would be ignored and no route will be created.

  • .tsx page

    import Layout from '@theme/Layout'; // for navbar, footer
    export default function Page(): JSX.Element {
        return (
                <div>Hello World</div>
  • .mdx page

    title: Kushajveer Singh
    hide_table_of_contents: true
    Hello world


  • Each document can be tagged like in a blog post.
  • Every document has an id. For docs/guide/ the id is guide/hello. Is id used for refering document when creating sidebar.
  • The following URLs will all resolve to docs/Guides
    • /docs/Guides/
    • /docs/Guides/
    • /docs/Guides/
  • slug can be used to change the url of the document. It can be absolute or relative to the current folder.
    • slug: /myslug - absolute from base url.
    • slug: myslug, slug: ./../myslug - relative to current folder.
  • Recommended to make file system mirror the sidebar structure, and use slug to customize the url of each document.
    • Docusaurus supports number prefix patterns i.e. it will remove the number prefix from the doc id, title, label, URL paths. So you can name your files like
    • The above approach has a downside, that when you update the file name, all other file names also need to be updated, which can affect hyperlinks as well.
    • Instead you can provide sidebar position using sidebar_position: 2 frontmatter.


  • Files can be named
    • YYYY-MM-DD-my-blog-post-title.mdx - md file
    • YYYY-MM-DD-blog-title/index.mdx - folder + md file
    • category/YYYY/MM-DD-my-blog-post.mdx


  • See list of available class names here.

  • Infima is used. Refer to their components, for more details. Use ColorBox to generate 7 shades of color, which is used by Infima when creating the theme. Also, check the colors at this link to ensure accessibility.

  • Using CSS modules.

    • Create styles.module.css.

      .main {
          padding: 12px;
    • Import it in JS.

      import styles from './styles.module.css';
      function Comp(): JSX.ELement {
          return <main className={styles.main}></main>;


The Root component can be swizzled (wrapped not ejected) to add authentication logic.

// src/theme/Root.js
export default function Root({ children }) {
    return <>{children}</>;

Static assets

  • In JS, do not use absolute paths, as these would break when baseUrl is modified. Use import(), require(), useBaseUrl instead.

    import Img from '@site/static/img/my_img.png';
    <img src={Img} />;
    <img src={require('@site/static/img/my_img.png').default} />
    import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl';
    <img src={useBaseUrl('/img/my_img.png')} />;
  • In markdown, absolute paths can be used, as they are internally resolved to require().

    <a href={require('static/img/my_img.png')}>Link</a>
  • In CSS, use absolute paths.

    @font-face {
        src: url('/font/Caroline.otf');


MDX is converted to JSX. So write MDX as you would JSX.

Define a component in file

export const Comp = ({ children }) => <div>{children}</div>;


Register components globally

You can register components globally, to be available in all the files without import by wrapping MDXComponents (link).

Import text files as codeblock

Install raw-loader

npm install --save raw-loader
import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock';
import SourceFile from '!!raw-loader!./file';

<CodeBlock language='jsx'>{SourceFile}</CodeBlock>

Import markdown files

Prefix the markdown file with underscore, to not create a doc page.

<span>Hello {}</span>

Import the markdown file

import PartialExample from './_markdown-partial-example.mdx';

<PartialExample name='World' />

Components - Tabs

This can be used to Python, JS implementation side by side.

  • With groupId tabs can be synced (the value is stored in local-storage).
  • You can provide a default value using <Tabs defaultValue="label_value" ...>.
  • To render only the default tab use <Tabs lazy ...>.
  • To add the selected tab to the URL, use queryString, and whenever a tab is clicked it will add ?current-os=android to the url. When not using groupId you can provide it as queryString='current-os'.
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

        Use Ctrl + C to copy.
        Use Command + C to copy.

Code blocks

Supported languages

  • See list of default languages added by Docusaurus here.
  • Add additional languages to themeConfig.prism.additionalLangauges. The name here should match prism-{language}.js. So although you can use cs for C#, the name in additionalLanguages would be csharp.
  • See list of Prism supported languages here.

Codeblock features

  • jsx title="/src/pages/hello.tsx - to add title.
  • // highlight-next-line - highlight next line.
  • // highlight-start and // highlight-end - highlight all lines within this.
  • jsx {1,4-6,11} - another way to highlight lines.
  • Instructions to add your own magic comments with css (like a red line for errors) are here.
  • jsx showLineNumbers (swizzling CodeBlock component to add showLineNumbers by default, should work).


:::note[Your title]

Some conmtent.


These can be nested as well by having for colons in the parent.

Following are supported

  • note
  • tip
  • info
  • warning
  • danger


Themed images are also supported.

import ThemedImage from '@theme/ThemedImage';

    alt='Docusaurus themed image'
        light: useBaseUrl('/img/docusaurus_light.svg'),
        dark: useBaseUrl('/img/docusaurus_dark.svg'),

Check this for an optimized Image component (only for png, jpg).

Math equations

Use $...$ for inline equations.

Use $$ .. $$ for multi line equations.


Use mermaid as the language for the codeblock.

To generate dynamic diagrams use the @theme/Mermaid component.

themeConfig: {
    mermaid: {
        theme: {
            light: 'neutral',
            dark: 'forest',
        options: {
            // Passed directly to mermaid.initialize



draft: false
unlisted: false (hidden, not indexed, excluded from sitemap)

id: (file path without extension) unique document ID
pagination_label: text used in next/prev
sidebar_label: text used in sidebar
sidebar_position: a number
hide_title: (false) to not show 'title' as h1
hide_table_of_contents: false
toc_min_heading_level: 2
toc_max_heading_level: 3
pagination_next: id of document you want next, or 'null' to hide next button
pagination_prev: same as above
custom_edit_url: pass null to disable editing, or provide a custom url
tags: undefined
last_update: to override last update author/date


authors: kushaj
tags: []
draft: false
unlisted: false

hide_table_of_contents: false
toc_min_heading_level: 2
toc_max_heading_level: 3
last_update: undefined


draft: false
unlisted: false
hide_table_of_contents: false

Docusaurus components


import Head from '@docusaurus/Head';

const MySEO = () => (
            content='My custom description'
        <meta charSet='utf-8' />
        <title>My Title</title>


import Link from '@docusaurus/Link';

const Page = () => (
            Check out my <Link to='/blog'>blog</Link>!
            Follow me on{' '}
            <Link to=''>Twitter</Link>!