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ERROR: Body is undefined. Please file an issue with this. #55

ajfclark opened this issue Nov 20, 2016 · 2 comments

ERROR: Body is undefined. Please file an issue with this. #55

ajfclark opened this issue Nov 20, 2016 · 2 comments


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ERROR: Body is undefined. Please file an issue with this. res:{ req:
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csvoss commented Jan 26, 2017

I am also getting this. On my first run of the sync script, I get a bunch of these all printed out in sequence, followed by "Sync completed successfully." However, no tasks are synced to Habitica.

On subsequent runs after the first run, I get "Sync completed successfully." With these, still no tasks are synced to Habitica.

Instead of the 503 in the above, though, I get Error: cannot POST /api/v3/tasks/user (404).

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@csvoss See issue #57 solution to 404 error.

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2 participants