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Releases: kuzzleio/kuzzle


12 Jan 10:50
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Refactor the response from Kuzzle in order to have a consistent response like the following object:

  • When we have just one element (e.g with a get):
    "action": "get",
    "collection": "user",
    "controller": "read",
    "error": null,
    "index": "mainindex",
    "metadata": {},
    "requestId": "a39f348b-f73d-4518-9cb4-32a4b0dc2040",
    "result": {
        "_id": "AVItAloUTHHcXT3l6WXg",
        "_index": "mainindex",
        "_source": {
            "username": "toto"
        "_type": "user",
        "_version": 1,
        "found": true
    "scope": null,
    "state": "done",
    "status": 200
  • When we have a list (e.g getAllStats)
    "action": "getAllStats",
    "controller": "admin",
    "error": null,
    "metadata": {},
    "requestId": "608fef72-da25-48e1-8b77-ae351d33bae2",
    "result": {
        "hits": [
                "completedRequests": {
                    "rest": 1
                "connections": {},
                "failedRequests": {},
                "ongoingRequests": {
                    "rest": 0
                "timestamp": "2016-01-10T19:30:06.328Z"
        "total": 1
    "scope": null,
    "state": "done",
    "status": 200

We have now a result directly in result entry with the object requested or with an entry hits which is an array.


  • We have no more hits.hits in result object. All previous entries in hits are now in root object result, i.e:
"result": {
        "_shards": {
            "failed": 0,
            "successful": 5,
            "total": 5
        "hits": [
                "_id": "AVItE6_7THHcXT3l6WZH",
                "_index": "mainindex",
                "_score": 1,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "toto"
                "_type": "user"
        "max_score": 1,
        "timed_out": false,
        "took": 1,
        "total": 1
  • The error entry can contains a _source to find out which query failed.


12 Jan 09:38
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  • Implemented protocol plugins support
  • Added a new plugin configuration argument: "loadedBy", taking "all", "server" or "worker". Its purpose is to limit plugin installation & loading only by the corresponding kuzzle instance type
  • Added plugin as a default plugin
  • removed dependency
  • updated unit and functional tests
  • updated plugin documentation
  • REST protocol is now linked to the port 7511 instead of 7512
  • Reworked plugin installation so that servers and workers can act independantly. This removes the "normal" errors we got when starting Kuzzle
  • Added a banner to inform users when a Kuzzle instance is up, running, and accepting requests


  • removed winston dependency


21 Dec 13:09
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To remove unnecessary Kuzzle dependencies from the router controller and to prepare the incoming protocol plugins, this pull request changes the way the router controller handles worker responses, following @stafyniaksacha suggestion:

  • renamed core/responseListener to core/workerListener to make it easier to understand what it does
  • removed all references to the workerListener from the router controller. Also removed empty promises handling. Promises resulting from calls to the funnel controller now always resolve to the according responseObject
  • the main Kuzzle object now contains a global workerListener instance
  • controllers behind the funnel controller now always return a promise resolving to the awaited response, either directly, or by returning the result of workerListener.add
  • the workerListener now awaits worker responses using the internal broker, and resolve/reject the stored promises, letting the router controller respond to the requesting client. It doesn't notify directly anymore.


18 Dec 15:11
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  • implemented the possibility to get realtime collections using the existing "listCollections" API method
  • updated unit tests, functional tests and API documentation
  • tidied up the readController unit tests
  • removed remnants of the old roomName argument in the hotelClerk.removeCustomerFromAllRooms unit tests
  • added missing unit tests on the removeRooms method of the adminController


18 Dec 13:32
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  • Support multi-index (persistent & realtime layers)
  • Add : CRUDL operations on indexes
  • Add : _createIndex role policy
  • Add : _createCollection role policy
  • Add : internal cache for index hierarchy (used by when checking policies)
  • Refactor : ReadEngine & WriteEngine allways fulify promises with a ResponseObject : no need to recreate it in worker when Response is delayed
  • Refactor : Change api route to /api/v1
  • Refactor : Mock elasticsearch in units tests


17 Dec 09:21
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The admin/putRole REST API method now requires a role identifier

Added a lazy-loading repositories() getter

16 Dec 17:47
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Useful for authentication plugins, and probably other kinds of plugins in a future.


16 Dec 10:09
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Optional request arguments are now case insensitive


14 Dec 16:35
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Roles: added a load method to abstract the Repository class that tries to retrieve a content from the cacheEngine. If the content is not cached, fallback to the readEngine.


09 Dec 10:59
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  • Fix: the responseListener core component waited for queries not forwarded to workers, effectively creating a memleak
  • Publishing messages is now done using the publish route from the write controller, instead of using a persist flag in the create route
  • create, createOrUpdate and delete requests now notify subscribed users as-if the requests itself was a realtime message
  • additional arguments can be provided in the subscribe.on request, allowing to filter notifications depending on their state, scope, or if this is a user event
  • kuzzle rooms are now multi-channel, each channel corresponding to a subscription configuration. A user can subscribe multiple times on the same room using different channels
  • subscribers now have to listen to the channel tag provided in the subscribe.on response, instead of the roomId. The channel tag is only that: the channel on which the user needs to listen in order to receive notifications