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Tutorial Full Stack "hello World" IPFS + blockchain - Part 4: deploy in production

Why this tutorial?

This 4-part tutorial is a kind of "Hello World" that covers a Full Stack blockchain and IPFS workflow, including deployment in production. After you have completed it, you'd have deployed a blockchain smart contract on a public testnet, stored a file on IPFS using a web app that is publicly hosted. It is more ambitious than the usual tutorials that end up with a demo that only stays on your local computer. Here we go one step further, in production.

  1. In Part 1 we've coded our smart contract and deployed it in production on the Ropsten test net.
  2. In Part 2 we'll use the existing libraries and tools to scaffold a boilerplate React webapp and have it executing.
  3. In Part 3 we'll add our actual code and run it locally.
  4. In this part we'll deploy the frontend in production.

If you are relatively new to blockchain, the jargon is explained here.

Hint: When you execute actions guided by this tutorial, if you need help on an error message, copy-paste the message on a search engine followed by stack exchange. Many other people have met the same issue before you and many answers have been given on the Internet.

This tutorial will contain explanations that are not directly related to the coding task. These explanations will be highlighted as "Insider Notes". You can skip reading them without damage to the coding.

Deployment in production

Sign up to Netlify free tier

The blockchain backend is already deployed in production on Ropsten. To deploy the frontend in production, we use Netlify. Later on, we'll use Fleek to deploy also on IPFS: this would make your dApp totally future-proof.

  • Open in your browser the Netlify homepage and sign up for a free account:
  • Once we're signed up, a screen will be displayed to add a site from github.

Manual build the frontend

Don't do anything yet on this screen. If you know well git and github, this is the best choice. But for this tutorial we assume that you don't know yet git and github, so we'll deploy by drag-and-drop. For this, in your console, and in the project root folder ipfs-dapp, run the following command to "build" the complete standalone dApp:

$ npm run build

This will create in your folder ipfs-dapp a new child folder named build that has our entire frontend, as standalone and ready to be dragged and dropped as-is in Netlify.

Netlify site creation page

Back in Netlify, instead of clicking on the button "New site from Git", click rather on "Sites". Yes, it doesn't look like a button, but it is clickable. Netlify

Drag and drop

It will open a drag-and-drop zone at the bottom of the screen. Drag and drop the whole folder build here. Netlify drop

Production deployed

Bang! Your dApp is in production from a hosting service. The screen says "Manual deploys". Netlify displays a link you can click on to run your production web app. Netlify production deployed

Click on it and you'll see the same dApp screen as in Part 3

dApp deployed

What have we learned?

This concludes part 4 of the tutorial.

  1. You have registered for a free-tier user account on Netlify.
  2. You know what is a second-level added value cloud service, the first level being AWS, Azure, Google Cloud etc. BTW, Infura is also such an added-value cloud service. This is the latest trend of the Internet.
  3. You have deployed in production a Full Stack dApp that includes IPFS, blockchain, React.

Variant: Commit on git

This section assumes some knowledge of git and github. It is not necessary for the core "Hello World". Feel free to skip it. The advantage when you have the code on github is that Netlify can do automatic build of your deployment everytime you push your changes to github's main branch.

Commit on git and github

To commit on the local git, type this series of commands:

$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "initialise dApp from React boilerplate"

On github, create a repository and link it to the folder ipfs-dapp. Github will propose you to run the following commands to push the local git to the github repository.

$ git remote add origin
$ git branch -M main
$ git push -u origin main

Link your repository to Netlify

Skip the build step above. Netlify will do it automatically for you.

In Netlify screen, instead of clicking on "Sites", click on the button "New Site on Git".

  • Netlify opens your Github login page
  • Authorize Netlify to access your Github account in read-only
  • Choose the repository of our frontend
  • Netlify will detect that it is a React application and propose the deployment parameters
  • Accept all
  • Wait for the build to be done by Netlify, and observe that the production site is deployed.