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Websocket Handler


WebSocketHandler will accept websocket connection and react on events. There are 3 ways to intercept client messages:

  • on json message
  • on text message
  • serve in a loop

Using the URL path, WebSocketHandler provides way to send message in several form to :

  • the connected client only
  • the "room" clients
  • the entire clients list connected to the server

Important Only one of Serve(), OnJSON() or OnMessage() method should be declared. If you declared more that one of this method, only one of those methods will be use. The priority order is:

  1. Serve
  2. OnJSON
  3. OnMessage


The most common way to use websocket is to listen JSON message or text message. Then answer to the client.

To use JSON, you must implement WSJsonHandler, that means you should impement :

OnJSON (interface{}, error)


// A standard type to communicate
type Message struct {
    From string
    Message string

type MyWS struct { kwiscale.WebSocketHanlder}

func (w *MyWS) OnJSON(i interface{}, err error) {

    if err != nil {
        // an error occured

    // i is an interface{} type, you may cast type
    if i, ok := i.(Message); ok {
        //... work with message

        // Send response
            From: "server",
            Message: "Hello",

If the error given as argument is not nil, that means that a problem occured with client connection. So the connection is probably closed. After the method returns, the connection will be removed. Client should reconnect itself to be able to communicate with the server.

To work with text message instead of JSON, you must implement WSStringHandler interface. That means you must implement

OnMessage(string, err)


type MyWS struct { kwiscale.WebSocketHanlder}

func (w *MyWS) OnMessage(s string, err error) {

    if err != nil {
        // an error occured

    // Send response as text

Serving WebSocket

You may implement your own server loop implementing WSServer interface, that means you may implement the method:


The method should make a loop to read messages from client.


type MyWS struct {kwiscale.WebSocketHandler}

func (ws *MyWS) Serve() {
    conn := ws.GetConn();
    for {
        var i interface{}
        err := conn.ReadJSON(&i)
        if err != nil {

        // works with interface...

        // send message
            "message" : "Hello !",

Using Serve() can be very usefull to make specific manipulation on connection or to customize some behaviours.


In the following explanation, XXX shoud be replace by JSON or Text, respectivally to send JSON or string message. The complete list follows explanations.

Each websocket connection is kept in a named "room". A room is a compartimented list where resides connections. Each room is created using the websocket path given in url.

That could be very usefull if you want to create a chatroom with several channels.

For example, your website allows 2 routes to connect with websocket:

  • '/chat/general'
  • '/chat/administrators'

Then, in the handler, if you call one of the SendXXXToThisRoommethod, each clients connected to the the route named "/chat/administrators" will receive the message, but not those that are only connected to "/chat/general".

To send message to the entire connected clients list, you may use one of the SendXXXToAll().

Connected to another room, there is a way to send client to a specific room: SendXXXToRoom(name string).


  • SendJSONToThisRoom(interface{}) to send json to this room
  • SendJSONToRoom(string, interface{}) to send json to a specific room
  • SendJSONToAll(interface{}) to send json to the entire clients list

For text:

  • SendTextToThisRoom(interface{}) to send text message to this room
  • SendTextToRoom(string, interface{}) to send text message to a specific room
  • SendTextToAll(interface{}) to send text message to the entire clients list