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Kyle Aitken COMP 3005 Project (Group 39) 101280013

This application simulates a Health & Fitness Club Management System that provides various functions for members, trainers, and administrative users.


Ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Java Development Kit 17 (JDK)
  • PostgreSQL (and PgAdmin or any other PostgreSQL GUI)
  • Node.js (which includes npm)
  • (Optional) React Developer Tools for Chrome/Firefox for debugging React applications

Clone the Repository

git clone

Install Dependencies

Backend Dependencies

The project uses Gradle to manage its dependencies. To install them, simply run:

./gradlew build

This command will download and install all the necessary dependencies defined in build.gradle.

Frontend Dependencies

With the terminal open, navigate from the root directory to:

cd src/main/frontend/client

Then, install the dependencies using npm:

npm install

This command reads the package.json file and installs all the required npm packages.

Database Setup

  1. Create a PostgreSQL database.
  2. Update the url, user, and password variables in the 3005Project/src/main/resources/ file with your PostgreSQL credentials.
  3. Create the relations in your database by executing the DDL queries in the 3005Project/SQL/ddl.sql file.
  4. Add the trigger functions by executing the scripts in the 3005Project/SQL/triggerFunctions.sql file.
  5. Add data to the database by executing the DML queries in the 3005Project/SQL/dml.sql file.

Compiling and Running with Gradle

To compile and run the backend part of the project, navigate back to the root directory of the project and run:

./gradlew bootRun

This command compiles the Java code and starts the Spring Boot application.

Running the Frontend

With the backend running, open a new terminal window or tab and navigate to the frontend directory at 3005Project/src/main/frontend/client. Then, start the frontend application with:

npm run start

This command starts the React application, usually available at http://localhost:3000 by default.

Demonstration Video Link:


Health Club Management System






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