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Create a test Environment on Google Container Registry (GCR)


If you use the GCP Artifact Registry, follow these instructions to create a test environment.


This tutorial assumes that you have a GCP project called sap-kyma-jellyfish-dev.


Create your Repository

  1. Create an Artifact Registry repository. For tutorial purposes, call it operator-test.

    gcloud artifacts repositories create operator-test \
        --repository-format=docker \
        --location europe-west3
  2. To make it work with remote clusters such as in Gardener, specify the Read access to the repository, if possible anonymously:

    gcloud artifacts repositories add-iam-policy-binding operator-test \
     --location=europe-west3 --member=allUsers --role=roles/artifactregistry.reader

Authenticate Locally and Create a Service Account in Google Cloud

  1. Under the assumption you're creating and using a service account called operator-test-sa, authenticate against your registry:

    gcloud auth configure-docker \
  2. For productive purposes, create a service account. For tutorial purposes, call it operator-test-sa.

    gcloud iam service-accounts create operator-test-sa \
        --display-name="Operator Test Service Account"
  3. To get the necessary permissions, assign roles to your service account.

    TIP: For details, read Required roles.

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding sap-kyma-jellyfish-dev \
          --member='' \
          --role='roles/artifactregistry.reader' \
  4. Impersonate the service account:

    gcloud auth print-access-token --impersonate-service-account
  5. Verify your login:

    gcloud auth print-access-token --impersonate-service-account | docker login -u oauth2accesstoken --password-stdin

    Export GCR_DOCKER_PASSWORD for the docker-push make command:

    export GCR_DOCKER_PASSWORD=$(gcloud auth print-access-token --impersonate-service-account
  6. Adjust the docker-push command in Makefile:

    .PHONY: docker-push
    docker-push: ## Push docker image with the manager.
    ifneq (,$(GCR_DOCKER_PASSWORD))
      docker login $(IMG_REGISTRY) -u oauth2accesstoken --password $(GCR_DOCKER_PASSWORD)
    docker push ${IMG}
  7. Use the following setup in conjunction with Kyma CLI:

    kyma alpha create module --module-config-file ${module config file} -c oauth2accesstoken:$GCR_DOCKER_PASSWORD