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Logging and troubleshooting

The Kyco controller uses the Linux system logger (also known as syslogd). So, in order to check any log related to Kyco, you may look at the default system log files (usually located at /var/log/ directory).

All configurations regarding Kyco is defined at /etc/kyco/logging.ini. This file contains configuration about messages formatting and how messages levels shuld be handled by syslog.


This section shows a basic troubleshooting to identify common problems related to connection and Kyco's startup.

Connection Refused


As premise to follow this troubleshooting, we consider that switches and controllers can reach each other and there is no firewall blocking the OpenFlow packets.

Several conditions can cause a connection refused by controller. The first is to check if the controller is listening to the right TCP Port. First step is to know which port Kyco is configured to Listen:

# cat /etc/kyco/kyco.conf | egrep -i "port|listen"
listen =
port = 6633


It is possible that this parameter was passed during Kyco's startup at command line.

Once the IP address and Port is identified, you can check if Kyco is properly listening:

# netstat -anp | grep 6633
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      7026/python3

If there is no process listening to the configured port, check if the Kyco is running. You can use the ps command to check if Kyco is running as follow:

# ps -ef | grep -i kyco
root      7026  4850  0 10:08 pts/0    00:00:00 python3 ./kyco

If there is another process listening in configured port (i.e. 6633), you should choose another TCP port or IP address to Kyco use. This configuration can be performed changing the configuration file entries or in command line.

Startup Errors

A common error during the startup process of Kyco is the absence of Python3. Kyco (and all his modules) were implemented in Python 3.

# ./kyco
/usr/bin/env: python3: No such file or directory

This error can be reach due to the abscense of Python 3 package in your system, so if this is the case, you should install it. However, if Python 3 is already installed, it may be not in your system PATH. In many cases, you can fix it creating a symbolic link pointing to your Python binary.

# ln -s /bin/python3.4 /bin/python3

Another common error is when a process is already listening to the configured port. If this happen, you will see the following error during the Kyco startup:

INFO [kyco.controller] (MainThread) Loading kyco apps...
    Exception in thread TCP server:

    OSError: [Errno 98] Address already in use

In order to fix that, choose another TCP port or IP address. You can do that editing the Kyco's configuration file or using the command line arguments.