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Array of Array Products

Given an array of integers arr, you’re asked to calculate for each index i the product of all integers except the integer at that index (i.e. except arr[i]). Implement a function arrayOfArrayProducts that takes an array of integers and returns an array of the products.

Solve without using division and analyze your solution’s time and space complexities.


input:  arr = [8, 10, 2]
output: [20, 16, 80] // by calculating: [10*2, 8*2, 8*10]

input:  arr = [2, 7, 3, 4]
output: [84, 24, 56, 42] // by calculating: [7*3*4, 2*3*4, 2*7*4, 2*7*3]


  • [time limit] 5000ms
  • [input] array.integer arr
    • 0 ≤ arr.length ≤ 20
  • [output] array.integer
