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File metadata and controls

141 lines (115 loc) · 3.52 KB


Cowfig in a JSON format template parser to generate config.json files.

JSON file is easy to use for a developer, but hard for non-developer.

In most real cases, project always co-works with some non-RD team. They are used to use Excel file to evaluate value set. JSON file is too hard to read and maintenance for them. A tool to translate excel to JSON config file is necessary.

Also, different develop staging uses different setting. Ex: IP, port, account ... etc. It also needs a config management tools.

Cowfig is a JSON format template parser. It parse Excel, JSON, YAML files, provides query method to get value set.

Developer write the cowfig template files. Cowfig take care Excel parsing, different environment value set maping then generate final config.json files.


  • Environment awared
    • Parse same template with different environment value set
    • Extend environment only template _ Parser plugin system
    • Write your file parser as plugin and use it
    • Builtin parser: JSON, Excel, YAML, INI
  • Customize scripts
    • Macro function for on-the-fly processing
    • Post process after template been parsed


npm install -g

Quick Start

Write your template

$ mkdir config config/template config/source
$ vi config/template/configTemplate.cowfig
$ vi config/source/dataSet.json

Generate config.json files

$ cowfig -h
Usage: cowfig [-t TEMPLATE] [-s RESOURCE] [-d DESTINATION] [-e ENV] [-o overwrite]
$ cowfig -d .

Arguments descript

  • -t TemplateBase: The cowfig template files path.
    Cowfig find all .cowfig files includes sub directory under TemplateBase. Build the files tree, then parse those template files.
  • -s ResourceBase: The value set files path.
    Store your excel or json value set file. Cowfig load the .xlsx .json files and provides query method to get value set.
  • -d DestinationBase: Where the final JSON file stores.
    Cowfig write out find JSON files based on where they find under TemplateBase.
  • -e Environment: Specify the target enviroment.
  • -o Overwrite:
    If target file is already exist, overwrite it or not?
    • 'auto': (default) auto detect last modified date. Overwrite if newer verseion is out.
    • 'always': always overwrite target file.
    • 'never': never overwrite target file.
  • -c Cowfig option file:
    A cowfigOpt config file for those setting.

Simple example

Cowfig config file: cowfig.json

  "env": "stage",
  "templateBase": "example/template/",
  "parser": {
    "srcBase": "example/source/"
  "writer": {
    "destBase": "config",
    "overwrite": "auto",

Source file tree

└── example
    ├── source
    │   ├── valueSet.xlsx
    │   ├── hostInfo.json
    │   └── stage
    │       └── hostInfo.json
    └── template
        ├── host
        │   └── servers.cowfig
        └── config.cowfig

Generate config.json Use CLI args

$ cowfig -t example/template -s example/source -d config -e stage

or Use cowfig config file

$ cowfig -c cowfig.json

Result target files

└── config
    ├── host
    │   └── servers.json
    └── config.json

More Information

Read the documentation
