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115 lines (73 loc) · 4.61 KB

File metadata and controls

115 lines (73 loc) · 4.61 KB


The Localization class is responsible for fetching resources and formatting translations.

It implements the fallback strategy in case of errors encountered during the formatting of translations.

In HTML and XUL, l20n.js will create an instance of Localization for the default set of <link rel="localization"> elements. You can get a reference to it via:

const localization = document.l10n.get('main');

Different names can be specified via the name attribute on the <link> elements. One document can have more than one Localization instance, but one Localization instance can only be assigned to a single document.


Create an instance of the Localization class.

The instance's configuration is provided by two runtime-dependent functions passed to the constructor.

The requestBundles function takes an array of language codes and returns a Promise of an array of lazy ResourceBundle instances. The Localization instance will imediately call the fetch method of the first bundle returned by requestBundles and may call fetch on subsequent bundles in fallback scenarios.

The array of bundles is the de-facto current fallback chain of languages and fetch locations.

The createContext function takes a language code and returns an instance of Intl.MessageContext. Since it's also provided to the constructor by the runtime it may pass runtime-specific functions to the MessageContext instances it creates.


Returns Localization


Initiate the change of the currently negotiated languages.

requestLanguages takes an array of language codes representing user's updated language preferences.


Returns Promise<Array<ResourceBundle>>


Retrieve translations corresponding to the passed keys.

A generalized version of Localization.formatValue. Keys can either be simple string identifiers or [id, args] arrays.

  ['hello', { who: 'Mary' }],
  ['hello', { who: 'John' }],

// ['Hello, Mary!', 'Hello, John!', 'Welcome!']

Returns a Promise resolving to an array of the translation strings.


Returns Promise<Array<string>>


Retrieve the translation corresponding to the id identifier.

If passed, args is a simple hash object with a list of variables that will be interpolated in the value of the translation.

  'hello', { who: 'world' }

// 'Hello, world!'

Returns a Promise resolving to the translation string.

Use this sparingly for one-off messages which don't need to be retranslated when the user changes their language preferences, e.g. in notifications.


  • id string Identifier of the translation to format
  • args [Object] Optional external arguments

Returns Promise<string>


A Promise which resolves when the Localization instance has fetched and parsed all localization resources in the user's first preferred language (if available).
