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Translatable behavior extension for Doctrine 2

Translatable behavior offers a very handy solution for translating specific record fields in diferent languages. Further more, it loads the translations automatically for a locale currently used, which can be set to Translatable Listener on it`s initialization or later for other cases through the Entity itself


  • Automatic storage of translations in database
  • ORM and ODM support using same listener -Automatic translation of Entity or Document fields then loaded
  • ORM query can use hint to translate all records without issuing additional queries
  • Can be nested with other behaviors
  • Annotation and Yaml mapping support for extensions

Update 2011-04-16

  • Made an ORM query hint to hook into any select type query, which will join the translations and let you filter, order or search by translated fields directly. It also will translate all selected collections or simple components without issuing additional queries. It also supports translation fallbacks
  • For performance reasons, translation fallbacks are disabled by default

Update 2011-04-04

  • Made single listener, one instance can be used for any object manager and any number of them

Notice list:

  • You can test live on this blog
  • Public Translatable repository is available on github
  • Using other extensions on the same Entity fields may result in unexpected way
  • May inpact your application performace since it does an additional query for translation
  • Last update date: 2011-04-16


  • Translatable is now available as Bundle ported to Symfony2 by Christophe Coevoet, together with all other extensions

This article will cover the basic installation and functionality of Translatable behavior


Setup and autoloading {#including-extension}

If you using the source from github repository, initial directory structure for the extension library should look like this:


First of all we need to setup the autoloading of extensions:

$classLoader = new \Doctrine\Common\ClassLoader('Gedmo', "/path/to/library/DoctrineExtensions/lib");

This behavior requires an additional metadata path to be specified in order to have a translation table and translation Entity or Document available. To configure it correctly you need to add new annotation driver into driver chain with a specific location and namespace

Translation metadata Annotation driver mapped into driver chain:

$chainDriverImpl = new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\DriverChain();
$yourDefaultDriverImpl = new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\YamlDriver('/yml/mapping/files');
$translatableDriverImpl = $doctrineOrmConfig->newDefaultAnnotationDriver(
    '/path/to/library/DoctrineExtensions/lib/Gedmo/Translatable/Entity' // Document for ODM
$chainDriverImpl->addDriver($yourDefaultDriverImpl, 'Entity');
$chainDriverImpl->addDriver($translatableDriverImpl, 'Gedmo\Translatable');

Notice: there can be many annotation drivers in driver chain

Notice: Translation Entity or Document is required for storing all translations.

If you need a translation table per single Entity or Document, we will cover how to setup it later

Attaching the Translation Listener to the event manager {#event-listener}

To attach the Translation Listener to your event system and to set the translation locale to be used in global scope for all Entities or Documents:

$evm = new \Doctrine\Common\EventManager();
// ORM and ODM
$translatableListener = new \Gedmo\Translatable\TranslationListener();

// in real world app the locale should be loaded from session, example:
// Session::getInstance()->read('locale');
// now this event manager should be passed to entity manager constructor

Translatable annotations:

  • @gedmo:Translatable it will translate this field
  • @gedmo:TranslationEntity(class="my\class") it will use this class to store translations generated
  • @gedmo:Locale or @gedmo:Language this will identify this column as locale or language used to override the global locale

Translatable Entity example: {#entity}

Notice: that Translatable interface is not necessary, except in cases there you need to identify entity as being Translatable. The metadata is loaded only once then cache is activated

namespace Entity;

use Gedmo\Translatable\Translatable;
 * @Table(name="articles")
 * @Entity
class Article implements Translatable
    /** @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(type="integer") */
    private $id;

     * @gedmo:Translatable
     * @Column(name="title", type="string", length=128)
    private $title;

     * @gedmo:Translatable
     * @Column(name="content", type="text")
    private $content;

     * @gedmo:Locale
     * Used locale to override Translation listener`s locale
     * this is not a mapped field of entity metadata, just a simple property
    private $locale;

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

    public function setTitle($title)
        $this->title = $title;

    public function getTitle()
        return $this->title;

    public function setContent($content)
        $this->content = $content;

    public function getContent()
        return $this->content;

    public function setTranslatableLocale($locale)
        $this->locale = $locale;

Translatable Document example: {#document}

namespace Document;

use Gedmo\Translatable\Translatable;
 * @Document(collection="articles")
class Article implements Translatable
    /** @Id */
    private $id;

     * @gedmo:Translatable
     * @String
    private $title;

     * @gedmo:Translatable
     * @String
    private $content;

     * @gedmo:Locale
     * Used locale to override Translation listener`s locale
     * this is not a mapped field of entity metadata, just a simple property
    private $locale;

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

    public function setTitle($title)
        $this->title = $title;

    public function getTitle()
        return $this->title;

    public function setContent($content)
        $this->content = $content;

    public function getContent()
        return $this->content;

    public function setTranslatableLocale($locale)
        $this->locale = $locale;

Yaml mapping example {#yaml}

Yaml mapped Article: /mapping/yaml/Entity.Article.dcm.yml

  type: entity
  table: articles
      locale: localeField
# using specific personal translation class:
#     entity: Translatable\Fixture\CategoryTranslation
      type: integer
        strategy: AUTO
      type: string
      length: 64
        - translatable
      type: text
        - translatable

Basic usage examples: {#basic-examples}

Currently a global locale used for translations is "en_us" which was set in TranslationListener globaly. To save article with its translations:

$article = new Entity\Article;
$article->setTitle('my title in en');
$article->setContent('my content in en');

This inserted an article and inserted the translations for it in "en_us" locale Now lets update our article in diferent locale:

// first load the article
$article = $em->find('Entity\Article', 1 /*article id*/);
$article->setTitle('my title in de');
$article->setContent('my content in de');
$article->setTranslatableLocale('de_de'); // change locale

This updated an article and inserted the translations for it in "de_de" locale To see and load all translations of Translatable Entity:

// reload in different language
$article = $em->find('Entity\Article', 1 /*article id*/);

$article = $em->find('Entity\Article', 1 /*article id*/);
$repository = $em->getRepository('Gedmo\Translatable\Entity\Translation');
$translations = $repository->findTranslations($article);
/* $translations contains:
Array (
    [de_de] => Array
            [title] => my title in de
            [content] => my content in de

    [en_us] => Array
            [title] => my title in en
            [content] => my content in en

As far as our global locale is now "en_us" and updated article has "de_de" values. Lets try to load it and it should be translated in English

$article = $em->getRepository('Entity\Article')->find(1/* id of article */);
echo $article->getTitle();
// prints: "my title in en"
echo $article->getContent();
// prints: "my content in en"

Using ORM query hint {#orm-query-hint}

By default, behind the scenes, when you load a record - translatable hooks into postLoad event and issues additional query to translate all fields. Imagine that when you load a collection, when it issues a lot of queries just to translate those fields. Also if you want to hydrate result as an array, it is not possible to hook any postLoad event since it is not an entity being hydrated. These are the main reason why TranslationWalker was born.

TranslationWalker uses a query hint to hook into any select type query, and when you execute the query, no matter which hydration method you use, it automatically joins the translations for all fields, so you could use ordering filtering or whatever you want on translations of the fields instead of original record fields.

And in result there is only one query for all this happyness.

If you use translation fallbacks it will be also in the same single query and during the hydration process it will replace the empty fields in case if they do not have a translation in currently used locale.

Now enough talking, here is an example:

$dql = "SELECT a, c, u FROM Article a "
     . "LEFT JOIN a.comments c "
     . "JOIN u "
     . "WHERE a.title LIKE '%translated_title%' "
     . "ORDER BY a.title";

$query = $em->createQuery($dql);
// set the translation query hint

$articles = $query->getResult(); // object hydration
$articles = $query->getArrayResult(); // array hydration

Theres no need for any words anymore.. right? I recommend you to use it extensively since it is a way better performance, even in cases where you need a single object query.

Notice: Even in COUNT select statements translations are joined to leave a possibility to filter by translated field, if you do not need it, just do not set the hint. Also take into account that it is not possibble to translate components in JOIN WITH statement, example JOIN a.comments c WITH c.message LIKE '%will_not_be_translated%'

Notice: any find related method calls cannot hook this hint automagically, we will use a different approach when persister overriding feature will be available in Doctrine

Advanced examples: {#advanced-examples}

Default locale

In some cases we need a default translation as a fallback if record does not have a translation on globaly used locale. In that case Translation Listener takes the current value of Entity. But there is a way to specify a default locale which would force Entity to not update it`s field if current locale is not a default

To set the default locale:


Default locale should be set on the TranslationListener initialization once, since it can impact your current records if it will be changed.

Translation Entity

In some cases if there are thousands of records or even more.. we would like to have a single table for translations of this Entity in order to increase the performance on translation loading speed. This example will show how to specify a diferent Entity for your translations by extending the mapped superclass.

ArticleTranslation Entity:

namespace Entity\Translation;

use Gedmo\Translatable\Entity\AbstractTranslation;

 * @Table(name="article_translations", indexes={
 *      @index(name="article_translation_idx", columns={"locale", "objectClass", "foreign_key", "field"})
 * })
 * @Entity(repositoryClass="Gedmo\Translatable\Entity\Repository\TranslationRepository")
class ArticleTranslation extends AbstractTranslation
     * All required columns are mapped through inherited superclass

Notice: We specified the repository class to be used from extension. It is handy for specific methods common to the Translation Entity

Notice: This Entity will be used instead of default Translation Entity only if we specify a class annotation @gedmo:TranslationEntity(class="my\translation\entity"):

 * @Table(name="articles")
 * @Entity
 * @gedmo:TranslationEntity(class="Entity\Translation\ArticleTranslation")
class Article
    // ...

Now all translations of Article will be stored and queried from specific table

Easy like that, any sugestions on improvements are very welcome