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File metadata and controls

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Getting Started


What you have to do:
  • Install this package and all the requirements
  • Create a configuration file to connect to your Vault
  • Manipulate your accounts with the asynchronous logic (see examples below)


Here's few examples that show you how to use this package. Put these examples in a function, and run it with

async def example():
    # code taken from an example below

if __name__ == "__main__":

Example 1: Find all red accounts in a particular safe and verify them

production = aiobastion.EPV("path/to/config.yml")
async with production as vault:
    # Returns a list of all accounts in the safe
    safe_account = await vault.account.search_account_by(safe="dba-admin-safe")

    # Apply a filter to find the red accounts
    red_accounts = [ accounts for accounts in safe_account if not account.cpm_status() ]

    # Perform the verify on all those accounts
    await vault.account.verify(red_accounts)

Example 2 : Link all account named "root" to a Logon account "admin"

production = aiobastion.EPV("path/to/config.yml")
async with production as vault:
    # Returns a list of all root accounts in the safe
    root_accounts = await vault.account.search_account_by(safe="linux-safe", username="root")

    # Get the logon accounts in two different safes
    admin_accounts = await vault.accout.search_account_by(safe="primary-safe", username="admin")
    admin_accounts.extend(await vault.accout.search_account_by(safe="other-safe", username="admin"))

    # Apply a filter to find the red accounts
    for r in root_accounts:
        # we search the admin_accounts where the address is equivalent
        for a in admin_accounts:
            if r.address == a.address:
                await vault.account.link_logon_account(r, a)
            print(f"No logon account found for account with address : {r.address}")

This can be optimized by creating a list of tasks "link_logon_account" and gather it in the end.


When working with accounts you will sometimes loop on hostnames and want to find associated accounts. In this case, the best approach is to first dump all the safe in a list and then find your accounts in the returned list.

If you make one search by account, you will lower the performances by far.

In addition, when you have to perform several tasks, first create a list of tasks, then run it.

Do this :

# Perform a CPM change a list of accounts for specific host (here host_list) in a specific safe
production = aiobastion.EPV("path/to/config.yml")
async with production as vault:
    # Dump all safe in a list of account
    admin_accounts = await vault.account.search_account_by(safe="Admins-Accounts-Safe")

    # Only accounts whose addresses match our list (not handling upper / lower here)
    filtered_list = [_a for _a in admin_accounts if _a.address in host_list]

    # Perform the change
    await vault.account.change(filtered_list)

Don't do this :

production = aiobastion.EPV("path/to/config.yml")
async with production as vault:
    # Initiate an empty task list
    tasks_list = []
    for host in host_list:
        # works, but makes one request to the PVWA for each account instead of one for all accounts
        current_host_account = await vault.account.search_account_by(safe="Admins-Accounts-Safe", address=host)

        # Works, but immediately execute the change blocking the script execution instead of using concurrency
            print(await vault.account.change(current_host_account))
        except Exception as err:
            print(f"An error as occured when changing {host}'s password")

When manipulating other things that account, you can use the standard asyncio library to run your operations

# Good logic
all_user_list = await self.vault.user.list()
all_user_details = await asyncio.gather(*[self.vault.user.details(_u) for _u in all_user_list])

# Bad logic
all_user_list = await self.vault.user.list()
for _u in all_user_list:
    await self.vault.user.details(_u)

Result (in my lab): * Good logic took 2.09 seconds * Bad logic took 9.09 seconds