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File metadata and controls

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Creating a repository and running pipeline

In some instances, somebody else has already created a repository. Always check first if the `Bitbucket short name` is already filled out. If yes, skip this section and go to [Collecting information](collecting-information)!

Creating a repository

  • start by creating a repository using the import method

    • copy-paste from this URL to the URL field (this is also available in the Jira dropdown "Shortcuts")
    • the repository name should be the name of the JIRA issue, in lower case (e.g., aearep-123)
    • Be sure that aeaverification is always the "owner" of the report on Bitbucket.
    • The Project should be the abbreviation of the journal (e.g. "JEP")
    • Keep the other settings (in particular, keep this a private repository).
    • Click Import Repository
    • Keep this tab open!

  • We have now created a Bitbucket repo named something like aearep-123 that has been populated with the latest version of the LDI replication template documents!


Ingesting author materials

We will now ingest the authors' materials, and run a few statistics. Typically, the materials will be on a (private) openICPSR repository. Sometimes, the materials will be at Dataverse, Zenodo, or elsewhere.

  • If at openICPSR, the fields Replication package URL, openICPSR alternate URL, and openICPSR Project Number will be filled.
  • If at Zenodo or Dataverse, the Replication package URL will have the DOI of the replication package, openICPSR alternate URL and openICPSR Project Number will be empty.
This currently works reliably only for openICPSR. This documentation will be updated when it works for Dataverse and Zenodo as well.

Inspect the deposit

First, click on the openICPSR alternate URL URL (or Replication package URL if it contains a DOI and the other fields are empty). Inspect the deposit.

  • on openICPSR, you will see the size of the deposit on the right:

openICPSR size

  • on Zenodo, you will see the size of the deposit on the left, below the "featured" file:

zenodo size

The information may be in different locations at other repositories.

:::{note} Make a note of the size of the deposit! :::


Running the pipeline

You will now run what is called a Bitbucket Pipeline. Similar tools on other sites might be called Continuous integration, Github Actions, etc. If you have encountered these before, this will not be news for you, but it isn't hard even when this new.

  • First, in the repository you just created, navigate to the Pipelines tab

  • Because this is new, you will see the "Run initial pipeline" page. Click on Run initial pipeline.


  • You will now need to select a "pipeline" to run.

select pipeline

:::{note} This is where the information about the size of the deposit matters! Choose the option that best matches the size of the deposit. :::

:::{admonition} If the deposit is less than 3 GB... :class: dropdown tip

  • Choose "1-populate from ICPSR" (might change in the future), and fill in the ID for the relevant source of the replication package (here: openICPSR ID = 123456), and hit Run.

select pipeline


:::{admonition} If the deposit is more than 3 GB... :class: dropdown tip

  • Choose "w-big populate from ICPSR" (might change in the future), and fill in the ID for the relevant source of the replication package (here: openICPSR ID = 123456), and hit Run.

select pipeline

Note that if you choose this pipeline, certain information is not generated (Stata scan, R package scan), and you may need to augment these manually. Try to avoid this pipeline if possible, and make a note in the Jira comments if you had to run this.


Monitoring the pipeline

  • Your pipeline will start, working through various steps. This might take a while! Do the next step (Collecting Information) then come back here.

running pipeline

  • Once your pipeline is done, check that it is green.
    • If for some reason, it fails, the logs are available for your supervisor to inspect, and to help you. Check out the possible fixes below. You, or the person assigned to Part B, may then need to do the manual steps later.

completed pipeline

Possible errors for pipeline failure

Files too big

Bitbucket might complain in the Commit everything back step that

remote: Your push has been blocked because it includes at least one file that is 100 MB or larger.

failing pipeline file too big


Investigate which files are being captured that are too big. The list of file endings that Git should ignore is kept in the .gitignore file. Once you have figured out which files are causing the problem, you should exclude them:

  • in your repository, by adding them into the repository-specific .gitignore
  • in the template .gitignore file, by suggesting an edit. Click on this link, then choose "Edit", and add the extension to the file (you will need a Github account to create a pull request).

Memory or CPU usage to high

failing pipeline in Stata

If your pipeline fails in the Stata step, click on the failed step, and scroll to the error message. If you see this:

./automations/ line 64:   122 Killed                  stata-mp -b do ../

It is likely that the PII scan failed because the in-memory dataset is too large (too much memory was run, and the pipeline was killed). Try running the pipeline again with the "w-big populate from ICPSR" (see above).

Next step

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