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Getting online weather ==========

Example:Obtain meteorological information through the network and feed the meteorological information back to the oled screen. :: from mpython import* import json import urequests #Module for network access from seniverse import * #Weather icon module from machine import Timer #Timer module

API_KEY = 'yourkey' #Know the weather API key(key)

url_now="" #Get the address of the live weather request url_daily="" #Request address to get multi-day weather forecast

oled.DispChar('Network...',40,25) #OLED screen displays networking tips

mywifi=wifi() mywifi.connectWiFi('yourESSID','yourpassword') #connect WiFi network

def nowWeather(apikey,location='ip',language='zh-Hans',unit='c'): #Set the data returned by the weather
nowResult = urequests.get(url_now, params={

'key': apikey, 'location': location, 'language': language, 'unit': unit

}) json=nowResult.json() nowResult.close() return json

def dailyWeather(apikey,location='ip',language='zh-Hans',unit='c',start='0',days='5'): #Set multi-day weather, only return today's data
dailyResult = urequests.get(url_daily, params={

'key': apikey, 'location': location, 'language': language, 'start': start, 'days': days

}) json=dailyResult.json() dailyResult.close() return json

def refresh():

nowRsp=nowWeather(API_KEY) #Get weather information via API key dailyRsp=dailyWeather(API_KEY) #Get multi-day weather forecast by API key

today=dailyRsp['results'][0]['daily'][0]['date'][-5:] #Display the current date and display“month-day” todayHigh=dailyRsp['results'][0]['daily'][0]['high'] #Highest temperature todaylow=dailyRsp['results'][0]['daily'][0]['low'] #Lowest temperature

nowText=nowRsp['results'][0]['now']['text'] #Weather phenomenon text nowTemper=nowRsp['results'][0]['now']['temperature'] #Temperature todayIco=nowRsp['results'][0]['now']['code'] #Weather phenomenon icon city=nowRsp['results'][0]['location']['name'] #Geographic location

oled.fill(0) oled.bitmap(10,23,ico[todayIco],38,38,1) #Display current weather phenomenon icon oled.DispChar("%s,live weather" %city,0,0) oled.DispChar(today,90,0) oled.DispChar("%s℃/%s" %(nowTemper,nowText),70,25) #Display current temperature oled.DispChar("%s~%s℃" %(todaylow,todayHigh),70,45) #Show today's lowest and highest temperature

refresh() #Data update

tim1 = Timer(1) tim1.init(period=1800000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC,callback=lambda _:refresh()) #Fixed Time, refreshed every half hour


Before use, import mpython, json, urequests, Timer, and weather icon seniverse modules(seniverse module </../../examples/network/seniverse/>,Import the Seniverse module file into the root directory of the mPython File file):

from mpython import*
import json
import urequests
from seniverse import *
from machine import Timer

To use seniverse free weather API, you must first register an account on the weather website. You will get an API key, which is a unique string used to verify the legitimacy of API requests , Passing in the key parameter in the API request:

API_KEY = 'yourkey'

Add the address of the request for the live weather and multi-day weather forecast (for more requests, please refer to the weather data option provided by the official weather website):

url_now=""           #Get the address of the live weather request
url_daily=""       #Request address to get multi-day weather forecast

To connect to your WiFi network, you need to set your WiFi name and password:


Define weather results and the results returned by multi-day weather forecast:

def nowWeather(apikey,location='ip',language='zh-Hans',unit='c'): 
    nowResult = urequests.get(url_now, params={
        'key': apikey,
        'location': location,
        'language': language,
        'unit': unit
    return nowResult.json()

def dailyWeather(apikey,location='ip',language='zh-Hans',unit='c',start='0',days='5'): 
    dailyResult = urequests.get(url_daily, params={
        'key': apikey,
        'location': location,
        'language': language,
        'start': start,
        'days': days
    return  dailyResult.json()


Parameters:unit is the temperature unit, c is Celsius degree. start is the starting time, such as -2 the day before yesterday, -1 yesterday,0 today,1 tomorrow. days is the number of days and returns the result of days from start. For more parameters, please refer to seniverse Weather official website。

Selective output of all returned results, tuples can use subscript indexes to access the values in the tuple:

today=dailyRsp['results'][0]['daily'][0]['date'][-5:]         #Current date, display“month-day”
todayHigh=dailyRsp['results'][0]['daily'][0]['high']          #Highest temperature
todaylow=dailyRsp['results'][0]['daily'][0]['low']            #Lowest temperature

nowText=nowRsp['results'][0]['now']['text']                   #Weather phenomenon text
nowTemper=nowRsp['results'][0]['now']['temperature']          #Temperature
todayIco=nowRsp['results'][0]['now']['code']                  #Weather phenomenon icon
city=nowRsp['results'][0]['location']['name']                 #Geographic location


For specific usage of tuples, please refer to Python's tuples.