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This utility provides a simplified date formatting function.

date.format(pattern, options)

The function is available on date instances and accepts a pattern string and an options object.

The pattern string is made up of symbols (see table) representing components of the date and time and may be combined as needed.

Symbol Description
YY year, 2 digit
YYYY year, 4 digit
M month, number, no leading zero
MM month, number, leading zero
MMM month, name, 3 letter
MMMM month, name, full
D day of month, number, no leading zero
DD day of month, number, leading zero
DDD day of year, number, 3 digits
DDDD count of days in month, number
yy week-numbering year, 2 digit (Alternative symbol: WW)
yyyy week-numbering year, 4 digit (Alternative symbol: WWWW)
w week, number, no leading zero
ww week, number, leading zero
d day of week, number, 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday)
dd day of week, name, initial, M, T, W, T, F, S, S
ddd day of week, name, 3 letter, Mon to Sun
dddd day of week, name, full, Monday to Sunday
C Century component, number, no leading zero
CC Century component, number, leading zero
c Ordinal century, number, no leading zero
cc Ordinal century, number, leading zero
E Era, "BCE" or "CE"
EE Era, "Before Common Era" or "Common Era"
h hour, number, 12 hour, no leading zero
hh hour, number, 12 hour, leading zero
H hour, number, 24 hour, no leading zero
HH hour, number, 24 hour, leading zero
m minute, number, no leading zero
mm minute, number, leading zero
s second, number, no leading zero
ss second, number, leading zero
f fraction of second, number, 1 digit
ff fraction of second, number, 2 digits
fff fraction of second, number, 3 digits
a meridiem, 1 letter, lowercase (a or p) (Alternative symbol: p)
aa meridiem, 2 letter, lowercase (am or pm) (Alternative symbol: pp)
A meridiem, 1 letter, uppercase (A or P) (Alternative symbol: P)
AA meridiem, 2 letter, uppercase (AM or PM) (Alternative symbol: PP)
z timezone, basic format, +HHmm or -HHmm or literal 'Z'
zz timezone, basic format, +HHmm or -HHmm
Z timezone, extended format, +HH:mm or -HH:mm or literal 'Z'
ZZ timezone, extended format, +HH:mm or -HH:mm
# Ordinal suffix. Append to symbol representing a numeric value for the English ordinal suffix. (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ...) e.g. (new Date("2013-05-23")).format("D#' of 'MMMM, YYYY") returns "23rd of May, 2013". Not supported for fractions of a second or timezone offsets
'...' Literal character sequences
"..." Literal character sequences
\ Single-character escape. Useful for outputting apostrophes. Remeber you need to double escape the backslash for JavaScript strings too. e.g. (new Date(1999-07-03)).format("DD MMM \\'YY"); outputs "03 Jul '99"

Any sequence of characters that does not match any of the above symbols is output as a literal string.

The options parameter accepts an object.

    offset: 0; // Value in milliseconds representing the value of (UTC - localTime).
    locale: "en"

Note: For offset, negative values represent timezones ahead of UTC, positive values are behind.

e.g. {offset: -36000000} // UTC+10:00 {offset: 5400000} // UTC-01:30

The locale is a BCP 47 language tag that matches that used in the Intl.DateTimeFormat API. In this utility, this affects the langauge of month names and day names. The default is "en".

Timezone Lookup

A utility function for looking up a timezone for a specified region is available.


The timeZone parameter is a string representing a region defined in the ISO timezone database. e.g. "Australia/Sydney"

This will return the appropriate offset value in milliseconds according to local time for the specified region. This method requires support for the Intl.DateTimeFormat API.

The value may be passed directly as the offset in the options parameter for th format() function.

var date = new Date("2013-05-18T22:40:00.000Z");
date.format("YYYY MMMM D, HH:mm", {offset: date.lookupTimezoneOffset("Australia/Sydney")});

That will output the local time in Sydney for the specified date object. In this case, it will be "2013 May 19, 08:40".


For all examples, assume:

var date = new Date("2013-04-19T09:23:07Z");
Pattern Output Description
"YYYY-MM-DD" 2013-04-19 ISO 8601 conforming date
"D MMM YYYY" 19 Apr 2013
"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.fffZZ" 2013-04-19T09:23:07+00:00


Custom date formatting utility library.






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