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This page has been updated to reflect the changes made from vNext Alpha to Beta

To get started you will need the following software ,frameworks and package managers :

Before you get started installing the frameworks and PKGs you need to get ASP.NET vNext running, make sure that you have the latest version for Node and npm. Copy and paste the code below into terminal.
 node --version && npm --version
Check to see if you have git installed as well .
git --version

 Install Yeoman

Yeoman is an open source sleek scaffolding tool that consists frameworks  that make it quick and easy to build web applications.  The neat thing about Yeoman is it combines several functions into one place, such as template generators which we are going to use to get the ASP.NET vNext up and running .
sudo npm install —global yo
Now that  Yeoman is installed the next step is to get our ASP.NET framework installed using the yeoman generator.
npm install -g generator-aspnet
For this examples I selected the MVC Application. Once you have entered an appropriate name, the generator will take care of the rest.


Now that  MVC application all ready , navigate to the folder  notice the  model, view and control are all there.  Similar to what you find if you used the MVC model template in Visual Studio.

MVCModeliscreated Before you can run your ASP.NET vNext in sublime there are still a couple of dependencies  that need to be installed.  A lot of tutorials I have read miss the  dependencies below but I encountered a lot of errors  when trying to configure the K commands.

Install Mono

In order to run  an ASP.NET vNext on a Mac and Linux environment you need Mono. Copy and paste the code below into your terminal.
git clone

Install Homebrew

Homebrew is an open source software package management tool ; it enables you install all the stuff you can't directly install in terminal out of the box. To install Homebrew you will need to copy and paste the Ruby code below.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Now, that Homebrew installed make sure to install all the extra mono dependencies.

brew install autoconf
brew install automake
brew install libtool

Install the ASP.NET vNext  Tools

If you had already tapped the repo for previous releases(Alpha) you will be  to run the untap command  to delete the old commands and tap again to get the updated brew scripts.

Untap Command

brew untap aspnet/k

Tap Command & Install kvm

brew tap aspnet/k
brew install kvm


It is important to note that in the current version of Asp.Net vNext Kestrel doesn’t come with it out of the box. So  in this case since I am  using the "Kestrel": "1.0.0-beta1"  (from "Kestrel": "1.0.0-beta1" ). To find out which version of  Kestrel you are running, open your project.json file in your Asp.Net project.  To install Kestrel copy and paste the code below.
kvm install 1.0.0-beta1

Setting up your project in Sublime

Since this is possibly the first ASP.NET project you will need to install the Kulture  as instructed in here using the package control plugin. If you have some issues with these steps, you can install it manually using the following steps:
  • Open your project in sublime
  • Click view
  • Click show console and copy and paste the python code below
    import urllib.request,os,hashlib; h = '7183a2d3e96f11eeadd761d777e62404' + 'e330c659d4bb41d3bdf022e94cab3cd0'; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); by = urllib.request.urlopen( '' + pf.replace(' ', '%20')).read(); dh = hashlib.sha256(by).hexdigest(); print('Error validating download (got %s instead of %s), please try manual install' % (dh, h)) if dh != h else open(os.path.join( ipp, pf), 'wb' ).write(by)
With Kulture installed you will be able to run you ASP.NET project successfully.  To check to make sure that everything is working, try adding a new namespace into your HomeControllers.cs file.  If everything is in place you will notice the intellisense is in working.


Steps to running your project

  • In sublime enter Cmd + Shift + p
  • Type K and  select run K Command
  • Select kpm build
  • Select k kestrel - If everything has installed correctly the server  should start Running the localhost server
  • Navigate  http://localhost:5004/ ASPNET
And there you have it !  Asp.Net vNext on a Mac :) .


A quick tutorial on how you can setup an Asp.Net vNext websites on a Mac






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