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File metadata and controls

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Deploy Guide

This guide is written for everyone interested in deploying graphhopper on a server.


See the installation section on how to start the server. Embed this command in a shell script and use this from e.g. Docker or systemd.

For production usage you have a web service included where you can use this configuration Increase the -Xmx/-Xms values of your server accordingly.

If you use JDK11 you should try a different garbage collectors like G1, ZGC or Shenandoah. The G1 is the default but the other two GCs are better suited for JVMs with bigger heaps (>32GB) and low pauses. You enabled them with -XX:+UseZGC or -XX:+UseShenandoahGC. Please note that especially ZGC and G1 require quite a bit memory additionally to the heap and so sometimes speed can be increased when you lower the Xmx value.


  • If you want to support none-CH requests you should at least enable landmarks or limit the request to a certain
  • distance otherwise it might require lots of RAM per request! See #734.

API Tokens

By default, the GraphHopper UI uses Omniscale and/or Thunderforest as layer service. Either you get a plan there, then set the API key in the options.js file, or you have to remove Omniscale from the JavaScript file.

GraphHopper uses the GraphHopper Directions API for geocoding. To be able to use the autocomplete feature of the point inputs you have to:

  • Get your API Token at: and set this in the options.js
  • Don't forget the Attribution when using the free package

Worldwide Setup

GraphHopper is able to handle coverage for the whole OpenStreetMap road network. It needs approximately 25GB RAM for the import (CAR only) and ~1 hour (plus ~5h for contraction). If you can accept slower import times this can be reduced to 14GB RAM - you'll need to set datareader.dataaccess=MMAP in the config file.

Then 'only' 15GB are necessary and without contraction hierarchy this can be further reduced to about 9GB.

System tuning

Avoid swapping e.g. on linux via vm.swappiness=0 in /etc/sysctl.conf. See some tuning discussion in the answers here.

When using the MMAP setting (default for elevation data), then ensure /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count is enough or set it via sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=500000. see also graphhopper#1866.

Elevation Data

If you want to use elevation data you need to increase the allowed number of open files. Under linux this works as follows:

  • sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf
  • add: * - nofile 100000 which means set hard and soft limit of "number of open files" for all users to 100K
  • sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf
  • add: fs.file-max = 90000
  • reboot now (or sudo sysctl -p; and re-login)
  • afterwards ulimit -Hn and ulimit -Sn should give you 100000