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lambdaisland/chui: Architecture Decision Log

For information on ADRs (Architecture Decision Records) see Documenting Architecture Decisions by Michael Nygard.

001: Chui is a test runner for cljs.test



cljs.test really consists of two parts: a testing library which you use to define your tests (deftest, testing, is, are, async, use-fixtures), and a test runner (run-tests, run-all-tests, report).


We want to replace the latter (the test runner) to provide a richer, more interactive user experience, through a browser based UI which allows running all or a subset of tests, and which attractively presents the test results, done in a way that interacts nicely with auto-reload workflows like shadow-cljs/figwheel.


The test library and test runner part of cljs.test are not clearly separated, the latter makes some fairly specific assumptions about the former, and vice versa. We want to stay compatible with existing tests, so we’ll have to work with the assumptions that the testing library makes, even if that will sometimes lead to awkward workarounds.

002: Chui makes minimal use of macros



cljs.test is heavily macro-based. The run-* functions are actually macros which inspect the compiler state, and based on that generate code that executes tests. This limits the user experience that tooling is able to provide, because it is not possible to invoke specific tests dynamically, at runtime.


We use a single macro to extract information about tests from the compiler env (namespaces, fixtures, and test vars), and store that information for later use.


By splitting the data extraction from test running we are decomplecting the cljs.test test runner. The downside of this approach is that we are only able to find information about namespaces that have been analyzed (compiled) by the time the macro gets executed. In other word, there has to be a top level namespace which has dependencies (i.e. :require statements) onto all test namespaces.

This can be handled automatically by something like the shadow-cljs :browser-test target, or through a compiler hook (in environments that have that), or explicitly/manually by maintaining a list of `:require` statements.

003: Chui consists conceptually of three parts: a test-data, runner, and UI



We are building Chui with a very specific use case in mind, but at the same time we want to make sure that what we are building is maximally useful to the open source community, now and in the future.


Chui is split into three layers, which can be used together or separately. The bottom layer is the test-data layer described in ADR-002. It allows capturing test data for later use, and may provide some affordances for querying that data once it is captured.

The runner part is the heart of Chui. It allows invoking a test run for a specific subset of tests, to be notified of progress, to interrupt an active test run, and to inspect test results.

Finally we provide a browser-based user interface for interacting with Chui. Running tests, and inspecting results.


It is possible to only use the test-data layer, or only the test-data and runner layers. This allows for the creation of other interfaces like a command line interface, or a websocket interface.

004: A promise based interceptor implementation forms the execution engine for test runs



JavaScript and hence ClojureScript forms a single-threaded, evented environment. To chain multiple asynchronous events you need some kind of continuation system. Traditionally this was done with callbacks. Modern JavaScript has standardized on the use of promise objects (thenables).

cljs.test contains its own continuation-passing-style callback-based “async object”, tagged by the IAsyncTest protocol.


Where possible we use JS Promises to model asynchrony. To process a chain of potentially asynchronous operations we use a custom implementation of the interceptor pattern.

Promises provide a convenient mental model, and allow us to leverage existing browser-based tooling and libraries. Interceptors provide a convenient way to model, reason about, and execute a multi-stage process.


When running tests or fixtures we need to test for IAsyncTest return values, and convert these to promises. The use of interceptors provides us a way to thread process state through multiple stages by way of the context.




