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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 21, 2019. It is now read-only.

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86 lines (64 loc) · 3.34 KB

File metadata and controls

86 lines (64 loc) · 3.34 KB


Please read the rules listed below before contributing to the plugin.

Reporting an issue

I'm welcome to hear issues to improve the quality, but please read the followings to save time of yours and mines ;-)

  • Create a minimal vimrc explained the bottom of this document
  • Create a minimal procedure to reproduce the issue from Vim starting
  • Fill issue templates

Correcting documents


While I'm not a native English speaker, I will be happy if you correct the documents ;-)

Fixing issues or improve behaviors

vim-gita is currently in a beta release so API has not settled yet, mean that your changes will be lost in the future. If you understand that and still want to contribute, please follow the coding rules below:

  • No fold comments are acceptable (e.g. " {{{ block)
    • Use set foldmethod=syntax instead
  • No harmonic codes are acceptable
    • Create a harmonic plugin to glue plugins (e.g. Create a vim-gita-unite which provides unite sources of vim-gita)
    • Exception: vim-jp/vital.vim modules which is bundled in autoload/vital.vim directory
  • Names should be snake case (e.g. gita#define_variables)
    • Exception: names of autocmd should be camel case (e.g. GitaStatusModifiedPre)
  • Any files in autoload/vital should not be modified

Then PR to develop branch which stands for preparing a next release.

Minimal vimrc

While Vim has a lot of options and everyone use different configurations, a minimal vimrc to reproduce an issue is required to make debugging possible. A minimal vimrc should:

  • Reproduce the issue by using it (Start Vim with vim -u {minimal vimrc})
  • Be built from a template below, not from your vimrc
  • Not have lines which does not contribute to the issue (except for comment lines)
  • Not use any plugin managers unless the issue is a combination issue (e.g. A lazy loading by dein.vim cause the issue)
  • Not include any other plugins unless the issue is a combination issue (e.g. With lightline.vim cause the issue)

You can use your minimal vimrc (say, ~/.vimrc.min) by using -u {scriptfile} option like:

$ vim -u ~/.vimrc.min

Then confirm if the issue could be reproduced by the minimal vimrc. You should create a minimal procedure from Vim starting to reproduce the issue as well.

Template of a minimal vimrc

Use the following template to create your minimal vimrc

Without plugin managers

if has('vim_starting')
  set nocompatible
  " Add vim-gita repository to the runtimepath
  set runtimepath+=~/.vim/bundle/vim-gita

With a plugin manager (dein.vim)

if has('vim_starting')
  set nocompatible
  set runtimepath+=~/.vim/bundle/dein.vim

call dein#begin(expand('~/.vim/bundle'))
call dein#add('lambdalisue/vim-gita')
"call dein#add('lambdalisue/vim-gita', { 'lazy': 1 })
call dein#end()
filetype plugin indent on