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title: > Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure - Algorithm Identifiers for Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM) abbrev: ML-KEM in Certificates category: std

docname: draft-ietf-lamps-kyber-certificates-latest submissiontype: IETF number: date: consensus: true v: 3 area: SEC workgroup: LAMPS keyword: ML-KEM Kyber KEM Certificate X.509 PKIX venue: group: "Limited Additional Mechanisms for PKIX and SMIME (lamps)" type: "Working Group" mail: "" arch: "" github: "lamps-wg/kyber-certificates" latest: ""


name: Sean Turner
organization: sn3rd

normative: X680: target: title: > Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation date: 2021-02 author: - org: ITU-T seriesinfo: ITU-T Recommendation: X.680 ISO/IEC: 8824-1:2021 X690: target: title: > Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) date: 2021-02 author: - org: ITU-T seriesinfo: ITU-T Recommendation: X.690 ISO/IEC: 8825-1:2021 DRAFTFIPS203: target: title: > DRAFT Module-Lattice-based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism Standard author: - org: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) date: 2023-08 seriesinfo: "FIPS PUB": "203"

informative: NIST-PQC: target: title: > Post-Quantum Cryptography Project author: - org: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) date: 2016-12-20

--- abstract

Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM) is a quantum-resistant key-encapsulation mechanism (KEM). This document specifies algorithm identifiers and ASN.1 encoding format for ML-KEM in public key certificates. The encoding for public and private keys are also provided.

[EDNOTE: This document is not expected to be finalized before the NIST PQC Project has standardized PQ algorithms. This specification will use object identifiers for the new algorithms that are assigned by NIST, and will use placeholders until these are released.]

--- middle


WARNING: This I-D includes examples. These examples were generated prior to NIST finalizing [DRAFTFIPS203].

Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM), previously known as known as Kyber, is a quantum-resistant key-encapsulation mechanism (KEM) standardized by the US NIST PQC Project {{NIST-PQC}} in {{DRAFTFIPS203}}. This document specifies the use of ML-KEM in Public Key Infrastructure X.509 (PKIX) certificates {{!RFC5280}} at three security levels: ML-KEM-512, ML-KEM-768, and ML-KEM-1024, using object identifiers assigned by NIST.

This specification includes conventions for the subjectPublicKeyInfo field within Internet X.509 certificates {{RFC5280}}, like {{?RFC3279}} did for classic cryptography and {{?RFC5480}} did for elliptic curve cryptography. The private key format is also specified.

ASN.1 Module and ML-KEM Identifiers

An ASN.1 module {{X680}} is included for reference purposes. Note that as per {{RFC5280}}, certificates use the Distinguished Encoding Rules; see {{X690}}. Also note that NIST defined the object identifiers for the ML-KEM algorithms in an ASN.1 module; see (TODO insert reference).

Applicability Statement

ML-KEM certificates are used in protocols where the public key is used to generate and encapsulate a shared secret used to derive a symmetric key used to encrypt a payload; see {{?I-D.ietf-lamps-kyber}}. To be used in TLS, ML-KEM certificates could only be used as end-entity identity certificates and would require significant updates to the protocol; see {{?I-D.celi-wiggers-tls-authkem}}.

Conventions and Definitions

{::boilerplate bcp14-tagged}


Certificates conforming to {{RFC5280}} can convey a public key for any public key algorithm. The certificate indicates the algorithm through an algorithm identifier. An algorithm identifier consists of an object identifier and optional parameters.

The AlgorithmIdentifier type, which is included herein for convenience, is defined as follows:

  AlgorithmIdentifier{ALGORITHM-TYPE, ALGORITHM-TYPE:AlgorithmSet} ::=
      algorithm   ALGORITHM-TYPE.&id({AlgorithmSet}),
      parameters  ALGORITHM-TYPE.
                    &Params({AlgorithmSet}{@algorithm}) OPTIONAL
NOTE: The above syntax is from {{!RFC5912}} and is compatible with the 2021 ASN.1 syntax {{X680}}. See {{RFC5280}} for the 1988 ASN.1 syntax.

The fields in AlgorithmIdentifier have the following meanings:

  • algorithm identifies the cryptographic algorithm with an object identifier.

  • parameters, which are optional, are the associated parameters for the algorithm identifier in the algorithm field.

The AlgorithmIdentifier for a ML-KEM public key MUST use one of the id-alg-ml-kem object identifiers listed below, based on the security level. The parameters field of the AlgorithmIdentifier for the ML-KEM public key MUST be absent.

When any of the ML-KEM AlgorithmIdentifier appears in the SubjectPublicKeyInfo field of an X.509 certificate, the key usage certificate extension MUST only contain keyEncipherment {{Section of RFC5280}}.

  pk-ml-kem-512 PUBLIC-KEY ::= {
    IDENTIFIER id-alg-ml-kem-512
    -- KEY no ASN.1 wrapping --
    PARAMS ARE absent
    CERT-KEY-USAGE { keyEncipherment }
    --- PRIVATE-KEY no ASN.1 wrapping --

  pk-ml-kem-768 PUBLIC-KEY ::= {
    IDENTIFIER id-alg-ml-kem-768
    -- KEY no ASN.1 wrapping --
    PARAMS ARE absent
    CERT-KEY-USAGE { keyEncipherment }
    --- PRIVATE-KEY no ASN.1 wrapping --

  pk-ml-kem-1024 PUBLIC-KEY ::= {
    IDENTIFIER id-alg-ml-kem-1024
    -- KEY no ASN.1 wrapping --
    PARAMS ARE absent
    CERT-KEY-USAGE { keyEncipherment }
    --- PRIVATE-KEY no ASN.1 wrapping --
NOTE: As noted in Section 3, the values for these object identifers will be assigned by NIST. Once assigned, they will be added to a future revision of this document.

Subject Public Key Fields

In the X.509 certificate, the subjectPublicKeyInfo field has the SubjectPublicKeyInfo type, which has the following ASN.1 syntax:

  SubjectPublicKeyInfo {PUBLIC-KEY: IOSet} ::= SEQUENCE {
      algorithm        AlgorithmIdentifier {PUBLIC-KEY, {IOSet}},
      subjectPublicKey BIT STRING
NOTE: The above syntax is from {{RFC5912}} and is compatible with the 2021 ASN.1 syntax {{X680}}. See {{RFC5280}} for the 1988 ASN.1 syntax.

The fields in SubjectPublicKeyInfo have the following meaning:

  • algorithm is the algorithm identifier and parameters for the public key (see above).

  • subjectPublicKey contains the byte stream of the public key. The algorithms defined in this document always encode the public key as TODO pick format e.g., exact multiple of 8 bits?.

The following is an example of a ML-KEM-512 public key encoded using the textual encoding defined in {{?RFC7468}}:

WARNING: This example was generated prior to NIST finalizing [DRAFTFIPS203].
  -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
  TODO insert example public key
  -----END PUBLIC KEY-------

Private Key Format

"Asymmetric Key Packages" {{!RFC5958}} describes how to encode a private key in a structure that both identifies what algorithm the private key is for and allows for the public key and additional attributes about the key to be included as well. For illustration, the ASN.1 structure OneAsymmetricKey is replicated below. The algorithm-specific details of how a private key is encoded are left for the document describing the algorithm itself.

  OneAsymmetricKey ::= SEQUENCE {
    version                  Version,
    privateKeyAlgorithm      SEQUENCE {
    algorithm                PUBLIC-KEY.&id({PublicKeySet}),
    parameters               PUBLIC-KEY.&Params({PublicKeySet}
    privateKey               OCTET STRING (CONTAINING
    attributes           [0] Attributes OPTIONAL,
    [[2: publicKey       [1] BIT STRING (CONTAINING

  PrivateKey ::= OCTET STRING

  PublicKey ::= BIT STRING
NOTE: The above syntax is from {{RFC5958}} and is compatible with the 2021 ASN.1 syntax {{X680}}.

For the keys defined in this document, the private key is always an opaque byte sequence. The ASN.1 type PqckemPrivateKey is defined in this document to hold the byte sequence. Thus, when encoding a OneAsymmetricKey object, the private key is wrapped in a PqckemPrivateKey object and wrapped by the OCTET STRING of the "privateKey" field.

  PqckemPrivateKey ::= OCTET STRING

The following is an example of a ML-KEM-512 private key encoded using the textual encoding defined in {{RFC7468}}:

WARNING: This example was generated prior to NIST finalizing [DRAFTFIPS203].
  TODO iser example private key
  -----END PRIVATE KEY-------

The following example, in addition to encoding the ML-KEM-512 private key, has an attribute included as well as the public key. As with the prior example, the textual encoding defined in {{RFC7468}} is used:

WARNING: This example was generated prior to NIST finalizing [DRAFTFIPS203].
  TODO insert example private key with attribute
  -----END PRIVATE KEY-------
NOTE: There exist some private key import functions that have not implemented the new ASN.1 structure OneAsymmetricKey that is defined in {{RFC5958}}. This means that they will not accept a private key structure that contains the public key field. This means a balancing act needs to be done between being able to do a consistency check on the key pair and widest ability to import the key.

ASN.1 Module

TODO ASN.1 Module

Security Considerations

The Security Considerations section of {{RFC5280}} applies to this specification as well.

To Do: Discuss side-channels for Kyber TBD1.

IANA Considerations

This document will have some IANA actions.

--- back



TODO acknowledge.