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78 lines (53 loc) · 3.6 KB

File metadata and controls

78 lines (53 loc) · 3.6 KB


Extensible tool for gathering static code metrics for Java. At the moment, this is the only JavaMetrics tool which has all of the following benefits:

  • opensource and free to use for commercial or private use (GNU GPL v3 Licence)
  • easily extensible
  • allows selection of specific static code metrics
  • runs on source code (rather than byte code)
  • can be used as a library in any Java code


Licence is GNU GPL v3.

Please note that this package contains Uncle Bob's javaargs code which is included in this project with his generous permission. His code is available here.

Running the tool


Download a copy from releases tab and then (unix instructions):

unzip JavaMetrics-<version>.zip
cd JavaMetrics-<version>
mvn package


Once done, the executable file will be located in the target directory and can be executed as follows:

java -jar JavaMetrics-<version>-release-jar-with-dependencies.jar <options>

Read for the list of possible options below.


This options are available since version 0.4.1:

  • -c [mandatory]: configuration file, see for an example below
  • -s dir [mandatory]: absolute path to the root source directory, e.g. /home/user/workspace/my_java_project
  • -o output [mandatory]: where the output file is to be stored, e.g. /home/user/workspace/my_java_project/metrics.csv
  • -i path: relative path within the root source directory to scan; to add multiple include paths type -i path1 -i path2 etc.
  • -e path: relative path within the root source directory to exclude from scanning; same as above to include multiple
  • -a pattern: regular expression for files to include, e.g. .*\\.java; same as above to include multiple
  • -f pattern: regular expression for files to exclude, e.g. .*Test\\.java; same as above to include multiple
  • -m metric: full qualified name of the metric of interest, e.g. pckg:fanIn; same as above to include multiple

NB: All non mandatory options can be specified within a config file. If options specified on both, command line and config file, the priority is given to the command line arguments.


The following are fully qualified names of the metrics that exist in version 0.4.1:

  • pckg:fanIn
  • pckg:fanOut
  • pckg:abstractClassCount
  • pckg:concreteClassCount

Feel free to contribute more metrics via pull requests. Find out more about how to contribute below.

Example of a file



Error parsing a file

JavaMetrics is built on top of JavaParser (though, JavaMetrics can be easily extended to support other parsers and/or languages). In some cases JavaParser cannot properly parse a java file. For example, as of version 3.15.17 of JavaParser, parsing Java modules is not possible. If there is a file on path which cannot be parsed, either because the file has content that is not supported by JavaParser or is malformed, JavaParser will throw a fatal Error. This will also cause JavaMetrics to crash. The only workaround is to identify which file(s) cause this crash and exclude them (either individually, or all files on a specific path). To identify which file(s) cause issues run JavaMetrics in debug mode (which lists each file that is currently being processed) and wait for the Error to show up (the issues is most often in the file just above the error message).

How to contribute
