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How it works: 'privatetcp'

## Start from the command line

'privatetcp' is started as root:

# privatetcp <port> </path/to/handler args...>

A simple example for testing with 'netcat':

# privatetcp 1234 /bin/sh -c 'whoami; pwd'
$ nc localhost 1234

## Spawn a helper process

According to the principle of least privilege, we are least likely to have security problems when we do as little as possible as root. 'privatetcp' has to call Unix libraries that do complex things like parsing files. Code like that is a notoriously fertile soil for bugs that turn into exploits. Furthermore, the libraries differ from OS to OS so it’s impossible to do a thorough code audit. To contain the damage, we spawn a helper process that runs with minimal privileges (Unix user nobody).

The helper process starts off as root like the main process. It may first do some system-dependent initialization as root. It then drops privileges to 'nobody'. Then it spends the rest of its life in a loop, reading messages from the main process and answering them. This inter-process communication is done by passing extremely simple C structs via pipes. The main process pre-fills part of the struct and writes it to the helper process. The helper reads the struct, fills in the rest, and writes it back to the main process.

The first draft of 'privatetcp' did IPC using shared memory obtained from mmap. However, pipes are simpler than shared memory because we don’t need to worry about non-portable and hard-to-test locking facilities.

## Listen for TCP connections on

'privatetcp' creates a TCP server socket on the port desired by the admin. Privileged ports (1..1023) are allowed because we are root so we can bind to them. Of course, most interesting ports (HTTP, FTP, SSH, mail, etc.) are in the privileged range.

An extremely important point is that we bind the server socket to the IPv4 loopback interface (INADDR_LOOPBACK, i.e. It’s because of this that only local users can connect to the server. Because we create the server socket and handle connections to it in the same program, the code handling the connections can trust that they are from local users. The first draft of 'privatetcp' was written so that the server socket came from tcpserver or an equivalent superserver, and those are easy to configure such that the server is bound to external network interfaces accessible by remote users. Being able to trust that we’re on loopback, we can omit a lot of tricky and obscure code to verify that client sockets are local.

Another important point is that since we create the server socket ourselves, we can make sure that it is IPv4, not IPv6 (AF_INET not AF_INET6). IPv6 also causes a lot of extra complexity and obscurity. At a minimum, all parts of the code that work with IP addresses would need to handle two cases: one for IPv4 and one for IPv6. Second, IPv6 has a sub address space that maps to the IPv4 address space, so an IPv4 address may look like an IPv6 address. Altogether we would have three loopback addresses to worry about: IPv4 loopback, IPv6 loopback, and IPv6-mapped IPv4 loopback. And that’s not counting external interfaces on the same computer. To top it off, the Unix socket API is based on thorny data structure trickery involving typecasts between variants of struct sockaddr. IPv6 makes this type trickery even worse since IPv6 addresses are 128 bits wide and do not fit into any C integer type, so unions and macros were introduced. Avoiding IPv6 avoids all of this tricky code and the obscure corner cases that come with the territory.

## For each new connection, find the user ID (UID)

We ask the kernel which local user ID opened the client end of the TCP connection. There is no standard Unix API for this. Kernels have widespread support for getpeereid() and getsockopt SO_PEERCRED to do it for Unix-domain sockets. For some reason, those functions do not work for IP sockets. I can’t think of any reason why they could not (they could simply return uid -1 for connections from other computers).

In the absence of a standard API, here’s how we do it:

  • NetBSD/OpenBSD: This is quite straightforward. Use sysctl net.inet.tcp.ident, give it two sockaddr_in structures representing the client and server ends of the connection, and get back the UID of the client end. Root permissions are needed for this so we do it in the main process before engaging the helper process.

  • FreeBSD/DragonFly BSD: Use sysctl net.inet.tcp.getcred, ditto.

  • MacOS (Darwin): There seems to be no straightforward way to get the uid of one socket only. Instead, we need to traverse a massive and convoluted kernel data structure listing all open TCP connections. This is the data structure used to implement netstat and it looks like it’s straight from the guts of the TCP/IP stack. It is defined in arcane header files under /usr/include. The main data structure is struct xtcpcb (probably means 'eXternal TCP Control Block', external being outside the kernel in userspace). It’s a subtype of struct xinpgen. We get data from the kernel via sysctl net.inet.tcp.pcblist . The sysctl gives us an array of xinpgen s that we cast to xtcpcb s. I think the data structure and syscall originate from FreeBSD since MacOS (Darwin) incorporated FreeBSD’s networking code. The positive thing is, we can do everything as 'nobody' in the helper process.

  • Linux: Again, there seems to be no straightforward way to get the uid of one socket only so we traverse a list of all open TCP connections. The list is supplied via procfs in the file /proc/net/tcp . It’s a line-oriented text file so we need to parse it using scanf. This may be even worse than the data structures on MacOS - at least those do not need to be parsed. Fortunately we can open /proc/net/tcp as root and then read it later as many times as we like with 'nobody' permissions. So we open it as root at the beginning of the helper process before dropping privileges to nobody. A good thing, as scanf would be very questionable in code that runs as root.

A minor caveat is that some of these APIs return the 'real' UID while others return the 'effective' UID. That shouldn’t matter very much since the real and effective UID are normally equivalent. The main case where they are not is when a regular user is doing something with root privileges, or vice versa, and we explicitly disallow root clients.

## Find the group ID (GID)

We need to find the user’s group ID before we drop privileges to that user account. That’s because setgid can only be run as root so it needs to happen before setuid.

We find the GID by looking up the UID in the Unix password database via getpwuid(). We do that in the helper process as 'nobody' because password database lookups can be very complex, involving parsing files (/etc/passwd and its ilk) and maybe even network traffic (for NIS/yp). Furthermore, the exact sequence of step depends heavily on the OS and how it has been configured by the sysadmin. To be secure, we can’t do stuff like that as root. And we don’t need to. All Unix users can read the password database (except for password hashes, which we don’t need).

## Make sure the UID is sane

Back in the main process, we verify that the UID and GID we got are sane. 'privatetcp' is designed to be used by people. Most Unix systems are designed so that UIDs for people start at 500 or 1000 and go up a bit over 65000 (near the maximum value of 16-bit unsigned integers - the 'nobody' UID is usually thereabouts). The exact limits are defined differently for each OS in the 'privatetcp' source code. Sysadmins are free to disobey these limits but we don’t accommodate that.

Notably, root (UID 0) cannot connect to a 'privatetcp' server.

If the UID isn’t in the sane range, we may have done some useless work in the helper process to look up the corresponding GID before we got to this point. But it’s better design to sanity-check the UID in the main process that runs as root and ultimately uses the UID. If we sanity-checked it in both places that would make code audits harder.

## Spawn a process to run the handler program

Finally we fork a process to handle the client. In that process we:

  • Drop privileges to the client UID and GID.

  • Read the password database a second time to get more user info. If we only read the database once, we’d have to devise some complex IPC to pass a bunch of strings from the helper process via the main process to the client process (recall that struct passwd contains 'pointers' to strings, not the contents of the strings). That would be quite terrible for security and code clarity. It’s much better just to use the battle-tested getpwuid API to read that thing twice.

  • Bail out if the user is not allowed to login (shell is nologin or false).

  • Change to the user’s home directory.

  • Clear all environment variables.

  • Set the usual ones: LOGNAME, USER, HOME, SHELL, PATH

  • Set 'ucspi-tcp' environment variables.

  • Execute 'handler' to do what it wants.