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639 lines (453 loc) · 19.6 KB


File metadata and controls

639 lines (453 loc) · 19.6 KB


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Inherits: IStoreData, IStoreRegistration, IStoreErrors, IFieldLayoutErrors, IPackedCounterErrors, ISchemaErrors, ISliceErrors

IStore implements the error interfaces for each library that it uses.


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Emitted when the Store is created.

event HelloStore(bytes32 indexed storeVersion);


Name Type Description
storeVersion bytes32 The protocol version of the Store.


Emitted when a new record is set in the store.

event Store_SetRecord(
  ResourceId indexed tableId,
  bytes32[] keyTuple,
  bytes staticData,
  PackedCounter encodedLengths,
  bytes dynamicData


Name Type Description
tableId ResourceId The ID of the table where the record is set.
keyTuple bytes32[] An array representing the composite key for the record.
staticData bytes The static data of the record.
encodedLengths PackedCounter The encoded lengths of the dynamic data of the record.
dynamicData bytes The dynamic data of the record.


Emitted when static data in the store is spliced.

In static data, data is always overwritten starting at the start position, so the total length of the data remains the same and no data is shifted.

event Store_SpliceStaticData(ResourceId indexed tableId, bytes32[] keyTuple, uint48 start, bytes data);


Name Type Description
tableId ResourceId The ID of the table where the data is spliced.
keyTuple bytes32[] An array representing the key for the record.
start uint48 The start position in bytes for the splice operation.
data bytes The data to write to the static data of the record at the start byte.


Emitted when dynamic data in the store is spliced.

event Store_SpliceDynamicData(
  ResourceId indexed tableId,
  bytes32[] keyTuple,
  uint8 dynamicFieldIndex,
  uint48 start,
  uint40 deleteCount,
  PackedCounter encodedLengths,
  bytes data


Name Type Description
tableId ResourceId The ID of the table where the data is spliced.
keyTuple bytes32[] An array representing the composite key for the record.
dynamicFieldIndex uint8 The index of the dynamic field to splice data, relative to the start of the dynamic fields. (Dynamic field index = field index - number of static fields)
start uint48 The start position in bytes for the splice operation.
deleteCount uint40 The number of bytes to delete in the splice operation.
encodedLengths PackedCounter The encoded lengths of the dynamic data of the record.
data bytes The data to insert into the dynamic data of the record at the start byte.


Emitted when a record is deleted from the store.

event Store_DeleteRecord(ResourceId indexed tableId, bytes32[] keyTuple);


Name Type Description
tableId ResourceId The ID of the table where the record is deleted.
keyTuple bytes32[] An array representing the composite key for the record.


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This interface includes errors for Store.

We bundle these errors in an interface (instead of at the file-level or in their corresponding library) so they can be inherited by IStore. This ensures that all possible errors are included in the IStore ABI for proper decoding in the frontend.



Error raised if the provided table already exists.

error Store_TableAlreadyExists(ResourceId tableId, string tableIdString);


Name Type Description
tableId ResourceId The ID of the table.
tableIdString string The stringified ID of the table (for easier debugging if cleartext tableIds are used).


Error raised if the provided table cannot be found.

error Store_TableNotFound(ResourceId tableId, string tableIdString);


Name Type Description
tableId ResourceId The ID of the table.
tableIdString string The stringified ID of the table (for easier debugging if cleartext tableIds are used).


Error raised if the provided resource ID cannot be found.

error Store_InvalidResourceType(bytes2 expected, ResourceId resourceId, string resourceIdString);


Name Type Description
expected bytes2 The expected resource type.
resourceId ResourceId The resource ID.
resourceIdString string The stringified resource ID (for easier debugging).


Error raised if the provided slice bounds are invalid.

error Store_InvalidBounds(uint256 start, uint256 end);


Name Type Description
start uint256 The start index within the dynamic field for the slice operation (inclusive).
end uint256 The end index within the dynamic field for the slice operation (exclusive).


Error raised if the provided index is out of bounds.

Raised if the start index is larger than the previous length of the field.

error Store_IndexOutOfBounds(uint256 length, uint256 accessedIndex);


Name Type Description
length uint256 FIXME
accessedIndex uint256 FIXME


Error raised if the provided static data length is invalid.

error Store_InvalidStaticDataLength(uint256 expected, uint256 received);


Name Type Description
expected uint256 The expected length.
received uint256 The provided length.


Error raised if the provided key names length is invalid.

error Store_InvalidKeyNamesLength(uint256 expected, uint256 received);


Name Type Description
expected uint256 The expected length.
received uint256 The provided length.


Error raised if the provided field names length is invalid.

error Store_InvalidFieldNamesLength(uint256 expected, uint256 received);


Name Type Description
expected uint256 The expected length.
received uint256 The provided length.


Error raised if the provided value schema length is invalid.

error Store_InvalidValueSchemaLength(uint256 expected, uint256 received);


Name Type Description
expected uint256 The expected length.
received uint256 The provided length.


Error raised if the provided schema static length is invalid.

error Store_InvalidValueSchemaStaticLength(uint256 expected, uint256 received);


Name Type Description
expected uint256 The expected length.
received uint256 The provided length.


Error raised if the provided schema dynamic length is invalid.

error Store_InvalidValueSchemaDynamicLength(uint256 expected, uint256 received);


Name Type Description
expected uint256 The expected length.
received uint256 The provided length.


Error raised if the provided splice is invalid.

Raised if the splice total length of the field is changed but the splice is not at the end of the field.

error Store_InvalidSplice(uint40 startWithinField, uint40 deleteCount, uint40 fieldLength);


Name Type Description
startWithinField uint40 The start index within the field for the splice operation.
deleteCount uint40 The number of bytes to delete in the splice operation.
fieldLength uint40 The field length for the splice operation.


Git Source

Inherits: IStoreRead, IStoreWrite

The IStoreData interface includes methods for reading and writing table values.

These methods are frequently invoked during runtime, so it is essential to prioritize optimizing their gas cost.



Returns the version of the Store contract.

function storeVersion() external view returns (bytes32 version);


Name Type Description
version bytes32 The version of the Store contract.


Git Source



function getFieldLayout(ResourceId tableId) external view returns (FieldLayout fieldLayout);


function getValueSchema(ResourceId tableId) external view returns (Schema valueSchema);


function getKeySchema(ResourceId tableId) external view returns (Schema keySchema);


Get full record (all fields, static and dynamic data) for the given tableId and key tuple, loading the field layout from storage

function getRecord(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] calldata keyTuple
) external view returns (bytes memory staticData, PackedCounter encodedLengths, bytes memory dynamicData);


Get full record (all fields, static and dynamic data) for the given tableId and key tuple, with the given field layout

function getRecord(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
  FieldLayout fieldLayout
) external view returns (bytes memory staticData, PackedCounter encodedLengths, bytes memory dynamicData);


Get a single field from the given tableId and key tuple, loading the field layout from storage

function getField(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
  uint8 fieldIndex
) external view returns (bytes memory data);


Get a single field from the given tableId and key tuple, with the given field layout

function getField(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
  uint8 fieldIndex,
  FieldLayout fieldLayout
) external view returns (bytes memory data);


Get a single static field from the given tableId and key tuple, with the given value field layout. Note: the field value is left-aligned in the returned bytes32, the rest of the word is not zeroed out. Consumers are expected to truncate the returned value as needed.

function getStaticField(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
  uint8 fieldIndex,
  FieldLayout fieldLayout
) external view returns (bytes32);


Get a single dynamic field from the given tableId and key tuple at the given dynamic field index. (Dynamic field index = field index - number of static fields)

function getDynamicField(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] memory keyTuple,
  uint8 dynamicFieldIndex
) external view returns (bytes memory);


Get the byte length of a single field from the given tableId and key tuple, loading the field layout from storage

function getFieldLength(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] memory keyTuple,
  uint8 fieldIndex
) external view returns (uint256);


Get the byte length of a single field from the given tableId and key tuple, with the given value field layout

function getFieldLength(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] memory keyTuple,
  uint8 fieldIndex,
  FieldLayout fieldLayout
) external view returns (uint256);


Get the byte length of a single dynamic field from the given tableId and key tuple

function getDynamicFieldLength(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] memory keyTuple,
  uint8 dynamicFieldIndex
) external view returns (uint256);


Get a byte slice (including start, excluding end) of a single dynamic field from the given tableId and key tuple, with the given value field layout. The slice is unchecked and will return invalid data if start:end overflow.

function getDynamicFieldSlice(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] memory keyTuple,
  uint8 dynamicFieldIndex,
  uint256 start,
  uint256 end
) external view returns (bytes memory data);


Git Source

Inherits: IStoreEvents



function setRecord(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
  bytes calldata staticData,
  PackedCounter encodedLengths,
  bytes calldata dynamicData
) external;


function spliceStaticData(ResourceId tableId, bytes32[] calldata keyTuple, uint48 start, bytes calldata data) external;


function spliceDynamicData(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
  uint8 dynamicFieldIndex,
  uint40 startWithinField,
  uint40 deleteCount,
  bytes calldata data
) external;


function setField(ResourceId tableId, bytes32[] calldata keyTuple, uint8 fieldIndex, bytes calldata data) external;


function setField(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
  uint8 fieldIndex,
  bytes calldata data,
  FieldLayout fieldLayout
) external;


function setStaticField(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
  uint8 fieldIndex,
  bytes calldata data,
  FieldLayout fieldLayout
) external;


function setDynamicField(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
  uint8 dynamicFieldIndex,
  bytes calldata data
) external;


function pushToDynamicField(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
  uint8 dynamicFieldIndex,
  bytes calldata dataToPush
) external;


function popFromDynamicField(
  ResourceId tableId,
  bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
  uint8 dynamicFieldIndex,
  uint256 byteLengthToPop
) external;


function deleteRecord(ResourceId tableId, bytes32[] memory keyTuple) external;


Git Source

This interface includes methods for managing table field layouts, metadata, and hooks, which are usually called once in the setup phase of an application, making them less performance critical than the methods.



Usage Sample

function registerTable(
  ResourceId tableId,
  FieldLayout fieldLayout,
  Schema keySchema,
  Schema valueSchema,
  string[] calldata keyNames,
  string[] calldata fieldNames
) external;


Usage Sample

function registerStoreHook(ResourceId tableId, IStoreHook hookAddress, uint8 enabledHooksBitmap) external;


function unregisterStoreHook(ResourceId tableId, IStoreHook hookAddress) external;