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91 lines (59 loc) · 3.52 KB

File metadata and controls

91 lines (59 loc) · 3.52 KB


You will need sbt (which you should have if you work with Scala) and apm (which comes together with Atom).

If you're going to experiment with the server as well follow server setup instructions. And once you installed the plugin change server version in the plugin settings to the one you are going to publish locally (should be 0.1-SNAPSHOT).

General setup

  1. First check the requirements and uninstall the plugin if you already had it

    apm uninstall ide-scala
  2. Now you should install this plugin locally in one of the two ways:

    • If you already forked it, clone your fork and run

      apm link --dev
    • Otherwise, use

      apm develop ide-scala [<where_you_want_to_clone_it>]

      This will

      Clone the given package's Git repository to the directory specified, install its dependencies, and link it for development to ~/.atom/dev/packages/<package_name>.

      If no directory is specified then the repository is cloned to ~/github/<package_name>.

    You can check linked plugin repos with the apm linked command.

    Note: this won't install the plugin yet, because the cloned repo doesn't contain the plugin JavaScript file. You need to compile it first. See instructions below.

Development cycle

  1. After you setup the server and plugin repository, you need to compile the Scala.js to JavaScript which Atom will use to load the plugin. In the plugin repository:

    sbt package

    It will generate package.json and lib/main.js.

    First time you also need to run apm install to install node modules.

  2. Now you can go to any test Scala project and open Atom in development mode:

    atom --dev .

    Or use cmdshiftO hotkey in a running Atom instance.

Every time you change the plugin sources

  1. Run package in sbt
  2. Reload the Atom window: ctrlcmdaltL

Every time you change the server sources

  1. Run publishLocal in the server sbt project
  2. Check that plugin settings refer to the server version that you just published
  3. Restart the server

You don't need to recompile the plugin. The plugin just needs to relaunch the server. You can achieve it by closing all tabs with Scala sources (it will stop the server) and opening one again (it will start a server using the newly published jar). You can still just reload the Atom window if you want, but it will take more time.

Every time you want to test it on a new project

  1. Setup semanticdb-scalac plugin (see test-workspace project in the server repo for example)
  2. Launch sbt and run ~compile (or ~test:compile)
  3. Open Atom in development mode: atom --dev .

Check server beta testing instructions for more details.


LSP communication

Open Developer Console with cmdaltI and run there

atom.config.set('core.debugLSP', true)

(You need to do it just once)

Now you will see all LSP communication in this console.

Server logs

You can see more detailed logs from the server in .metals/metals.log.