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Installing a prebuilt ghdl on Mac

From the GHDL GitHub site, we learn that one can use a prebuilt version of GHDL.

A directory for the download can be created, as

mkdir -p $HOME/sw_download/ghdl
cd $HOME/sw_download/ghdl

From this page with GHDL releases, a prebuilt version can be downloaded, as

curl -L --output ghdl-macos-10.15-mcode.tgz

After unpacking, as

tar zxvf ghdl-macos-10.15-mcode.tgz

and moving the unpacked content to a directory created and chosen for the GHDL installation, as

mkdir -p $HOME/sw/ghdl
mv bin $HOME/sw/ghdl
mv include $HOME/sw/ghdl
mv lib $HOME/sw/ghdl

we can try the installation on an example.

Assuming that ghdl is in the PATH environment variable, either by sourcing the file or by a command, such as

export PATH=$HOME/sw/ghdl/bin:$PATH

we can try the installed GHDL on an example, with VHDL code in a file hello.vhdl as

ghdl -a hello.vhdl
ghdl -r hello_world

with a resulting printout, as

Hello, world