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36 lines (24 loc) · 949 Bytes

File metadata and controls

36 lines (24 loc) · 949 Bytes



A GTKWave version for Ubuntu can be installed in Ubuntu, by giving the command

sudo apt-get install gtkwave

The program can then be started by giving the command gtkwave.


We can download a GTKWave version for Mac, in the form of a zip-file that contains an app folder with an executable GTKWave program.

The GTKWave program can be started from the GUI via Mac-right-clicking on the app folder (the app icon) of the program and selecting Open - to indicate that you are sure that you want to open it.

It can also be started from a Terminal, by giving a command indicating the name of the executable gtkwave program.

Having installed gtkwave in the folder (you can copy either the zip file or the unzipped content to the folder)


I could start the program by doing
