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Disabling telescope customization #37

tommyalatalo opened this issue Jan 11, 2023 · 39 comments

Disabling telescope customization #37

tommyalatalo opened this issue Jan 11, 2023 · 39 comments


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tommyalatalo commented Jan 11, 2023

I noticed after setting up the the lazyvim starter that my usual mode of starting up nvim and telescoping for a file (nvim -> <leader>ff -> open and edit) was noticeably slower, instead of being instantaneous it took roughly half a second or more before the files showed up in the telescope prompt.

I then noticed that the prompt said Git Files and that the files shown are from the entire git repo and not from the current working directory and down. So I looked around and found that there seems to be a telescope customization for the file search here which toggles between Git Files and Find Files search.

Since I've defined the below keymap in my telescope plugin config I was expecting it to behave as before lazyvim with plain find_files (which is much faster in my case).

        require("telescope.builtin").find_files({ hidden = true })
      desc = "Find Files",

Since the customization of this telescope behavior is "upstream" in lazyvim, is there an easy way for me to disable it from my telescope plugin spec?

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folke commented Jan 11, 2023

Yes, there's currently an issue with overwriting an existing lazy keymap. Will fix this!

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folke commented Jan 11, 2023

Fixed in folke/lazy.nvim@74bc61a

@folke folke closed this as completed Jan 11, 2023
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tommyalatalo commented Jan 11, 2023

Thanks! The telescope search is using "Find Files" now as expected, but unfortunately it's still slow. Is there some kind of lazy loading happening for telescope that can be disabled? I reverted back to my old configuration without lazy and saw telescope results show up immediately even on first search, but with lazy it takes considerably longer, between 0.5-1 seconds or so.

I also already have lazy = false set in my telescope plugin spec.

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luxus commented Jan 11, 2023

add event = "VimEnter" then i should load as soon nvim is started

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event = "VimEnter"

Thanks, I tried this, but it made no difference, the results in telescope are still loading slowly.

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folke commented Jan 11, 2023

Weird, it's very fast for me... Did you try adding fzf-native?

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This is my telescope spec in it's entirety;

return {
  dependencies = {
    { "nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim", build = "make" },
  lazy = false,
  event = "VimEnter",
  keys = {
          prompt_title = "Dotfiles",
          cwd = "~/dotfiles/",
          hidden = "true",
      desc = "Find Dotfiles",
        local actions = require("telescope.actions")
          attach_mappings = function(prompt_bufnr, map)
            map("i", "<c-d>", actions.git_delete_branch)
            map("n", "<c-d>", actions.git_delete_branch)
            return true
      desc = "Find Git Branches",
        require("telescope.builtin").find_files({ hidden = true })
      desc = "Find Files",
        require("telescope.builtin").live_grep({ hidden = false })
      desc = "Find Grep",
      desc = "Find Buffers",
      desc = "Find Git Status",
      desc = "Find Git Log",
      desc = "Find In File",
  config = function()
    local telescope = require("telescope")
      defaults = {
        vimgrep_arguments = {
        prompt_prefix = " ❯ ",
        selection_caret = "❯ ",
        entry_prefix = "  ",
        initial_mode = "insert",
        selection_strategy = "reset",
        sorting_strategy = "descending",
        layout_strategy = "horizontal",
        layout_config = {
          horizontal = {
            mirror = false,
          vertical = {
            mirror = false,
          prompt_position = "bottom",
          width = 0.8,
          preview_cutoff = 120,
        mappings = {
          i = {
            ["<esc>"] = function(...)
              return require("telescope.actions").close(...)
        path_display = {
        file_sorter = require("telescope.sorters").get_fzy_sorter,
        file_ignore_patterns = { "^.git/" },
        generic_sorter = require("telescope.sorters").get_generic_fuzzy_sorter,
        winblend = 0,
        border = {},
        borderchars = { "─", "│", "─", "│", "╭", "╮", "╯", "╰" },
        color_devicons = true,
        use_less = true,
        set_env = { ["COLORTERM"] = "truecolor" }, -- default = nil,
        file_previewer = require("telescope.previewers"),
        grep_previewer = require("telescope.previewers"),
        qflist_previewer = require("telescope.previewers"),

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luxus commented Jan 11, 2023

i guess it is not related to lazyloading. if it would be too "lazy", the delay would be the drawing of the telescope window, not the results.

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tommyalatalo commented Jan 12, 2023

I agree, it's very strange. My old telescope config is here, the major difference being the use of fzy_native instead of fzf, I'll try switching over to fzy_native on lazy as well, but it seems really weird that fzf would be slower.

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folke commented Jan 12, 2023

@altosys you added fzf native, but you don't use it, since you do file_sorter = require("telescope.sorters").get_fzy_sorter

So that's why it's slow. Removing that line might help

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@altosys you added fzf native, but you don't use it, since you do file_sorter = require("telescope.sorters").get_fzy_sorter

So that's why it's slow. Removing that line might help

I think that might have been it, but now when I start nvim I get this message every time:

# Plugin Updates
- **lazy.nvim**
- **LazyVim**
Press ENTER or type command to continue

How can I disable this message? Results will only appear in telescope after I press enter here, even if I manage to open the telescope prompt before the message comes up.

If I wait for the message after starting nvim and press enter, then it seems that telescope is indeed as fast as it should be.

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folke commented Jan 12, 2023

Did you disable nvim-notify?

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folke commented Jan 12, 2023

you can disable those messages in lazy config. Check the lazy docs

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tommyalatalo commented Jan 12, 2023

Yeah I did disable nvim-notify, it was bugging me a bit too much with messages I didn't really have a need for. I disabled the update messages by setting notify = false for checker, but now I'm scratching my head because telescope is still not displaying files quickly. And just for reference, the number of files that it should list where I'm testing is only 85, so not a lot at all.

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folke commented Jan 12, 2023

that message can't have anthing to do with telescope performance anyway.
IT's that sorter as I said. In your code you were not using fzf native.

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folke commented Jan 12, 2023

Even in my home directory with 115000 files, Telescope is instant

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tommyalatalo commented Jan 12, 2023

that message can't have anthing to do with telescope performance anyway. IT's that sorter as I said. In your code you were not using fzf native.

Maybe I was unclear above, I've already commented out the sorter but the telescope delay is still there. Here's the current spec:

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folke commented Jan 12, 2023

Just used your config on my home directory (including hidden it has 1.130.000 files.
Still opens instantly.

Edit: sorting does take a while there obivoulsy.

Doing it on the neovim souce code, sorting is also instatntly (1340 files)

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tommyalatalo commented Jan 12, 2023

There is most definitely something different between my lazy config and how it behaves with my legacy setup. I just compared it again and there is a 1 second delay with telescope on lazy which is not there with my old config. Could it be that something else is blocking telescope, another plugin or something?

I have my lazy setup here, and my legacy config is here, if there is any clue to be had as to what is happening.

I just now tried to remove all other plugin specs from my plugins folder, leaving only telescope. After cleaning out all other plugins the delay is still there. I can see that lualine appears at the same time as the telescope results, could it be possible that lualine is somehow affecting this?

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folke commented Jan 13, 2023

The links you posted don't work for me. They're not public probably?

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The links you posted don't work for me. They're not public probably?

Oh shit, sorry! I thought that repo was public already, it should be sorted now though.

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folke commented Jan 13, 2023

The only difference seems to be zfy, so maybe see if that fixes it for you?

Also if you see it is slow, can you say exactly what you mean?

  1. open Neovim
  2. wait till everything is loaded
  3. confirm with :Lazy that telescope is loaded and ready
  4. run the telescope command you want to test from the cmdline: Telescope find_files

After that, what is slow for you?

It takes a second before the Telescope window opens?
The window opens immediately, but the first results take a seconf to load?
The results open instantly, but sorting takes a second?

Also, check :Lazy profile to see if something is taking a long time to load. Maybe Telescope is just not loaded yet when you try to run it with the keymap?

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tommyalatalo commented Jan 14, 2023

I did a couple of screen recordings trying to show the issue; in both clips what I'm doing is

1. open nvim
2. immediately press <leader>>ff for telescope 
3. wait for telescope to open and populate the prompt
4. navigate the files

In this first clip I'm using my legacy packer setup, and you can see that telescope populates the prompt with files instantly, as would be expected.

In this other clip I have my lazy configuration in place, and its clear how it for some reason takes a huge amount of time before telescope populates the same list of files.

Here's the imgur post to be able to play them side by side as well.

@folke when you say to "wait till everything is loaded", what do you mean? Isn't telescope supposed to load up immediately since I set it to lazy = false?

If I open neovim and just sit and wait for a few seconds and then open telescope, then at that point it does populate the prompt instantly, so there is some kind of startup going on which is preventing telescope from doing its thing right away.

I checked the profiling in lazy, with the output below, lazy measures the startup time as 73ms, I'm not sure what's included in that though, lualine for instance doesn't show up within 1 second, which also seems to coincide with telescope being ready.

  Startuptime: 73.03ms
  Based on the actual CPU time of the Neovim process till UIEnter.
  This is more accurate than `nvim --startuptime`.
    LazyStart 16.97ms
    LazyDone  62.08ms (+45.11ms)
    UIEnter   73.03ms (+10.95ms)
  You can press <C-s> to change sorting between chronological order & time taken.
  Press <C-f> to filter profiling entries that took more time than a given threshold
    ●   lazy.nvim 14.97ms
      ➜   module 5.95ms
      ➜   config 0.17ms
      ➜   spec 5.9ms
        ★   lazyvim.plugins.coding 0.12ms
        ★   lazyvim.plugins.colorscheme 0.03ms
        ★   lazyvim.plugins.core 0.24ms
        ★   lazyvim.plugins.editor 0.44ms
        ★   lazyvim.plugins 0.94ms
        ★   lazyvim.plugins.lsp 0.07ms
        ★   lazyvim.plugins.treesitter 0.05ms
        ★   lazyvim.plugins.ui 0.1ms
        ★   lazyvim.plugins.util 0.07ms
        ★   plugins.autopairs 0.03ms
        ★   plugins.cmp 0.05ms
        ★   plugins.colorscheme 0.04ms
        ★   plugins.comment 0.02ms
        ★   plugins.core 0.43ms
        ★   plugins.gitblame 0.05ms
        ★   plugins.gitsigns 0.03ms
        ★   plugins.go 0.13ms
        ★   plugins.hop 0.1ms
        ★   plugins.indent_blankline 0.53ms
        ★   plugins.lualine 0.14ms
        ★   plugins.markdown 0.06ms
        ★   plugins.misc 0.39ms
        ★   plugins.telescope 0.07ms
        ★   plugins.transparent 0.05ms
        ★   plugins.tree 0.07ms
        ★   plugins.treesitter 0.16ms
        ★   plugins.trouble 0.04ms
        ★   plugins.vim-cutlass 0.03ms
        ★   plugins.vim-go 0.13ms
      ➜   state 0.29ms
      ➜   install 0.07ms
      ➜   handlers 2.58ms
    ●  startup 35.48ms
      ➜   runtime/filetype.lua 0.19ms
      ➜  init 0.07ms
        ★   init   dressing.nvim 0.03ms
        ★   init   nvim-navic 0.01ms
        ★   init   neo-tree.nvim 0.01ms
        ★   init   nvim-treesitter-textobjects 0ms
      ➜  start 34.39ms
        ★  start   LazyVim 4.53ms
          ‒   tokyonight.nvim 2.83ms
        ★  start   kanagawa.nvim 2.2ms
        ★  start   lualine.nvim 7ms
          ‒   nvim-web-devicons 0.33ms
            ●   nvim-web-devicons/plugin/nvim-web-devicons.vim 0.09ms
        ★  start   indent-blankline.nvim 0.87ms
          ‒   indent-blankline.nvim/plugin/indent_blankline.vim 0.66ms
        ★  start   telescope.nvim 14.03ms
          ‒   telescope-fzf-native.nvim 0.2ms
          ‒   telescope.nvim/plugin/telescope.lua 0.22ms
          ‒   plenary.nvim 0.19ms
            ●   plenary.nvim/plugin/plenary.vim 0.06ms
          ‒   nvim-treesitter 4.79ms
            ●   nvim-treesitter-textobjects 0.24ms
            ●   nvim-treesitter/plugin/nvim-treesitter.lua 1.78ms
        ★  start   Comment.nvim 0.86ms
          ‒   Comment.nvim/plugin/Comment.lua 0.62ms
        ★  start   gitsigns.nvim 4.82ms
          ‒   trouble.nvim 2.22ms
            ●   trouble.nvim/plugin/trouble.vim 0.11ms
      ➜  rtp plugins 0.69ms
        ★   runtime/plugin/health.vim 0.06ms
        ★   runtime/plugin/man.lua 0.07ms
        ★   runtime/plugin/rplugin.vim 0.2ms
        ★   runtime/plugin/shada.vim 0.11ms
        ★   runtime/plugin/spellfile.vim 0.07ms
      ➜  after 0.09ms
    ●  VimEnter 4.75ms
      ➜   alpha-nvim 0.78ms
      ➜  alpha_start 3.93ms
    ●  VeryLazy 25.36ms
      ➜   mini.comment 0.7ms
      ➜   mini.pairs 1.9ms
      ➜   vim-repeat 0.08ms
      ➜   which-key.nvim 22.58ms
        ★   which-key.nvim/plugin/which-key.vim 0.06ms
    ●  InsertEnter 38.65ms
      ➜   nvim-cmp 38.4ms
        ★   cmp-buffer 3.7ms
          ‒   after/plugin/cmp_buffer.lua 3.22ms
        ★   cmp-cmdline 1.08ms
          ‒   after/plugin/cmp_cmdline.lua 0.9ms
        ★   cmp-nvim-lsp 0.96ms
          ‒   after/plugin/cmp_nvim_lsp.lua 0.71ms
        ★   cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help 0.96ms
          ‒   after/plugin/cmp_nvim_lsp_signature_help.lua 0.75ms
        ★   cmp-path 0.92ms
          ‒   after/plugin/cmp_path.lua 0.75ms
        ★   cmp_luasnip 0.87ms
          ‒   after/plugin/cmp_luasnip.lua 0.69ms
        ★   nvim-cmp/plugin/cmp.lua 1.13ms
        ★   lspkind.nvim 0.11ms
        ★   LuaSnip 22ms
          ‒   friendly-snippets 20.18ms
          ‒   LuaSnip/plugin/luasnip.vim 0.37ms
          ‒   LuaSnip/ftdetect/snippets.vim 0.06ms
      ➜  ___cmp___ 0.02ms
      ➜  cmp_nvim_lsp 0.16ms

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folke commented Jan 14, 2023

I think I know what the problem is!

You are using version="*", but telescope's last release is very old, so try setting version=false for telescope, then update and see if that fixes it

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folke commented Jan 14, 2023

To really compare it, best to comment the line config.defaults.version.

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folke commented Jan 14, 2023

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folke commented Jan 14, 2023

Can't be that, you are using LAzyVim and I already set version=false for Telescope

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folke commented Jan 14, 2023

When you are testing, you do try it in the same directory right?

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Yes, I always test in the same folder to keep it consistent. I tried commenting out version=* but it didn't make any difference.

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folke commented Jan 14, 2023

What if you comment the line below? Then LazyVim will load, but without any of your extra plugins.

If that works as expected, then change that line to only additionally load telescope, so make it imvport = "plugins.telescope" and see if that still works ok.

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I commented that line out, but telescope is still slow. I would say it's a bit faster, but still far from instant as it should be.

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folke commented Jan 14, 2023

What does nvim --startuptime foo.txt show?

Something must be loading after lazy and before you run telescope.

Your screencast is definitely not normal

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folke commented Jan 14, 2023

Did you already check :checkhealth lazy?

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tommyalatalo commented Jan 14, 2023

I checked it again now, this is what it says:

lazy: require("").check()
## lazy.nvim
  - OK: no existing packages found by other package managers
  - OK: packer_compiled.lua not found

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tommyalatalo commented Jan 14, 2023

nvim --startuptime foo.txt doesn't show me anything but starting up nvim as normal to the dashboard, are you referring to using this plugin or something other?

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folke commented Jan 14, 2023

Super odd all of this. You'll have to figure it out on your own. It's hard for me to debug when I don't have anything reproducible.

It's indeed also weird that it takes a second before lualine shows. But since you don't see anything in either startuptime or lazy profile, it must be something not during startup. But what could that be then?

Now that I think about it, it could be the checker! Try setting config.checker.enabled = false in your lazy config.

That triggers right after startup to check for updates. And during that time, it's normal that things would be slower for a second or so.

If that's the issue then either you have to live with it (only once per startup), you can disable it, or you can set the checker concurrency to a low number, so it will have a smaller footprint.

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I tried disabling the checker, that didn't make a noticeable difference. What I did find is that if I just went and removed all my nvim stuff so that I only kept my keymaps and vanilla lazyvim without any plugin specs etc, then telescope works as it should, blazingly fast.

So what I'll do is I'll nuke everything, then bring things back piece by piece while checking along the way if and when the telescope issue appears. I'll report back any findings of course and perhaps we'll get to the bottom of this.

Also I can't begin to thank you enough for all your efforts in helping me, this has truly been a headscratcher. I really appreciate all the support since I really want to be able to use lazy, I think you really knocked it out of the park with this one :)

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folke commented Jan 14, 2023

Sounds good and do let me know if you find anything :)


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So finally coming back to this after being insanely busy for the past two weeks.

I couldn't find anything causing the startup delay, I think it must've been some leftover file in my .local/share/nvim from packer. I've been using this config for two weeks now and it is very fast and very satisfying :)

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