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How to download and install the package in R or R Studio

You can install the most recent version (v2.1.2) of licornetics from github with the following code:

if (!require(devtools)) install.packages('devtools')

Next, load the package library (this needs to be done every time you restart your R session).


You can then use the two function included in the package, a short description of them is also available in R by using the following code:


Licorplots (name changed from version 2.0.0 of licornetics onwards)

Plot physiological parameters measured using the Li-COR biosystems photosystem.

This function enables easy visualization of physiological parameters measured with a Li-COR portable photosystem.

It can plot absolute or relative stomatal conductance (gSW), carbon assimilation (A), intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE), intercellular CO2 (Ci) and ambient CO2 (Ca). Also allows to plot other values from version 2.0.1 onward. Data from single files can be plotted as well as averaged data across several input files (with standard error or deviation bars) and different genotypes, species or conditions can be shown in one plot.

Licorplots is optimized for the use of Excel sheet files (.xlsx) created by the Li-6800 system.

As output, a customizable plot is generated using the ggplot2 package which can therefore be used downstream with ggplot-based packages such as ggpubr. Plot colours are added based on the "Isfahan1" palette from the MetBrewer package ( as a default but can also be customized with your own colour palette.

Updates included in version 2.0.0

  • additional plotting option for Intercellular CO2 and Ambient CO2
  • values can now be normalised by stomatal density with the stomden function
  • colours are more customizable now
  • x axis depicts actual time in minutes calculated from measured timepoint now rather than based on the obs column
  • outlier removal is based on A not iWUE now
  • customizable text labels now support markdown formatting (e.g. italics or bold)

Updates included in version 2.0.1

  • The "type" argument now also allows other inputs. It is important that the input is a column of the Li-COR excel output data files (e.g. "Fs" or "Qamb_out").
  • y axis label text can be changed now with the "axis_label" argument

How to use licorplots

1. Basic usage

The licorplots function included in the package can then be executed by using the following code:

licorplots(identifier = "filename.xlsx")


Make sure that your files are in the folder you are currently working in (check with getwd()) or specify the path to where they are. If all files are in one specific folder you can also use setwd("path/to/folder") to go there before you use licorplots.

If the filename you are referring to has a unique identifier (such as "test" in the filename "testfile.xlsx"), you can also use this instead of the whole filename:

licorplots(identifier = "test")


2. Different plot types

While the default setting of licorplots will yield a plot of data for absolute stomatal conductance, there are also other options available (including intrinsic water-use efficiency and relative stomatal conductance (not included in the Li-6800 output files)) which can be selected with the type argument:

  1. Absolute stomatal conductance ("gsw", gsw in the excel files)

  2. Relative stomatal conductance ("relgsw"), absolute stomatal conductance divided by the maximum value of the whole measurement

  3. Carbon assimilation rate ("A", A in the excel files)

  4. Intrinsic Water-use efficiency ("WUE"), Carbon assimilation rate divided by absolute stomatal conductance

  5. Intercellular CO2 ("Ci", Ci in the excel files)

  6. Ambient Co2 ("Ca", Ca in the excel files)

  7. Data column of your choice (refer to a column name in the excel files)

licorplots(identifier = "test", type = "gsw")
licorplots(identifier = "test", type = "relgsw")
licorplots(identifier = "test", type = "A")
licorplots(identifier = "test", type = "WUE")
licorplots(identifier = "test", type = "Ci")
licorplots(identifier = "test", type = "Ca")
licorplots(identifier = "test", type = "Fs")


3. Merge data from different files

If you want to plot averaged data from more than one file (with error bars (standard error)), simply change the identifier argument to a string of letters that are common to all the files you want to include such as "plantline1". Showing data from different file sets is also possible by using c("plantline1", "plantline2").

licorplots(identifier = "plantline1")
licorplots(identifier = c("plantline1", "plantline2"))


4. Choose error bar type

The default error bars shown in the plots are standard error ("se") bars. If you want to change them to display standard deviation instead, set the errorbars argument to "sd".

5. Data correction by average leaf area and/or stomatal density

When the leaf is not big enough to fill the entire LI-COR system chamber, gas exchange measurements should be corrected by leaf area. This can be done manually in the excel files or by using the area_correction argument of licorplots. Simply divide the chamber size by the average measured leaf area (e.g. 2cm2/0.8cm2=2.5) and add this value to the code:

licorplots(identifier = "plantline1")
licorplots(identifier = "plantline1", area_correction = 2.5)


It is also possible to normalise your data by stomatal density to show your data on a per stoma basis. For this you need to give the stomatal density [stoma/mm-2] to the stomden argument. If you specified more than one identifier, you need to input the stomatal density for each identifier in the same order as in the identifier argument.

licorplots(identifier = c("plantline1", "plantline2"))
licorplots(identifier = c("plantline1", plantline2""), stomden = c(60, 40))


6. Change axis limits

If you want to modify the range of values displayed on the y axis, use the y_axis_limits argument:

licorplots(identifier = "plantline1", y_axis_limits = c(0, 0.7))
licorplots(identifier = "plantline1", area_correction = 2.5, y_axis_limits = c(0, 0.7))


To change which x axis values are included, use timeframe:

licorplots(identifier = "plantline1", timeframe = 25:65)


7. Remove outliers

If the remove_outliers argument is set to "yes", licorplots will remove outliers based on boxplot outliers of the A values (carbon assimilation).

8. Further plot modifications

Some more arguments are available to edit the final plot:

timestamps adds dotted lines based on the x axis values it is given.

licorplots(identifier = "plantline1", timestamps = c(20, 40, 60))


legend_title allows to change the legend title. Default title is "Genotype".

The labels of the legend can be modified by using legend_labels. The order of labels should follow the order of data given in the identifier argument. If legend_labels is not changed, the names used in identifier are displayed. Both legend_title and legend_labels support markdown formatting so that you can for example format your text in italics or bold.

The y axis label can be customized by using the axis_label argument. This argument supports usage of markdown language formatting.

licorplots(identifier = c("plantline1", "plantline2"), legend_title = "**Species**"", legend_labels = c("*Plant x*", "Plant y"), axis_label = "**g<sub>SW</sub>**")


Licorplots uses the colour palette "Isfahan1" of the MetBrewer package as default colour palette ( You can also use your own selection of colours or use another palette from MetBrewer or a similar package.

licorplots(identifier = c("L1", "L2", "L3", "L4"))
licorplots(identifier = c("L1", "L2", "L3", "L4"), colours = met.brewer("Derain"))
licorplots(identifier = c("L1", "L2", "L3", "L4"), colours = c("blue", "green"))
licorplots(identifier = c("L1", "L2", "L3", "L4"), colours = c("#228B22", "#800080"))


Troubleshooting, tips and tricks for licorplots

We found that sometimes excel files were not read properly into R, leading to empty plots. In those cases it helped to open the excel file outside R Studio and save them again. Afterwards, R read in the data just fine. Similarly, data could not be read into R when the file is still open in Excel so make sure to close the files before using the package.

It is highly recommended to keep the LI-COR input files in a folder that does not contain other files. If you did not specify a full file name as input but rather chose a fragment of it as identifier, licorplots will try to open all the files with this fragment that are in the folder and if there is a file with this fragment that is not a LI-COR excel output, it will cause an error.

If installation via devtools does not work, try replacing devtools in the code with remotes.

Licorvalues (new in version 2.0.0 of licornetics)

Calculate steady state values and kinetics parameters from data measured using the Li-COR photosystem.

This function calculates steady state values along with kinetics parameters based on Li-COR excel files. It also visualises absolute stomatal conductance and plots the fitted curve onto the data. Modeling and calculation of kinetics parameters is based on the model describing the change of stomatal conductance over time introduced in Vialet-Chabrand et al. (2013) and McAusland et al. (2016).

The following values will be calculated:

  1. Steady state absolute stomatal conductance ("gsw") averaged over the last 5 time points of a specified time frame with standard deviation and error.
  2. Steady state carbon assimilation ("A") averaged over the last 5 time points of a specified time frame with standard deviation and error.
  3. Intrinsic water-use efficiency ("iWUE") averaged over the last 5 time points of a specified time frame with standard deviation and error.
  4. Lag-time (λ) of the curve in response to a change in irradiance (in s and min) with standard error.
  5. Time constant ("k") of opening or closing (in s-1 and min-1) with standard error.
  6. Maximum slope (Slmax) of the curve in response to a change in irradiance with standard error.

Licorvalues is optimized for the use of Excel sheet files (.xlsx) created by the Li-6800 system.

As output, a data frame/table containing the values is generated and the data with curves are depicted as plots.

How to use licorvalues

1. Basic Usage

Let's imagine you have ran a Li-COR program on several individuals of two genotypes in which you changed the light intensity each 20 minutes. Your final plot that you created using the licorplots function might now look like this: plotv_1_example

Now you want to have a closer look at the second opening transition at 41 to 58 minutes. You can use licorvalues to calculate steady state values for the last 5 minutes of this time frame and it will also show you what the exponential decay curve looks like that was fitted over your data. Similar to the licorplots function you name identifiers, here "plantline1" and "plantline2", and then you give a list object to the transition argument that specifies the time frame that you want to calculate steady state and kinetics values for.

licorvalues(identifier = c("plantline1", "plantline2"), transition = list(c(41:58)))

The output will then be a plot showing the data with the fitted curves: plotv_2_curves

and a table with the values that is printed to the console:

    ID transition_zone       gsw      gsw_sd       gsw_se        A       A_sd       A_se     iWUE   iWUE_sd   iWUE_se
  LB14           41:58 0.1985915 0.002009115 0.0008985037 16.39369 0.03759949 0.01681500 86.42987 0.9092028 0.4066079
    wt           41:58 0.2533792 0.002537768 0.0011349245 17.67942 0.06860583 0.03068146 70.92771 0.7266602 0.3249723
     lambda se_lambda lambda_min se_lambda_min        k     se_k    k_min  se_k_min     Slmax   se_Slmax
  142.63662  44.24771   2.377277     0.7374618 109.2266 25.97587 1.820443 0.4329312 0.1906983 0.09819969
   89.62661  15.81718   1.493777     0.2636196 121.2167 10.65192 2.020278 0.1775320 0.4465352 0.03579890

If you want to save the table later, you can also save the output to an R object which will then include the table but not the plots:

new_data <- licorvalues(identifier = c("plantline1", "plantline2"), transition = list(c(41:58)))

2. Data normalisation by stomatal density

It is also possible to normalise your data by stomatal density to show your data on a per stoma basis. For this you need to give the stomatal density [stoma/mm-2] to the stomden argument. If you specified more than one identifier, you need to input the stomatal density for each identifier in the same order as in the identifier argument.

licorvalues(identifier = "plantline1")
  ID transition_zone       gsw      gsw_sd      gsw_se        A       A_sd       A_se     iWUE   iWUE_sd
  wt           41:58 0.2533792 0.002537768 0.001134924 17.67942 0.06860583 0.03068146 70.92771 0.7266602

    iWUE_se   lambda se_lambda lambda_min se_lambda_min        k     se_k    k_min se_k_min     Slmax
  0.3249723 89.62661  15.81718   1.493777     0.2636196 121.2167 10.65192 2.020278 0.177532 0.4465352


licorvalues(identifier = "plantline1", stomden = 60)
  ID transition_zone          gsw       gsw_sd       gsw_se            A        A_sd         A_se        iWUE    iWUE_sd
  wt           41:58 4.222987e-06 4.229614e-08 1.891541e-08 0.0002946569 1.14343e-06 5.113577e-07 0.001182129 1.2111e-05
       iWUE_se   lambda se_lambda lambda_min se_lambda_min        k     se_k    k_min  se_k_min        Slmax     se_Slmax
  5.416205e-06 50.03848  12.55972  0.8339747     0.2093287 149.7999 11.72112 2.496665 0.1953521 5.805185e-06 5.120071e-07

3. Outlier removal

If remove_outliers = "yes", licorvalues will remove outliers from the data based on boxplot outliers of the A (carbon assimilation) column.

4. Colours

Per default, plots are depicted in black but you can also customise this by adding a colour palette via the colours argument that assigns a colour to each identifier.

licorvalues(identifier = c("plantline1", "plantline2"), transition = list(c(41:58), c(61:75)), colours = met.brewer("Derain"))
     genotype transition_zone        gsw      gsw_sd       gsw_se          A
2  plantline1           41:59 0.25002099 0.002745064 0.0012276297 17.5336849
1  plantline1           61:75 0.02693562 0.004860572 0.0021737137 -0.9172865
11 plantline2           41:59 0.19859154 0.002009115 0.0008985037 16.3936853
12 plantline2           61:75 0.02550996 0.005165314 0.0023099984 -1.0230697

         A_sd       A_se       iWUE     iWUE_sd     iWUE_se rate_constant      T50
2  0.06999676 0.03130350   71.43659   0.8333434   0.3726825     0.1667535 4.156717
1  0.04142863 0.01852745 -180.21156 238.4259830 106.6273411     0.2266650 3.058025
11 0.03759949 0.01681500   86.42987   0.9092028   0.4066079     0.1117941 6.200213
12 0.08053374 0.03601579  -53.34118  11.4081815   5.1018938     0.2182721 3.175611


5. Different plotting options

Licorvalues will usually create a folder called "GraphModel" and further folders within that folder labelled with the specified time frames. These folder contain plots for individual files and averaged plots for each identifier. Within R (Studio), a plot will be displayed in the Plots Viewer panel that shows the plots for each identifier as default (see above plots). If you want this to display the plots for each single file instead, set 'show_individuals =T'.


[1] McAusland, L., Vialet-Chabrand, S., Davey, P., Baker, N.R., Brendel, O., and Lawson, T. (2016). "Effects of Kinetics of Light-Induced Stomatal Responses on Photosynthesis and Water-Use Efficiency." The New Phytologist 211 (4): 1209–20.

[2] Vialet-Chabrand, S., Dreyer, E., and Brendel, O. 2013. “Performance of a New Dynamic Model for Predicting Diurnal Time Courses of Stomatal Conductance at the Leaf Level.” Plant, Cell & Environment 36 (8): 1529–46.