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105 lines (79 loc) · 5.62 KB

Command Line

File metadata and controls

105 lines (79 loc) · 5.62 KB

Command Line Cheatsheet

sudo: allows root level permisson
alias : allows for reassignment of a command (e.g. alias open="xdg-open" will change the command "xdg-open" to "open")
man [command] : Displays manual for the specified [command].

Current Location Commands

pwd : Shows the current user directory listed. Given from the absolute path (root).
ls: Shows what files are in the current directory.
ls -a: Shows all files in the current directory (including hidden files).

Movement Commands

cd [name] : Go to specified directory.
cd .. : Go one directory up (back to previous directory).
cd / : Go to root directory.
cd ~ : Go to user directory.

Creation/Deletion Commands

mkdir [name] : Creates a new folder in the current directory.
rmdir [name] : Removes the file specified (This only works on empty folders. For folders containing files see rm -r).
rm -r [name] : Removes a folder that is either empty or contains files.
rm [name] : Removes the file specified.
rm -i : Interactive Requires user confirmation before deletion.
rm -f : Force removes a file (Works on write-protected files).
touch [name] : Creates a file (specified file type i.e. .txt, .html, .js etc).
cat > [name] : Creates a text file and allows user to type contents into Terminal.

Open Commands

open [name] : Opens a file in the current diretory ("xdg-open" in Ubuntu).
gedit [name] : Opens a file using GNOME text editor (Ubuntu).
open -a [name] : Opens the specified application.

code . : Opens Visual Studio Code.

open -a "Visual Studio Code" [name] : Opens the specified file [name] with the specified application.

File Manipulation

cp [name] [new_name] : Copies the [name] file to [new_name].
mv [name] [new_name] : Renames [name] to [new_name].
mv [name] [location] : Moves specified file to the location specified.
cat [name] : Displays a concatenated version of the files contents.
cat >> [name] : Appends user input to specified text file.
cat [name] [other_name] : Combines [name] and [other_name] text files.
head -[number] : Displays the first [number] of lines in a text file.
tail -[number] : Displays the last [number] of lines in a text file.
less [name] : Displays large text files. Allows the user to scroll through the file ("q" quits the file).
[command1] | [command2] : Pipe the output from [command1] into [command2] (e.g. whois | head = returns the whois of passed through the head command to only return the first 10 lines)


find [folder] -name [name] : Finds the file [name] in the specified [folder].
grep [word] [name] : Search for a specified [word] in the specified text file [name].

grep [word] [name] -v : Displays all lines that do not match the specified [word].
grep [word] [name] -n : Displays the line number where the specified [word] can be located in the text file preceeding the text.
grep [word] [name] -c : Displays the line number where the specified [word] can be located in the text Standalone
grep [word] [name] -i : Ignores the case of the specified [word].

wc [name] : Displays the line count, the word count and the character count of the specified text file.
wc [name] -l : Displats the line count of the text file.
wc [name] -w : Displats the word count of the text file.
wc [name] -c : Displats the character count of the text file.
history : Displays the history of commands passed into Terminal.


whoami : Displays the current user.
ls -l : Displays file permissions.

If the first character in the file permissions is "-" this denotes that it is a file.
If the first character in the file permissions is "d" this denotes that it is a directory.
"r" : Read permission access.
"w" : Write permission access.
"x" : Execute permission access.
"-" : Excluding first character Access to that element is unavailable for that user.

chmod [permission] [name] : Changes the permissions of the specified file.

7 is rwx (e.g. 777 = user, group and global can all rwx)
6 is rw (e.g. 766 = user can rwx but group and global can only rw)
5 is rx (e.g. 755 = user can rwx but group and global can only rx)
4 is r (e.g. 744 = user can rwx but group and global can only r)


-rw-rw-r-- 1 luke luke 0 Oct 23 19:18 goodbye.txt
drwxrwxr-x 2 luke luke 4096 Oct 23 18:11 Makers

The first character denotes file/directory(folder).
2, 3, 4 characters denote permissions for the current user.
5, 6, 7 characters denote permissions for the group.
8, 9, 10 characters denote permissions for the global.


env : Displays environment variables.
echo $[variable] : Displays specified environment [variable].
rvm use [version] : Switches version of Ruby currently being used to [version].


ps : Displays current processes.
ps x : Displays all processes currently running on the computer.