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Array Challenge Deuce Lab


[to waiter] I'll have what she's having. -Estelle Reiner

Learning Objectives

  • Write a method that takes in an array, performs some checks and returns a new array.
  • Read and run unit tests to check your work.


Lets pretend for this lab that we own a deli.

Our deli is one of the busiest delis in New York City (therefore one of the busiest on Earth). Our job is to create a system that represents a line. Someone enters the store, they enter our line. Our server then needs to able to state "Now serving x!" x being the individuals name. There's one catch! If our customer is either Meg Ryan or Billy Crystal, they will jump to the front of the line.

Locate the Deli.swift file. It is your job to implement the functions below:

The function definitions have been created for you, it's your job to implement them!

  • 1. Implement this function - addNameToLine(name:)

    • It should take in a String as one of its arguments (labeled as name) and return a String.
    • In its implementation, it should add the name passed into this argument to the line stored property on the Deli class. (Exactly what that sentence means is explained when we get to the section on Classes). For now, you can see that line is created for you as an empty array of String 's. You can utilize this variable within all of the functions you create, you have full access to it.
      • If the persons name is Billy Crystal, they should be positioned at the front of the line.
      • If the persons name is Meg Ryan, they should be positioned at the front of the line.
      • Everyone else should be added to the back of the line and wait their turn.
    • The String this function should return is based on the following conditions (x represents the individuals name, y represents their position in line).
      • If the person is first in line: "Welcome x, you're first in line!"
      • If the persons name is Billy Crystal: "Welcome Billy Crystal! You can sit wherever you like."
      • If the persons name is Meg Ryan: "Welcome Meg Ryan! You can sit wherever you like."
      • Every other situation: "Welcome x, you're number y in line."
  • 2. Implement this function - nowServing()

    • It should take in no arguments but return back a String.
    • In its implementation the String that is returned is based on the following conditions (x represents the individuals name):
      • If the line is empty: "There is no one to be served."
      • If the line isn't empty: "Now serving x!"
    • This function should do one more thing. It should remove the individual from the deliLine that it's about to serve.
  • 3. Implement this function - lineDescription()

    • This function should take no arguments but return back a String.
    • The String to be returned back is based on the following conditions:
      • If the line is empty: "The line is currently empty."
      • Otherwise, return a String beginning with the "The line is:", and appending every customer in the line on a new line \n beginning with their number in the line. For example, if our line was represented as:
var line = ["Albert Einstein", "Cher", "Neil deGrasse Tyson", "Yoshi"]

The String to be returned should look like this:

"The line is:

  1. Albert Einstein
  2. Cher
  3. Neil deGrasse Tyson
  4. Yoshi"


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