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Shopping Cart Lab


Role models are only of limited use. For no-one is as important, potentially powerful and as key in your life and world as you. -Rasheed Ogunlaru


In this lab, you'll create an app that works like a shopping cart.


With your knowledge of delegation, we will use this programming technique to allow two ViewControllers to be able to communicate to each other.

The finished product.

Some of this has already been built for you.

Open the ShoppingCart.xcodeproj file.

Look in the ShoppingListViewController.swift & Main.storyboard file to see what it is that has been built for you. If you were to run the app, it would look like this,

If you hit the + button in the top left, you will be met with this screen.

Your Tasks

(1) - Open the Main.storyboard file and setup the Emoji Selection View Controller Scene to look like this:

This is made up of

  • One UILabel
  • Two UITextFields
  • One UIButton

(2) - Create outlets from the two UITextFields and an action for the UIButton to the EmojiSelectionViewController.swift file.

(3) - Head back to the ShoppingListViewController.swift file. Near the top of this file, right below the import UIKit line of code, we will be creating a protocol.

Create a protocol called EmojiCreation. In your implementation of this protocol should be one requirement. A function called create(emojiGroup:) that takes in one argument called emojiGroup of type (String, String).

If someone was to call on this function, they would do so like this:

create(emojiGroup: ("😋", "🤕"))

The two parenthesis seem weird when calling that function (we'll go into that more later), but that's because the type of the argument of this function is a tuple and you create a tuple using parenthesis like that.

So now that we created this protocol, lets have some type adopt and conform to it.

(4) In the ShoppingListViewController.swift file, scroll down to the bottom and create an extension on the ShoppingViewController where within the extension you're adopting the EmojiCreation. Very similar to how it's being done with the Data Source and Delegate protocols.

(5) Conform to this protocol within your newly made extension by implementing the create(emojiGroup:) method that's part of this protocol.

Before you start writing code, take a look near the top of this file. This Table View will display the emoji's from our array called emojis.

var emojis: [(String, String)] = []

emojis is an instance property of type [(String, String)] where we then assign it a value of an empty array. What's stored in this array are tuples.

We know that our create(emojiGroup:) method takes in a tuple as its argument. So in your implementation of this method, append to this emojis variable the tuple passed into this function.

Right below that line of code, you need to do one more thing. We need to tell our tableView property to do something, because the data it's relying on has changed! We need to tell it to reload its data.

So type this line of code in below where you append the tuple passed in to the emojis property.


Instead of adding the reloadData() call on the tableView here in our code, we can add add a didSet observer to our emojis instance property where within the didSet block of code, we can call on tableView.reloadData().

(6) - Going back to the EmojiSelectionViewController.swift file, we need to add a new property to this class. It should be a variable called emojiDelegate of type EmojiCreation?. Don't forget that question mark, it will be an optional EmojiCreation.

(7) - In the EmojiSelectionViewController.swift file, locate the action method you created in an earlier step. When the save button is tapped, we want to call on a certain function through our emojiDelegate property. Can you guess which one? Well.. considering the type of emojiDelegate is EmojiCreation we only have the ability to call on one method anyway through this property. In calling on this function, we want to pass in a tuple where the first part of the tuple represents the text typed in from the left text field, the right part of the tuple represents the text typed in from the right text field.

Considering this is a lot to do in one line of code, consider breaking this down into chunks.

First grab the text from the left text field and store that in a constant. Grab the text from the right text field and store that in a constant. Now create a new constant which is a tuple made up of those two String's you just grabbed from the text fields. Then call on the create(emojiGroup:) on your emojiDelegate instance property passing in this new tuple you created.

Below that delegate method call (still in the implementation of your button tapped method), type this line of code as we will want to dismiss our View Controller.

dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

If we were to now run our code, would this all work? Not yet, do you know why? We haven't yet created the connection between the two view controllers.

(8) - In the ShoppingListViewController.swift file, we need to implement the prepare(for:sender:) method which is inherit to all UIViewController's.

A reminder on how segue's work. We created this segue in the Main.storyboard file for you.

The segue was setup when someone goes to tap the + button. When that button is tapped, we travel down the segue (if you want to think of the segue as a road) to its destination which is the second view controller.

So when someone taps that + button, before we jump to our destination the prepare(for:sender:) method is called on the View Controller from which we're leaving from (like leaving home to go to a vacation spot).

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?){

One of the arguments to this function is called segue which is of type UIStoryboardSegue. This is what we want here. Through this segue object, we can find out where we we're going and communicate with that destination (the destination here is the EmojiSelectionViewController.

So lets get a hold of our destination view controller, like so:

let destVC = segue.destination as! EmojiSelectionViewController

Now that we have a hold of where we're going, self needs to become the emojiDelegate of the second view controller. Think of the left View Controller as the parent, and the right one as its child.

We setup this connection like so:

destVC.emojiDelegate = self

self being the current instance of the ShoppingListViewController.

Now everything is connected and when the SAVE button is tapped, it should communicate through its delegate (which is the first View Controller) that a new emojiGroup has been added, it will then call on that method you implemented earlier where we add that group to the array and reload the table view.


Feel free to use print() statements throughout the various functions here to confirm that everything is getting called correctly and in what order. This is an important and powerful concept to understand.

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