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Releases: erigontech/erigon


26 Aug 19:51
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  • fix for the heavy disk I/O regressions by MDBX (fixes a couple of issues with RPC daemon with --datadir being slow or completely unresponsive)

  • increase node db file limit (fixes mdbx_cursor_put: operation not permitted" log warnings)

  • tx pool improvements


reproducible builds in Docker aren't functional at the moment


24 Aug 09:26
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Security Fix

This release contains a high-severity security fix, found by the Go Ethereum team.

Please, upgrade.


  • ‼️ high-severity security issue fixup ‼️

  • multiple RPC optimisations

  • fix in a sentry to reduce block delivery delay

  • increase the default gas limit for eth_call (to 50M gas)

  • maintenance upgrade of Grafana, Prometheus


reproducible builds in Docker aren't functional at the moment


19 Aug 12:06
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--datadir parameter is not backward-compatible

chaindata folder was moved from <datadir>/erigon/chaindata into <datadir>/chaindata. Please, move manually before starting the new version, otherwise you will get an error like the following

EROR[08-19|09:30:24.913] Old data directory found                 path=/Users/<>/rinkeby/erigon/chaindata please move to new path=/Users/<>/rinkeby/chaindata
Fatal: Could not open database: safety error, see log message


  • trace_call and trace_callMany gas prices set to basefee if 0 is provided

  • eth_feeHistory better compatibility with the specs

  • trace_filter crash fixup

  • trace_filter: fix for after and count parameters

  • improved docs for building your own RPC daemon (thanks to Eugene)

  • preserve streaming of batch RPC requests (fix for #2540)

  • newHeads subscribe now returns baseFeePerGas (fix for #2549)

  • parametric the location of go executable with the env variable


reproducible builds in Docker aren't functional at the moment


12 Aug 09:10
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  • add txpool_status api (kudos to Richard Patel)

  • improved Grafana metrics

  • add eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas and eth_feeHistory

  • add support for vmTrace into trace_ RPC methods

  • reduce commit frequency to Sentry DBs


reproducible builds in Docker aren't functional at the moment


05 Aug 09:10
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  • better licensed logger (Apache) and metrics (MIT) dependencies

  • fix for "err after streaming started" #2464

  • mdbx v0.10.2 #2449

  • allow to run all sync stages once when --nodiscover is set and there is no network connection

  • better log messages for pruning misconfiguration

  • fix eth_gasPrice for London-style fees

  • more fixes for tracing APIs #2485

  • improved documentation of Staged Sync (kudos to The-Coomer)


reproducible builds in Docker aren't functional at the moment


29 Jul 08:51
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XDG in the Docker images

🚨 This is a breaking change if you use our Docker images.

It moves the default data dir from /var/lib/erigon to /home/erigon/.local/share/erigon.

If you mount your data and use our own docker images, you need to change the mount point to avoid re-syncing!

If you already setup your data dir to a custom directory -- no action is required.

If you don't use our docker images -- no action is required.


  • fixes for EIP-1559 in pending transactions, eth_getTransactionByHash,

  • fix for debug_traceTransaction #2433

  • fixes for intrinsic gas in trace_ methods #2440

  • fixup for eth_syncing on the block 0

  • fixes for trace_call and trace_callMany methods

  • Sokol support improvements

  • Breaking change: Docker builds now follow XDG spec (data in /home/erigon/.local/share/erigon) #2437


reproducible builds in Docker aren't functional at the moment


22 Jul 16:04
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London Hardfork & Ropsten Consensus Issue

Please upgrade your nodes to 2021.07.04 before London hardfork!
Recently uncovered consensus bug in geth, nethermind and erigon affects mainnet too!
This bug is fixed in this (2021.07.04) release.

If you want to repair your Ropsten nodes without resync

If you are on mainnet, no need to repair anything.

Follow these steps accurately:

  • upgrade to 2021.07.04

  • run your node with --bad.block 10679538 option

  • wait patiently for the node to unwind, find proper peers and re-sync from the bad block. can take quite some time and might look like it is stuck on [4/18 Bodies] Wrote block bodies

  • restart your node WITHOUT --bad.block option.


New flag --prunereplaces --storage-mode.

--prune is an INVERSION of --storage-mode


  • --storage-mode=h => "keep history";
  • --prune=h means "PRUNE history".
  • if you using --storage-mode=ht the equivalent is --prune=rc

New flag docs:

  • h - prune history (ChangeSets, HistoryIndices - used by historical state access)
  • r - prune receipts (Receipts, Logs, LogTopicIndex, LogAddressIndex - used by eth_getLogs and similar RPC methods)
  • t - prune transaction by it's hash index
  • c - prune call traces (used by trace_* methods)

By default, --prune deletes data older than 90K blocks from the tip of the chain (aka, for if tip block is no. 12'000'000, only the data between 11'910'000-12'000'000 will be kept).

Thus could be overridden by --prune.<mode>.older flags.
E.g. --prune.h.older=1000000 keeps the last 1'000'000 historical entries.

--prune= (empty list) means no pruning (full archive mode).

Breaking change in Dockerfile - user is not Root anymore

Please see changes here:


  • pruning! (see #2399)

  • default docker-compose now can do RPCDaemon in local-mode in another container. PR #2392 (kudos to for the fixup!)

  • no annoying "peer not found" error

  • a fixup for Ropsten consensus issue (see the PR here)

  • fixes in trace_replayTransaction, trace_replayBlock

  • broadcast local pooled transactions

  • remove preimage recording

  • batches in streamable RPC requests

  • improvements for Sokol


reproducible builds in Docker aren't functional at the moment


14 Jul 14:28
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DockerHub image

  • thorax/erigon
  • docker-compose changed name of image from turbo-geth to thorax/erigon
  • Inside docker changed datadir to /var/lib/erigon


  • eth_syncing -- show progress stage by stage

  • remove ETL tmp files more aggressive

  • continue work on Sokol network support - we need it to build more flexible consensus API

  • improvements for tx pool propagation

  • EIP-1559 support in eth_call and trace_* APIs

  • include London blocks in the configuration

  • workaround for hitting gRPC limits for the txpool_content call


reproducible builds in Docker aren't functional at the moment


08 Jul 11:09
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Repairing receipts

Who are affected

  • if you synced on 2021.06.04 or earlier, and upgraded the node to 2021.06.05 at some point.

Who are NOT affected

  • if you are still on 2021.06.04

  • if you synced your node on Erigon 2021.06.05 or later;

If you are affected, your receipts could be damaged.

We provide an utility to fix the receipts in the db:

make hack
./build/bin/hack --action scanReceipts --chaindata <datadir>/erigon/chaindata


  • --rpc.batch.concurrency flag

  • receipts repairing utility

  • sentry improvements

  • fixups for debug_traceTransaction

  • trace_call is about 2x faster

  • fixup for transaction propagation with an external sentry

  • enable private rpc endpoint by default, allowing hybrid mode for the roc daemon out of the box

  • don't crash rpcdaemon on streamable WS (we don't support them still, but at least the app doesn't crash on them)


reproducible builds in Docker aren't functional at the moment


01 Jul 11:07
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  • London: add GasPrice for the DynamicFeeTransaction

  • --blockDownloaderWindow cli option, to be able to sync on lower RAM machines, (8 Gb)

  • fix for receipts status #2250

  • add effective gas price to eth_getTransactionReceipt and eth_getBlockReceipts

  • fix new tx propagation for external sentry (sendRawTransaction)

  • eth_chainID alias for eth_chainId for better compatibility

  • partial support for trace_replayTransaction and trace_replayBlockTransactions, only state diffs

  • fixup for eth_call, set max gas by default


reproducible builds in Docker aren't functional at the moment