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File metadata and controls

138 lines (95 loc) · 4.29 KB


ETL framework is most commonly used in [staged sync](../../eth/stagedsync).

It implements a pattern where we extract some data from a database, transform it, then put it into temp files and insert back to the database in sorted order.

Inserting entries into our KV storage sorted by keys helps to minimize write amplification, hence it is much faster, even considering additional I/O that is generated by storing files.

It behaves similarly to enterprise [Extract, Transform, Load] frameworks, hence the name. We use temporary files because that helps keep RAM usage predictable and allows using ETL on large amounts of data.


func keyTransformExtractFunc(transformKey func([]byte) ([]byte, error)) etl.ExtractFunc {
    return func(k, v []byte, next etl.ExtractNextFunc) error {
        newK, err := transformKey(k)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        return next(k, newK, v)

err := etl.Transform(
        db,                                              // database
        dbutils.PlainStateBucket,                        // "from" bucket
        dbutils.CurrentStateBucket,                      // "to" bucket
        datadir,                                         // where to store temp files
        keyTransformExtractFunc(transformPlainStateKey), // transformFunc on extraction
        etl.IdentityLoadFunc,                            // transform on load
        etl.TransformArgs{                               // additional arguments
            Quit: quit,
if err != nil {
    return err

Data Transformation

Data could be transformed in two places along the pipeline:

  • transform on extraction
  • transform on loading

Transform On Extraction

type ExtractFunc func(k []byte, v []byte, next ExtractNextFunc) error

Transform on extraction function receives the current key and value from the source bucket.

Transform On Loading

type LoadFunc func(k []byte, value []byte, state State, next LoadNextFunc) error

As well as the current key and value, the transform on loading function receives the State object that can receive data from the destination bucket.

That is used in index generation where we want to extend index entries with new data instead of just adding new ones.

Buffer Types

Before the data is being flushed into temp files, it is getting collected into a buffer until it overflows (etl.ExtractArgs.BufferSize).

There are different types of buffers available with different behaviour.

  • SortableSliceBuffer -- just append (k, v1), (k, v2) onto a slice. Duplicate keys
    will lead to duplicate entries: [(k, v1) (k, v2)].
  • SortableAppendBuffer -- on duplicate keys: merge. (k, v1), (k, v2)
    will lead to k: [v1 v2]
  • SortableOldestAppearedBuffer -- on duplicate keys: keep the oldest. (k,
    v1), (k v2) will lead to k: v1

Loading Into Database

We load data from the temp files into a database in batches, limited by IdealBatchSize() of an ethdb.Mutation.

Saving & Restoring State

Interrupting in the middle of loading can lead to inconsistent state in the database.

To avoid that, the ETL framework allows storing progress by setting OnLoadCommit in etl.TransformArgs.

Then we can use this data to know the progress the ETL transformation made.

You can also specify ExtractStartKey and ExtractEndKey to limit the number of items transformed.

etl.Transform function

The vast majority of use-cases is when we extract data from one bucket and in the end, load it into another bucket. That is the use-case for etl.Transform function.

etl.Collector struct

If you want a more modular behaviour instead of just reading from the DB (like generating intermediate hashes in, you can use etl.Collector struct directly.

It has a .Collect() method that you can provide your data to.


  • if all data fits into a single file, we don't write anything to disk and just
    use in-memory storage.