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171 lines (133 loc) · 6.27 KB

File metadata and controls

171 lines (133 loc) · 6.27 KB

Overall To-do List

  • Learn Aesprite
  • Have camera movement similar to Hollow Knight
  • Add jump delay
  • Add health bar (or hearts) system
  • Add Minecraft text in-game
  • Interactions with NPCs and a shop system
  • abilities include dash, sword throw, and double jump
  • edit ball chain death sprite to include no sparks



  • Learned how to create character animations using sprites from
  • Used Blueprint to code basic movement controls for the warrior
  • Added a jump, forward, and backward
  • Added a dash that increases runPlayRate and movement speed
  • Inputted default control settings and Pawn Control


  • Added a custom created basic map using imported sprites and tilesets
  • Utilized 3D functions to create a parallax effect in the background of the game
  • Added an attack animation override so the warrior has an attack animation
  • Researched camera movement from Hollow Knight and reset default inputs to match Hollow Knight


  • Added SFX to attack and jump animations
  • Set all sprite masking to DefaultUnlit to create lighting
  • Added lighting throughout the map using point and directional lighting
  • Learned git and github basics and pushed this project into the cloud
  • So far, the game has a twilight feel, so I named the game Twilight (tentative)


  • Added attack animation delay
  • Added hitbox for attack animation


  • Added hiting registration for attack animation
  • Added get hit registration for attack animation with a stunned state
  • Made the map more expansive (always improving)
  • Fixed collision box for platforms
  • Created idle animation for the first enemy, BallChain
  • Improved README to be more organized and include devlog


  • Cloned repository to work remotely


  • Added stun animation for the ball chain mob
  • Added SFX for the BC_stun
  • Added sequence to warrior blueprint to enable multiple hit regis
  • Cleaned up some lighting for BC


  • Added death animation for the warrior
  • Set health and damage system to the warrior
  • Removed collision when dead animation finishes
  • Fixed bug where hits would be detected if warrior turned around mid-sequence


  • Added more death charge attack run and charge transition custom animations for ball-chain sprite


  • Fixed bug where enemy bodies would move parallax with the ground
  • Programmed enemy AI to follow player at a set speed and acceptable radius
  • New bug: navmesh won't work in a 2D space


  • Fixed navmesh
  • Fixed bug where navmesh would not register under tiles
  • New bug: ball chain enemy walks through the ground


  • Broke navmesh again...
  • Fixed bug where ball chain enemy would walk through the ground


  • Fixed navmesh by lowering agent height in RecastNavMesh-Default item


  • Implemented knockback
  • New bug: knockback only works in one direction


  • Knockback works appropriately for any direction using forward vectors


  • Fixed bug where ball chain enemy would still follow player direction when in dead state
  • Improved AI targeting fluidity
  • Constrained actors to y axis


  • Added attack to the AI
  • Multiple bugs with attacking and stun states
  • Attempted to implement charge state


  • Holding off project for now, need to focus on studying for finals


  • AI for enemies is very buggy - attempting to fix it
  • Will work on dash function soon


  • Fixed some lighting issues
  • Failed to implement working dash


  • Implemented dash and added lateral friction
  • Dash goes through other entities


  • Fixed issue where maps would go missing upon UE5 launch; just had to update plugins
  • Fixed bug where player could still attack, dash, and jump while defeated
  • Fixed bug where player would fall off map if died mid-air
  • Used event tick to make enemies despawn after being dead for five seconds
  • Added animation for dash
  • Charge for ball chain enemy bugged


  • Added sound for dash
  • Optimized dash; goes through pawns cleaner and works even when vector velocity is zero
  • Fixed bug where ball chain enemy would only hit whenever player went into hitbox; set active hitbox collision was not linked to branch
  • Ball chain enemy now has a double hit attack pattern


  • Added snow particles
  • Ball chain enemy transitions to charge if stunned while charging
  • Fixed bug where dash would be short if player x-velocity was too low
  • Fixed bug where attack would carry over if player turned directions quickly
  • Adjusted hitboxes and capsule settings


  • Hitting ball chain enemy resets charge timer
  • Hits register stuns even during enemy attack animation
  • Death animation plays even during enemy attack animation
  • Ball chain enemy can not longer turn directions while charging or attacking
  • Player can only jump when on ground
  • Fixed tile set artifact glitches
  • Set aggro range for enemy
  • Fixed navmesh needs to be rebuilt by setting navigation mesh setting runtime to dynamic


  • Worked on level design and tilesets


  • Nerfed player walking speed
  • Added non-collidable tiles


  • Disabled lumen and changed shadow tiles to improve fps
  • Adjusted unit capsule component height and translated player spawn point up the y axis so the lights would not interfere with the model


  • Paused log to work on another project


  • Fixed issue where ground would shake when character moved (moved character y axis to 1.0)
  • Moved sprite down so character wouldn't appear floating
  • Changed camera from perspective to orthographic
  • Fixed minor screen tears between tiles
  • Fixed tiles glitching and changing while character moves
  • Fix light shining through sprite
  • Fix weird wave tile movement whenever character jumps (probably orthographic camera issue)