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Custom fresnel based back light function.

half3 FresnelLighting(half3 Normal, half3 viewDir, half fresnelScale, half3 fresnelStrength, half3 fresnelColor, half uvY, int lowerVectorMask)
    half3 result = ((pow(1.0 - dot(Normal, viewDir), fresnelScale)) * fresnelStrength) * fresnelColor * (pow(uvY, lowerVectorMask));
    return max(result, 0);

Fresnel based back light Shader node

Custom Normal Scale with Height data

inline half3 UnpackNormalX2M(half2 packednormal)
            #if _GLOBALSCALNORAL
                return normalize(half3(packednormal.xy * 2 - 1, clamp(1 - _BumpScale, 0.2, 0.8)));
                return normalize(half3(packednormal.xy * 2 - 1, 0.7));

Custom Common Structure.

struct v2f_pangu {
    float2 uv    : TEXCOORD0;

Stable code of fresnel func.

        half rimFactor = 1.0 - max(min(dot(normalize(IN.viewDir), o.Normal), 1), 0); //This code type is more benefit to use PowerVR chipset as iPhone devices.
        half4 r_c = ((rimFactor * rimFactor) + (rimFactor * (rimFactor * 0.425))) * _RimPower; //Pow function optimize simplified math 
        o.Albedo += r_c;

Gamma to Linear approximation func.

inline half3 GammaToLinearSimple(half3 sRGB)
    return sRGB * 0.19875h + (sRGB * sRGB ); //pow(sRGB , 2.2);

GammaToLinear Unity approximation

inline half3 GammaToLinear(half3 sRGB)
    return sRGB * (sRGB * (sRGB * 0.305306011h + 0.682171111h) + 0.012522878h);

Fast Lerp

//fast lerp simple function
inline fixed flerp(fixed a, fixed b, fixed t)
    return a * (1 - t) + b * t;

inline fixed3 flerp(fixed3 a, fixed3 b, fixed t)
    return a * (1 - t) + b * t;

inline fixed4 flerp(fixed4 a, fixed4 b, fixed t)
    return a * (1 - t) + b * t;

NormalBlenderWithMask function.

//Normal blender common function by jp shader function library 
inline fixed3 fNormalBlender( fixed4 normalA , fixed4 normalB , fixed4 color , fixed blendScale)
    fixed4 nrm = normalA * (color.r + (1 - blendScale))  +  normalB * (color.g) ;
    return UnpackNormal(normalize(nrm));

Fresnel limited approximation function

//mobile friendly and stable code
fixed jpFresnel = 1- max(min(dot(normalize(ViewDir), Normal), 1), 0);
fixed rc = 5 * FresnelScale * (jpFresnel * jpFresnel * 0.05);
return rc + rc;


related blog :

Edge Softness modulate blending.

factorRed = 1.0 - factorBlue - factorGreen;

sRGB Splat Edge Correct.

fixed correctionFactor = 1 / (factorRed + factorGreen + factorBlue);

Why those it need for...

Reproduce of basic problem.

Below case is sGRB flag mode on the LinearSpace rendering.#Blending area some darker.

ShaderForge using node.This case that just for state of the sRGB splat map mode as not linear space.

Using custom code in ShaderForge.

Also... If you already to used to linear space based splat map those it exactly useless but When you developed to low-end devices as for the mobile project it seems like I guess useful.o Int optimal basic for the correction code at above.