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Spike project to test out frameworks/libraries and proof of concept.

Currently using Typescript for the project.


  1. Clone the project, and run npm install
  2. Head to the firebase console, go to Project Overview -> Project Settings
  3. Download google-services.json and GoogleService-Info.plist
    • For android builds, copy the google-services.json to /popin-spike/android/app
    • For ios builds, Using Xcode, open the projects /ios/{projectName}.xcodeproj file (or /ios/{projectName}.xcworkspace if using Pods).
      1. Right click on the project name and Add files to the project
      2. Select the downloaded GoogleService-Info.plist file from your computer, and ensure theCopy items if needed checkbox is enabled.
      3. run cd ios && pod install --repo-update
  4. Create a copy of .env.example and name it .env
    • Get the API key from Popin's Cloud Console
    • GOOGLE_WEB_CLIENT_ID is only for android builds, to setup for ios do as follows:
      • open GoogleService-Info.plist, copy the contents of REVERSED_CLIENT_ID
      • in Xcode, open the project, go Info->Target->URL Types and click +, paste the content into URL schemes
  5. After finishing, run npm start
  6. On another terminal, run npm run android or npm run ios

Note: On a mac, you might encounter permission denied error, give access your user full access to your folder with

sudo chown -R [username] /Users/[username]/popin-spike

Android Installation

  1. Go to android/build.gradle and change enableHermes: false for first build
  2. Change it back to true after

IOS Installation

  1. Install cocoapods with sudo gem install cocoapods

  2. cd ios && pod install && cd ../ && react-native run-ios

  3. If you get errors, run the below steps : xcrun -k --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path

  4. If the answer is xcrun: error: SDK "iphoneos" cannot be located xcrun: error: SDK "iphoneos" cannot be located xcrun: error: unable to lookup item 'Path' in SDK 'iphoneos'

  5. Then put sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/

CSS Framework:

  1. Native Base: Also a utility framework, but it's built for react native and web.

    • [2021/08/14] npm 7 doesn't work when installing the 3.0.7 version of native base, npm 6 does.
    • Upon further use, this library isn't as useful as I thought, even though it's convenient sometimes. The docs are not well made with missing information, and some props are inconsistent.
  2. Tailwind CSS (using tailwind-react-native-classnames): Tailwind CSS is a utility based css framework.

    • to generate custom styles based on tailwind.config.js, run npm run style

Other libraries:

  1. React Navigation: for navigating between tabs

  2. React Vector Icons Vector Icons : free and nice icons

  3. React-Native-Reanimated: The current animation API locks up the JS thread and might cause a lot of lag in the future, this should be use to future proof

    • Same with PanResponder, use react-native-gesture-handler instead
  4. React-Native-Redash: Helper library for Reanimated to reduce boilerplate code

  5. React-Native-Gesture-Handler: Gesture handler that works tightly with reanimated

  6. React Native Firebase : NoSQL database solution. Uses Google's firestore

  7. React Native Geolocation Service : Library for using google's geolocation api

  8. Responsive screen : Library with tools to help with creating responsive layout

  9. Image Viewer: Library to pan and scroll through images

  10. DateTime Picker : Library for showing a modal for selecting date and time

  11. Material Ripple: For ripple effect when clicking buttons

  12. Image Carousel : for swiping through images

  13. Google Address Autocomplete : Search bar for google places

  14. React Native Settings: Not used.

  15. React Native Geocoding : allow access to Google's Geocoding feature

  16. React Native Image Picker : allow for uploading of images from gallery or camera.

  17. React Native Maps : For everything map related

  18. React Native Permissions : For requesting permission etc

  19. React Native Config : Allow access to .env variables

  20. React Native Open Maps: Open native maps for different platform.

Useful Snippets

/// Go File -> Preferences -> User Snippets -> typescriptreact.json -> paste this in
"Typescript React Function Component": {
"prefix": "rh",
"body": [
"import React from 'react'",
"interface ${TM_FILENAME_BASE}Props {",
"export const $TM_FILENAME_BASE: React.FC<${TM_FILENAME_BASE}Props> = ({$2}) => {",
"\t\treturn ($3);",
"description": "Typescript React Function Component"
"React Native StyleSheet": {
"prefix": "rnss",
"body": [
"import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'",
"const styles = StyleSheet.create({",
"description": "React Native StyleSheet"