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Create an account from seed

    String seed = "fragile because fox snap picnic mean art observe vicious program chicken purse text hidden chest";

    AccountFactory af = new AccountFactory(AccountFactory.testnetByte());
    Account acc = af.createFromSeed(seed);

Create an account from sign public key

    import com.ltonetwork.client.types.PublicKey;
    import com.ltonetwork.client.core.AccountFactory;

    PublicKey signPublicKey = new PublicKey("wJ4WH8dD88fSkNdFQRjaAhjFUZzZhV5yiDLDwNUnp6bYwRXrvWV8MJhQ9HL9uqMDG1n7XpTGZx7PafqaayQV8Rp", Encoding.BASE58);

    AccountFactory af = new AccountFactory(AccountFactory.testnetByte());
    Account acc = af.createPublic(signPublicKey);

Create an account from full info

    import com.ltonetwork.client.types.Key;
    import com.ltonetwork.client.types.KeyPair;
    import com.ltonetwork.client.core.AccountFactory;

    KeyPair signKeyPair = new KeyPair (
        new PublicKey("wJ4WH8dD88fSkNdFQRjaAhjFUZzZhV5yiDLDwNUnp6bYwRXrvWV8MJhQ9HL9uqMDG1n7XpTGZx7PafqaayQV8Rp", Encoding.BASE58),
        new PrivateKey("FkU1XyfrCftc4pQKXCrrDyRLSnifX1SMvmx1CYiiyB3Y", Encoding.BASE58)

    KeyPair encryptKeyPair = new KeyPair (
        new PublicKey("BVv1ZuE3gKFa6krwWJQwEmrLYUESuUabNCXgYTmCoBt6", Encoding.BASE58),
        new PrivateKey("BnjFJJarge15FiqcxrB7Mzt68nseBXXR4LQ54qFBsWJN", Encoding.BASE58)

    Address address = new Address("3JmCa4jLVv7Yn2XkCnBUGsa7WNFVEMxAfWe");

    AccountFactory af = new AccountFactory(AccountFactory.testnetByte());
    Account acc = af.create(

Properties that are specified will be verified. Properties that are omitted will be generated where possible.

Signing (ED25519)

Sign a message

    import com.ltonetwork.seasalt.sign.Signature;
    Signature sig = account.sign("my message");

Verify a signature

    import com.ltonetwork.seasalt.sign.Signature;

    String message = "my message";
    Signature sig = account.sign(message);
    boolean isValid = account.verify(sig, message); // True

Encryption (X25519)

Encrypt a message for another account

    String message = "my message";

    byte[] encrypted = senderAccount.encrypt(recipientAccount, message);

You can use senderAccount.encrypt(senderAccount, message); to encrypt a message for yourself.

Decrypt a message received from another account

    String message = "my message";

    byte[] decrypted = recipientAccount.decrypt(senderAccount, message);

You can use senderAccount.encrypt(senderAccount, message); to decrypt a message from yourself.

Public layer

    PublicNode publicNode = new PublicNode(new URI(""), "myApiKey");

    int amount = 1000; // Amount of LTO to transfer
    Address recipient = new Address("3JmCa4jLVv7Yn2XkCnBUGsa7WNFVEMxAfWe");

    Transfer tx = new Transfer(amount, recipient);