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Redux & react-router
Redux is a library for managing application state, react-router is a library for building single-page applications in React.js when you try to combine these you may run into problems. I've outlined what those are and how I've chosen to deal with them here.

To my knowledge there are two packages that we could go for.

I've opted to use only the history API from react-router-redux and here's why.

const routes = {
  path: '/',
  component: App,
  indexRoute: { component: Dashboard },
  childRoutes: [
    { path: 'about', component: About },
      path: 'inbox',
      component: Inbox,
      childRoutes: [
          path: 'messages/:id', // <-- note the abscence of a component definition here!
          onEnter: ({ params }, replace) => replace(`/messages/${}`) // rewrite/redirect...
      // <-- note the abscence of a path definition here!
      component: Inbox,
      childRoutes: [
        { path: 'messages/:id', component: Message }

If you are wondering the way react-router builds the component tree is from inside and out using the reduceRight function.

If you take a close look at the above configuration you'll notice that either the component or path was omitted in one place or another. This allows for any number of components to be created as we decend a particular route. Some of the components that we create may serve as only handlers for location information and navigation events.

It would be a mistake to miss out on this feature and only mount components that render something at each route.

Redux URL actions

To navigate in a single-page application we need access to the browser history API. We don't want to pass around that object and instead use the history API Redux middleware from the react-router-redux package for this. This way we can dispatch actions that change the URL state and in turn trigger react-router to update our application.

To be able to do this we require the excellent redux-thunk package.

import { push } from 'react-router-redux'

export function myUrlActionCreator({params}) {
  return (dispatch, getState) => {
   // immediately sync with store
    dispatch(setParams({ params }))
    // changes of above action now visible in store
    const { state } = getState() 
    // reflect the URL of the action/intent
    const url = getActionUrl(state)
    // we pass along a bit of state to simplify componentWillReceiveProps logic
    const state = { ...params } 
    // navigate!
    dispatch(push({ pathname: url.pathname, query: url.query, state }))

The two scenarios that we need to cover are.

componentWillMount for when we navigate to the application from an external application (or page reload):

componentWillMount() {
  const { query } = this.props.location
  // parse query, and dispatch actions to setup app

componentWillReceiveProps for when navigation happen within the application.

componentWillMount() {
  const { state } = this.props.location
  // No need to parse query. The information we need 
  // was passed in state (intent SHOULD be clear).
  // There's also no need to sync state because we 
  // already did that in the URL action creators.
  // The only thing that needs to happen here is possibly 
  // a dispatch of some action based on the intent
  // of the route, you SHOULD be able to parse this from 
  // the state that you passed with your navigation event.

Additionally there is one thing we could do in the spirit of higher-order components and testability and that's to decouple the react-router property injection from our components.

function routeParamsHandler(routePropsChanged) {
  var RouteParamsHandler = class extends Component {
    static propTypes() {
      return {
        children: React.PropTypes.element.isRequired
    componentWillMount() {
      routePropsChanged && routePropsChanged(this.props.dispatch, this.props)
    componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
      routePropsChanged && routePropsChanged(nextProps.dispatch, nextProps)
    render() {
      return React.Children.only(this.props.children)
  return connect()(RouteParamsHandler)

This we get to define both how to match and map route properties into the store in one go.

const routes = [
    path: 'url/:paramVal',
    component: routeParamsHandler((dispatch, props) => {
      dispatch(doSomething({ val: props.routeParams.paramVal }))
    indexRoute: { component: SomeOtherComponent }

All we really need to do here is to either parse URL information or dispatch an action based on route state information. We can create a decorator function to provide this logic and configure this our routes.js file (or whereever you store your routes). I think it makes sense to keep the things that depend on each other as close together as possible.