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This is the central repository for the @lenml/tokenizers project, which provides tokenization libraries for various machine learning models.

Tokenizer Arena / Playground

Explore our Tokenizer Arena / Playground! This interactive platform allows you to utilize various tokenizers from our @lenml/tokenizers library. Easily load and compare different tokenizers, seeing how they perform with diverse text inputs. Whether you're a professional developer or a machine learning enthusiast, this playground is perfect for gaining insights into the tokenization process of different models and experimenting with their functionalities.


When should I use this instead of transformers.js?

Firstly, the interface and the actual code of the Tokenizer object are completely identical to those in transformers.js. However, when loading a tokenizer with this library, you're allowed to create your model directly from a JSON object without the need for internet access, and without relying on Hugging Face (hf) servers, or local files.

Therefore, this library becomes more convenient when you need to operate offline and only require the use of a tokenizer without the need for ONNX models.


Below is a table showcasing all available packages, the models they support, and their respective locations within the repository:

Package Name Supported Model(s) Repository Link
tokenizers (core) N/A (Core Tokenization Library) @lenml/tokenizers
llama2 Llama 2 (mistral, zephyr, vicuna) @lenml/tokenizer-llama2
llama3 Llama 3 @lenml/tokenizer-llama3
gpt4o GPT-4o @lenml/tokenizer-gpt4o
gpt4 GPT-4 @lenml/tokenizer-gpt4
gpt35turbo GPT-3.5 Turbo @lenml/tokenizer-gpt35turbo
gpt35turbo16k GPT-3.5 Turbo 16k @lenml/tokenizer-gpt35turbo16k
gpt3 GPT-3 @lenml/tokenizer-gpt3
gemma Gemma @lenml/tokenizer-gemma
claude Claude 2/3 @lenml/tokenizer-claude
claude1 Claude 1 @lenml/tokenizer-claude1
gpt2 GPT-2 @lenml/tokenizer-gpt2
baichuan2 Baichuan 2 @lenml/tokenizer-baichuan2
chatglm3 ChatGLM 3 @lenml/tokenizer-chatglm3
command_r_plus Command-R-Plus @lenml/tokenizer-command_r_plus
internlm2 InternLM 2 @lenml/tokenizer-internlm2
qwen1_5 Qwen 1.5 @lenml/tokenizer-qwen1_5
yi Yi @lenml/tokenizer-yi
text_davinci002 Text-Davinci-002 @lenml/tokenizer-text_davinci002
text_davinci003 Text-Davinci-003 @lenml/tokenizer-text_davinci003
text_embedding_ada002 Text-Embedding-Ada-002 @lenml/tokenizer-text_embedding_ada002

In addition to the pre-packaged models listed above, you can also utilize the interfaces in @lenml/tokenizers to load models independently.




npm install @lenml/tokenizers


<script type="importmap">
    "imports": {
      "@lenml/tokenizers": ""
<script type="module">
  import { TokenizerLoader, tokenizers } from "@lenml/tokenizers";
  console.log('@lenml/tokenizers: ',tokenizers);

load tokenizer

from json

import { TokenizerLoader } from "@lenml/tokenizers";
const tokenizer = TokenizerLoader.fromPreTrained({
    tokenizerJSON: { /* ... */ },
    tokenizerConfig: { /* ... */ }

from urls

import { TokenizerLoader } from "@lenml/tokenizers";
const tokenizer = await TokenizerLoader.fromPreTrainedUrls({
    tokenizerJSON: "",
    tokenizerConfig: ""

from pre-packaged tokenizer

import { fromPreTrained } from "@lenml/tokenizer-llama3";
const tokenizer = fromPreTrained();

chat template

const tokens = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(
      role: "system",
      content: "You are helpful assistant.",
      role: "user",
      content: "Hello, how are you?",
) as number[];

const chat_content = tokenizer.decode(tokens);




You are helpful assistant.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>

Hello, how are you?<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>

tokenizer api

    "encode() => ",
    tokenizer.encode("Hello, my dog is cute", null, {
        add_special_tokens: true,
    "_encode_text() => ",
    tokenizer._encode_text("Hello, my dog is cute")

fully tokenizer api: transformer.js tokenizers document

get lightweight transformers.tokenizers

In the @lenml/tokenizers package, you can get a lightweight no-dependency implementation of tokenizers:

Since all dependencies related to huggingface have been removed in this library, although the implementation is the same, it is not possible to load models using the form hf_user/repo.

import { tokenizers } from "@lenml/tokenizers";

const {
    // ...
} = tokenizers;

