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Pytorch Distributed Elastic Training Script

In this Lab we are working with Pytorch Imagenet Training example adopted from

The current PyTorch Distributed Data Parallel (DDP) module enables data parallel training where each process trains the same model but on different shards of data.

The focus of PyTorch Elastic, which uses Elastic Distributed Data Parallelism, is to address issues eccountered in DDP module (such as cannot continue after a node fails due to an error or transient issue; jobs cannot incorporate a node that joined later; etc) and to enable reliable and elastic execution of these data parallel training workloads.

Script Changes

Following typical changes are needed in the training script to make it run with Elastic training. Example is in examples/imagenet/

DistributedDataModel module

Model is wrapped in DistributedDataParallel contructor to enable distributed training, as shown at: /examples/imagenet/

  model = DistributedDataParallel(model, device_ids=[device_id])


DataLoader uses ElasticDistributedSampler instead of RandomSampler or DistributedSampler. Elastic Distributed Sampler is derived from Distributed Sampler and guarantess each worker will load Dataset that is exclusive to that worker. sample code is in examples/imagenet/

    train_sampler = ElasticDistributedSampler(train_dataset)
    train_loader = DataLoader(

see more details about ElasticDistributedSampler


Training script should implement load_checkpoint and save_checkpoint routines. When a worker fails, it is restarted from a checkpoint using load_checkpoint routine. Checkpoints can be stored either locally or to a NFS mounted in the worker. It is preferrable to save the checkpoint in NFS storage such as Azure Blob, as the most recent checkpoint will be visible to all the workers. When saving checkpoint locally on a VM additional logic is needed to broadcast the checkpoint to all the workers joining the rendezvous from the existing worker. See example functions in examples/imagenet/

def load_checkpoint()
def save_checkpoint()

Launch Module

Elastic training is launched using See examples/Dockerfile Entrypoint that is specifiying the launch command. This module requires three additional arguments as descibed in elastic docs:

  • rdzv_id: a unique job id that is shared by all the workers,
  • rdzv_backend: backend such as etcd to synchronize the workers,
  • rdzv_endpoint: port where backend is running.

When running using Kubernetes Torch Elastic Operator, as we demonstrate in next step rdzv_backend and rdzv_id are set by operator scheduling the worker instances and rdzv_endpoint is specified in ElasticJob K8S manifest ans is pointing to deployed ETCD server.


Proceed to Step 3 Running Distributed Training Job