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Enhanced prompting within Pydantics

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Enhanced prompting within Pydantic's BaseModel

The reason why I have chosen Pydantic for ollama-instructor are the following:

  • Pydantics BaseModel not only let's you create a class to create a JSON schema for your data, but also lets you validate the data by this given schema. So, any response from the LLM can be validated to meet the schemas definitions. This validation is a built-in method of BaseModel.
  • With a specified JSON schema you can pass the schema as text to the LLM to instruct it on how to generate a response. This method is used within ollama-instructor.
  • If validation fails you can get a proper and clear error message on the ValidationError with all the details of the error. With this error message you can easily ask the LLM to fix the error and create a new response. If you set retries in chat_completion or chat_completion_with_stream to >1 this feature will be used after a malformed response created a ValidationError.

Note: I highly recommend to read the Pydantic documentation to understand how the BaseModel class (and Pydantic) works. As ollama-instructor lets you use your own system prompts without overwriting it, you can benefit from creating customs instructions for you specific use case to gain the best results. With a little bit of practice you will get a feeling for that ;-)

Nevertheless, as ollama-instructor will instruct the LLM with the JSON schema you can pass additional information within this schema by using several features of Pydantic. This can enrich the LLMs instructions and response by...

  • adding addtional information about the specified schema, the fields and data types.
  • by setting (advanced) defaults if the LLM does not provide a (correct) value for a field.
  • adding docs to the class to explain the purpose of the schema and enriching the context for the LLM.

But be careful with giving to much information and context to the LLM. Sometimes less is better while it is always important to be clear and concise. Sometimes a customized system prompt enhances the performance of the LLM better than a complex enriched BaseModel.

Tip: Just like us humans LLMs tend to perform better when they first "think" about the task/context/response before they start to generate the final response. So, I figured out to enhance the LLM response it can be helpful to specify an addtional field within the schema where the LLM can reason about or summarize the context. But that's only beneficial if this field is the first specified field in the schema. See the example below to get an idea of how to use this approach.


This is a step by step example with addtional explanation. If you want to get the final script you can skip it by scrolling down to the bottom of this page.

Let's say we want to extract data from a text. For instance we want the LLM to extract several persons from a given text. That means in the end we would expect a list of persons with their name, age, gender and maybe role. To make the code easily readable we can create a Person class and some Enums but firstly import the necessary libraries:

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ConfigDict
from typing import List
from enum import Enum

Let's start with the Enums.

One for the gender:

class Gender(Enum):
    MALE = "male"
    FEMALE = "female"
    OTHER = "other"

And a second one for the role of the person within the context. Here the context will be text about a family. Therefore, we create a specific enum for that

Note: this is using the capability of LLMs to reason about the context and make a decision on probabilities.

class Role(Enum):
   WIFE = "wife" 
   HUSBAND = "husband"
   CHILD = "child"

With that set we can create the Person class with Pydantics BaseModel class. And to enrich the prompting for better results we make use of Field and ConfigDict. For more information about the Field and the ConfigDict see the Pydantic documentation on Field and ConfigDict.

class Person(BaseModel):
    name: str = Field(..., description="The name of the person")
    age: int = Field(..., description="The age of the person")
    gender: Gender = Field(default='other', description="The gender of the person")
    role: Optional[Role] = Field(default=None, description="The role of the person within the context")

    model_config = ConfigDict(
            'examples': [
                    'name':'John Doe',
                    'age': 55,
                    'gender': 'male',
                    'role': 'husband'

As you can see we use the ConfigDict class to provide an example of a person.

The last class we need is the Family class. This class will be used to structure the information about the family (from given text). We make use of a list of Person objects. And as I mentioned above we can help the LLM by letting it enrich the context and task by itself. Therefore, I will add a field called taskDescription to the Family class.

class ListOfPerson(BaseModel):
    taskDescription: str = Field(..., description='A brief description about the context and necessary data to extract.')
    persons: List[Person]

Now let's make use of ollama-instructor to extract the data from the following text:

'Marion is a 42 years old woman. She lives with her husband Mario (45 years) and her son Daniel (15) in a small house.'

Final script

The final script

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ConfigDict
from enum import Enum

from typing import List, Optional

from ollama_instructor.ollama_instructor_client import OllamaInstructorClient

class Role(Enum):
    WIFE = 'wife'
    HUSBAND = 'husband'
    CHILD = 'child'

class Gender(Enum):
    MALE = 'male'
    FEMALE = 'female'
    OTHER = 'other'

class Person(BaseModel):
    name: str = Field(..., description="The name of the person")
    age: int = Field(..., description="The age of the person")
    gender: Gender = Field(default='other', description="The gender of the person")
    role: Optional[Role] = Field(default=None, description="The role of the person within the context")

    model_config = ConfigDict(
            'examples': [
                    'name':'John Doe',
                    'age': 55,
                    'gender': 'male',
                    'role': 'husband'

class ListOfPerson(BaseModel):
    taskDescription: str = Field(..., description='A brief description about the context and necessary data to extract.')
    persons: List[Person]

client = OllamaInstructorClient(

response = client.chat_completion(
            'role': 'user',
            'content': 'Marion is a 42 years old woman. She lives with her husband Mario (45 years) and her son Daniel (15) in a small house.'



    'taskDescription': 'Marion, her husband Mario, and their son Daniel live together.',
    'persons': [
        {'name': 'Marion', 'age': 42, 'gender': 'female', 'role': 'wife'},
        {'name': 'Mario', 'age': 45, 'gender': 'male', 'role': 'husband'},
        {'name': 'Daniel', 'age': 15, 'gender': 'other', 'role': 'child'}